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Lost Vikings for Brawl


Smash Lord
Mar 17, 2007
the lost vikings are a trio of vikings captured by an evil alien who wishes to put them in an intergalactic zoo. there are three games in the franchise, one of them a cell shaded remake, and they have made numerous appearances in other blizzard games
here is the wikipedia article- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lost_Vikings
this is what they look like-

They would work like Zelda/sheik, except the transformation is for 3 people. You can play as Erik the Swift, Baleog the Fierce, and Olaf the Stout. their super move could be either Fang & Scorch coming out and mauling everyone in sight, or the alien spaceship crash-landing on the stage.

Erik the Swift- the fastest of the three, he is a little slower than falco and a little taller than mario. He is the only one with a third jump. His fighting style is punches and kicks, with maybe some fist weapons. B^- rocket boots; B>- helmet charge, causes knock up and stun; B- bomb, works like link’s bomb; Bv- transforms into Baleog the Fierce

Baleog the Fierce- meanest of the three, he is about as fast as young link and a little taller than luigi. His A moves would be a mix of Viking sword combat and attacks from his robot arm. B- food, restores health (10%); B>- shoots with his bow and arrow; B^- extends his robot arm and grabs the nearest platform in front of him. Works similar to links hook shot move to get back on the edge except with more reach like bionic commando arm grab; Bv- transforms into Olaf the Stout

Olaf the Stout- toughest of the three, he is a little slower than donkey Kong and a little bigger than wario. Attacks consist of shield bashes, head buts, and wrestler/sumo attacks. B- shield bash, backhands the opponent with his shield causing a 3 second stun. it is about as fast as bowser's B>; B>- shield toss, throws his shield in front of him captain America style; B^- holds his shield up, allowing him to float as if he had an umbrella item; Bv- transforms into Erik the Swift

Reasons for inclusion-
The games were fun, challenging, and addicting
They would offer a unique playing experience
They would be the first Vikings in brawl
They could attract some of the Warcraft audience, which is a lot of people
Blizzard probably wouldn’t mind putting them in brawl

Reasons against-
they have to compete with other third party characters like sonic, geno, bomberman, megaman, and master higgins

what do you guys think?


Smash Lord
Mar 17, 2007
Also, which look do you think they should go with, i was thinking they keep the original thread but add on the equipment needed to do some moves, mainly the robot arm and jet boots, with their futuristic costumes as an alternate
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