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Smash Wii U Main character switching


Smash Rookie
Jun 26, 2017
Hello everyone!

I've been an unregistered reader for quite some time now and now have an account.

So, my main question are character suggestions. I main Jiggs since SSBB due to a joke of a friend never being able to defeat him as her.

Now, in SSB4 I feel like I need some change. I >can< play every character, but none of them quite good except Jiggs.

I've already been training with high-tier characters. Long story short, I suck with every S and A tier.

Don't get me wrong - I enjoy playing with them, I just suck. And after getting enough damage can't get a finishing move done.

Do you have any suggestion of a character I could main as a second one? Or am I doomed to Rest?


Smash Ace
Jul 2, 2015
East Texas
I think it's mainly due to the fact you're so used to Jigglypuff that you feel that way.

You need to keep in mind every single character has their own quirks and must be played differently. What you can get away with as Jigglypuff might not be as easy with another character, and even Jigglypuff has her own distinct playstyle to consider too.

In order to get better with another character you have to put in just as much time with them as you did with the puff.

You also need knowledge on the character too. Their matchups, combos, kill confirms, what their neutral game is like, and the list goes on. It's not going to happen instantly. Pick a character you really think is fun aside from Jigglypuff and work on them.

If it doesn't work out you'll still have her to fall back on at the very least.

Lola Luftnagle

Banned via Warnings
Nov 16, 2016
I hear that :4cloud: is a pretty common secondary/pocket due his perceived learning curve, so y'all could consider that an option, if you want.

But if y'all don't want to get on that bandwagon, just ask yourself: which play style do y'all prefer? That can narrow down your choices. I prefer zoning and defense, for example.


Smash Journeyman
May 17, 2017
learning the nuances, gimmicks, and playstyle a new character offers takes time. just pick one, and study + play it for a while.


Smash Ace
May 27, 2015
Buena Park, CA
High/top tiers are very rewarding for players who have developed good fundamentals before using them and their mostly specialized options/'broken' mechanics (ie Bayo's Witch Twist, ZSS' Flip Kick, etc). I don't know how your fundamentals are; regardless, if you're searching for a new main, I highly recommend starting from the basics of Smash 4, especially since you've specialized in Puff since Brawl. Characters who are great for this are Ike, Pit and Mario/Dr. Mario (yes I know Mario is top but he's a good place to start with too). After spending time with these chars, you can branch out to chars with specialized tools with a new perspective of what they can/can't do. Anyways, good luck with your search!
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Smash Rookie
Jun 26, 2017
Okay so Mario turned out to be pretty solid to play with, same as Ness and Villager due to their quick and somewhat strong air attacks, combos and killpower.
I liked the spacing with Duck Hunt, wrecked a smash bud with that.

Bayonetta sadly dropped out. I just can't pull off a smash attack.
I had fun with ZS Samus. Nice aerials, speed and combos. But committing suicide at not even 30% turned out to be... inefficient.
(I know, jumping after an enemy off stage is a pretty bad habit)

I'll keep you up to date


Smash Ace
Jul 2, 2015
East Texas
Bayonetta sadly dropped out. I just can't pull off a smash attack.
To be honest, you only really want to use her Smash Attack when you are 100% sure it may hit due to how horrible it is. Attacks can cancel it out and it can be extremely punishable, plus Side Smash has a blindspot certain characters can exploit.

In short, you kinda need to refrain from using her Smash Attacks and can't just throw them out whenever you feel like.


Smash Cadet
May 24, 2017
Tri-state (NY)
If you are used to puff you probably would like characters that have more than just 2 jumps or characters that high fast aerial movement. Most characters with multiple air jumps have slow aerial drift. With Puff and Metaknight being the exceptions. So I would suggest Metaknight for you.
You might like kirby, dedede, charizard, pit/dark pit for their jumps. You mentioned Mario so Mario, Yoshi, Wario might be to your liking for that quick aerial movement. You also mentioned Ness and Villager so it seems you might be drawn to floaty characters with KO potential. If that's the case, Mewtwo stands out and maybe Lucario.

You'll hear the same thing pretty much every time; you just gotta play characters and see what you like. You can go into the shoe store and know your size so we can help try to narrow down what you are looking for but you still gotta try on the shoes to make sure it fits at the end of the day. Sm4sh is the hardest game to find a main in due to both the vast number of characters and in part due to the buffs/nerfs that existed for a year and a half.

Pretty much you'll quickly find which characters you enjoy playing the most then you can just play those characters with higher frequency and you'll eventually narrow it down to a few or one if you're lucky. Oh and if you want bonus advice the world doesn't need another sonic/bayonetta/cloud.


Smash Rookie
Jun 26, 2017
To my surprise - I enjoy Lucario and Dark Pit
I never thought liking them due to how badly their finishing abilities were for me and even got some Cloud kills with them.
Looks like the search has finally come to an end. Thank you all!
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