Tricky Fox
This will all be part of my 24 hour stream. Yes that is right I will be streaming before this event for 24 hours in advance. I have not hosted or streamed anything for a while now but that is all about to change. After this event I will be on a schedule. Anyway rules are below and if you want to watch the stream at any point before hand my twitch handle is in here as well:
sign up:
Universal Rules:
RULES Smash For Wii U
Settings: 2 Stock, 6 Minute Time Limit, Items Off, Best 2 of 3
Semi-Final match(Subject to change to 2 of 3 depending on turn out) - Grand Finals will be Best 3 of 5
Miis/Customs: NO (No debates)
Please record all of your matches. Not only will I record your matches and post them on my YouTube channel but they could also come in handy if any issues were to come up.
Stage selection is as followed:
Final Destination
Town & City
Dreamland 64
Umbra Clock
Lylat Cruise
Duck Hunt
Banning and Counter Picks: There are 8 available stages during this tournament. As such banning and counter picks will take place as such.
Starter Pick: Higher seed will ban 1 stage, lower seed will ban 2 stages and finally higher seed will pick from the remaining stages.
Counter Pick: Winner will ban 2 stages and the loser will pick from remaining stages.
Gentleman's rule is in effect.
Dave's Stupid Rule is in effect (You can not pick a stage you already won on)
Streaming and Chat
All chat will take place in my twitch channel:
This will be streamed live. I will begin the stream a 24 hours before the tournament takes place. If you would like to be streamed please check into the tournament either in twitch or on challonge and hit me up(contact me). I will select the tournament matches that will be streamed throughout the tournament and if you will be streamed I will make it known in open chat and contact you though whisper.
The title will tell you if there is a prize or not. If there is no [Prize] in the title then there is no prize.
sign up:
Universal Rules:
RULES Smash For Wii U
Settings: 2 Stock, 6 Minute Time Limit, Items Off, Best 2 of 3
Semi-Final match(Subject to change to 2 of 3 depending on turn out) - Grand Finals will be Best 3 of 5
Miis/Customs: NO (No debates)
Please record all of your matches. Not only will I record your matches and post them on my YouTube channel but they could also come in handy if any issues were to come up.
Stage selection is as followed:
Final Destination
Town & City
Dreamland 64
Umbra Clock
Lylat Cruise
Duck Hunt
Banning and Counter Picks: There are 8 available stages during this tournament. As such banning and counter picks will take place as such.
Starter Pick: Higher seed will ban 1 stage, lower seed will ban 2 stages and finally higher seed will pick from the remaining stages.
Counter Pick: Winner will ban 2 stages and the loser will pick from remaining stages.
Gentleman's rule is in effect.
Dave's Stupid Rule is in effect (You can not pick a stage you already won on)
Streaming and Chat
All chat will take place in my twitch channel:
This will be streamed live. I will begin the stream a 24 hours before the tournament takes place. If you would like to be streamed please check into the tournament either in twitch or on challonge and hit me up(contact me). I will select the tournament matches that will be streamed throughout the tournament and if you will be streamed I will make it known in open chat and contact you though whisper.
The title will tell you if there is a prize or not. If there is no [Prize] in the title then there is no prize.