Smash Journeyman
Hello and welcome to Maniac Bridge Themed weeklies! This is a Sm4sh weekly online on Sundays, and every week the characters/stages/rules will be changed to match that weeks theme! Although these first few weeks have predetermined themes, we hope you post theme suggestions for future use!
This is the UNIVERSAL ruleset for all of the weeklies, and no theme may break this ruleset
We hope you join!
Edit: Almost forgot, 3 stock 7 minutes! Also, next weeks theme has to do with the most overused meme in melee...
This is the UNIVERSAL ruleset for all of the weeklies, and no theme may break this ruleset
- Set to stock mode
- Stock time limits are on
- No items
- While all stages are open to suggestion, we will usually use tournament legal stages
- Best 2 out of 3 in each match
- Finals best 3 out of 5
- Brackets will be hosted on Challonge, I will post a link on each thread
- Brackets are open for the hour before the tournament starts
- All weeklies start at 3 Central Time
- We wont do this EVERY sunday but we will try
- Sorry 3ds guys, but maybe we will create a seperate version for you guys
We hope you join!
Edit: Almost forgot, 3 stock 7 minutes! Also, next weeks theme has to do with the most overused meme in melee...
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