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Looking For Trainer/Training Buddy


Smash Cadet
Dec 27, 2014
Jet City
I've been playing Smash 4 since the day it dropped for the 3DS. Smash 4 is the first smash game I've taken the time to get better at and a game I'm interested in getting better at competitively. Currently, I just play against my friends and play For Glory, but I eventually want to go to tournaments and get wins there. The only thing that's really stopping me is being stuck on how to improve on my skills. My friends don't see the game as competitively as I do, so they don't really help with finding my weak points, which get exploited on For Glory. So, I've come here, hopefully to find some people who play in some tournaments, or just have good analyzing skills to find my weak spots and help me improve as a player. I'd like to have more people to fight against, so working with multiple people would be beneficial. I'm currently looking at character's I'd like to develop and my current main is Yoshi, and I'm trying to find a secondary. It's a split between D3, Villager, and Kirby. I'd love to get some responses. Thanks!
I need help at getting better at smash 4, preferably from tournament goers. I main Yoshi and I'm looking into Villager, D3, or Kirby as secondaries.


Smash Rookie
Oct 29, 2015
Id love to play some games. Im a Fox/lucas main, but also play kirby, falcon, mario, and marth.
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