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Mach Tornado Counter?


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2004
Hey, my friends and I play smash regularly and are competative with each other, and a couple of us have run into a problem. One of us (usually one of the worse ones) decided to pick up meta knight, and spam the living HELL out of his nB, then hitting us with a Dsmash once we reach 150+. It's annoying, and shielding doesn't work when the rest of us try to block it. Of course, the MK user is happy, seeing as most of us dodge and shield alot, though he never does. The rest of us have been trying to figure out a way to get around it, but it out proirtizes everything we thow at it. In fact, it's pissed me off to the point that I've come back here for the first time in three years. My question is: What stops the Tornado, reliably?

I mainly use DDD. My friend uses wolf, but once the MK is too close, the lasers don't help at all (dunno if they stop it at range either).


Smash Cadet
Nov 6, 2007
Henderson, Nevada
y doesnt hold shield work??? im not sure if asking here is a good idea either. . . maybe in the DDD forum? people here might not be as kind as to let you know how to beat us. . . . no effense


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2004
Well, as for the shielding, the **** thing breaks through it after a few seconds, if my sheild's damaged AT ALL, it won't work, and even at full, it's up to the MK to slip up for my shield to last that long.

Also, I've seen the DDD forum. Not exactly the brightest bunch of people. :)

Besides, I'd figure that MK's would know more about their moves than people who use DDD. Not to mention that I play with my friends, so it's not like I'll fight anyone here in a tourny.


Smash Rookie
Apr 6, 2008
Ursinus College, PA come play me, I'm usually
MK's whirlwind is beaten by physical disjointed hitboxes. If you really do play D3, I recommend his ftilt particularly for its range, or any other move that throws the hammer out there. If you want to get more tactical, use the fact that he cannot whirlwind off the stage without risking doom.

Whirlwind spammers are scrubs.

EDIT: spelling errors!


Smash Cadet
Mar 26, 2008
Attack from the top. Mach Tornado's only weaknesses are strong projectiles and attacks from above. Also, stay close to ledges: a Meta KNight falling from mach Tornado cannot grab any ledges.

Hope that helped.

(Now, if I ever have any trouble with DDD, I expect your help :p.)


Smash Journeyman
Mar 22, 2008
Western CO
I'm not entirely sure but shouldn't a waddle dee toss do the trick? If you keep doing it you'll catch him off guard eventually if he's on the other side. If he finishes in the air take advantage of that.


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2004
Thanks for the help guys. I did notice that DSmash worked, but that's way to hard to do in a fight. I've tried ftilt but it only works if it hits him dead on, which is kinda tricky because he raises from the ground a bit when he attacks. And as for waddle dees, no, the tornado just eats them, it's actually pretty funny to watch. A gordo hit would be great though. Well, I'm going to try and get my Ftilt timing down. I guess that Dair might get him from above, but it's hard to get that high before the tornado hits me. **** MK and that stupid tornado...


Smash Rookie
Mar 9, 2008
The only things that I have found effective (and very very rarely at that) are a well placed (meaning dead center) dair from sonic, sheik, or zss. Other than that, the only thing I could break MK's tornado with was a hammer head...

Also, MK is vulnerable after using B attacks, especially if they end in the air. Thus, something I like to do is lure a MK user into the air while they're doing the drill or the tornado, and air dodge right through it, then follow up with a grab or smash, depending on percentage.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 22, 2008
Western CO
With Toon Link and Link, or anyone who has explosives. The explosives usually stop him, when playing Meta Knight I find myself being disrupted by bombs from my friend's Toon Link.


Smash Rookie
Apr 6, 2008
yeah that is why meta knight takes no skill, and any player who uses MK i give no respect to. any mk's wanna fight my ness/lucas/falco?

meta knight is so cheap because hes got that 360 range on his attacks so when hes misses you head on and you roll outta the way you should be able to run up and grab him from behind BUT NO HES CHEAP. and takes no skill.also whats up with his voice animation sounds like fucckin rico suave. hes so lame.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 5, 2006
This isn't a place to flame MK, crucialCOCM. In fact, almost nothing you said had any relevance to the topic at hand or your argument. And the only one related to your argument is flawed.

Moving on. From what I understand, MK is most vulnerable at the top of his Tornado, so try to aim any attacks you can there. You want it to be something with good priority and preferably something that's disjointed. I can give you some situational tips, though.

1) If the tornado rises, learn the proper DI to avoid the last hit. It has to be fairly easy because most people I play against manage it often. From there, you should be able to react before him after it's over. This will either teach him to avoid the Tornado or to DI the tornado away from you before it finishes. If he does this, spam projectiles if you have them.

2) If he stays on the ground, chances are the tornado will be shorter than normal (it takes a bit of practice to keep a level tornado for the full length) and is much easier to dodge. Try running off the edge and grabbing the ledge. If he follows you off, he's most likely screwed for two reasons. A) if it ends off stage, he can't get back on. B) If he descends at all and tries to come back, he'll bounce off the stage and the tornado WILL end before he gets back on.

Experiment with everything you can. Air dodges, spot dodges, rolling, running away, timing attacks on the ride part of the tornado. The Tornado isn't a perfect move.

As for Snake (or Link/TL), just hold a grenade/bomb. You can throw it if you want (I don't know for sure if a grenade will blow up upon hitting the Tornado), or even just hold it.

And yes, Wolf's Laser will stop the Tornado. If MK is in close, though, he shouldn't have the chance to use the Tornado as easily.


Smash Cadet
Nov 6, 2007
Henderson, Nevada
tornado = hax
meta knight= hax
hey ***wipe ur a ******* idiot. wrong forum, wrong group to talk 2, wrong everything. He's not cheap, and your stupid. Learn to beat it, or learn to quit crying. And not "all" MK's spam tornado you idiot. Only noobs spam tornado, the good MK's know when to use it properly. . .


Smash Journeyman
Jul 5, 2007
Hopewell Junction!
any person who spams this move clearly has no mindgames

any person who cant beat somebody who spams this move clearly has no mindgames

if you know hes going to do it, dont get hit by it. stop him before he does it



Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2004
Ultimatum479, do you have a link to that thread? It would be appreciated. As for MK bashers, you're pretty stupid for doing it here. And cloudz has obviously never encountered this problem if he's saying it's as easy as "stop him before he does it."

EDIT: Nevermind about the link. I found it. The boards have been laggy today...

Fat Otaku

Smash Apprentice
Mar 14, 2008
Oregon (West Coast)
Well. I have played a few MK spammers. One good thing Wolf has going, is that his laser cancels and stuns MK. There is usually enough time to follow up with an F-Smash, so keeping your distance or beating out a low aerial game with Wolf's laser helps. What I find is that keeping your distance against MK is the key to stopping his tornado. He needs to get you fairly early in that move to take down your shield and do some damage. And if he fails, his recovery is enough for a Smash. Just jump, run, shield and wait if MK is kicking your *** all over the place.
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