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Looking for some Diddy vs MK tips


Smash Lord
Apr 7, 2008
Yeah, I could use some help on this matchup too, I only lost against MK's at the last tournament I went to...but some things I picked up are:
Never challenge the Fsmash, he will most likely follow it with a Dsmash and since the Fsmash has such little lag, its near unpunishable unless you can get behind him. Peanuts work well against him (Mostly when he is recovering) because his air speed is relatively slow, if he starts doing Fairs to break them, you can mix it up with a SHFF Fair...Diddys Utilt prevents them from Dairing above you...I saw in the first match you tried to punish tornado with a Dair, don't, use a FF Fair instead, no timing is necessary...Don't do a Fair when you will have landing lag, they should all be auto cancelled...Use more tilts, in particular Dtilt. Any ideas how to punish/avoid tornado (especially when banana-less)?

Hitman JT

The Infinite One
Nov 9, 2008
The Gates of Hell
I think a fast-falled nair into the center of the tornado can break it but I haven't tried it yet


Smash Hero
Jul 10, 2008
tilts>grabs vs mk honestly. when i face mks i tend to save my grabs (besides up/downgrab) and smashes and abuse tilts like crazy so i can ko as early as 70-90%. and mks i fight are always in the air lucky urs was on the ground dsmashing xD. so if he does go at u while in the air then just peanut + mindgames with banana. this is 100% momentum based. once mk goes aggressive ur gonna have to mindf*ck the SH*T out of him to flip the momentum on your side. just watch closely how he recovers and when he shuttle loops and when he tornados as those 3 are most vunerable to punish besides downb/side b from mk. his fsmash cannot be challenge unless u barrel but that be super mindgames and lolz xD. his dsmash is also unmatches but u can dribble some bananas to **** that up. just space well and the match should always be yours but easier said than done believe that o-o. oh and nair>bair in certain situations. some tilt suggestions are dtilt/ftilt to disrupt momentum and sometimes tornado timed right and uptilt for combos or kill if undiminished

btw awesome matches i felt like i was watching a real high stakes match :3 lots of tension. gj


Smash Apprentice
Mar 27, 2008
I find it most effective when facing a MK to **** it up the *******, that usually slows it down a bit and puts the momentum in your favor. If that doesnt work, just keep telling him to jump off the edge and he will do it because at this point his self esteem is low. Repeat X3 and you have a win. Works every time


Justice Man
Jun 25, 2008
Albuquerque, NM
More Barrel canceling!!! Good diddy man keep it up, other than that, try and rely a bit more on your nanas, Diddy's moveset really just doesn't compare to MK's :/


Smash Apprentice
Jun 17, 2006
SUNY Binghamton / Suffolk County, New York
MK pretty much has every advantage over Diddy aside from projectiles. Diddy's banana takes priority over every attack MK has - it breaks his tornado, is good for stopping glides/shuttle loop, etc. Diddy's side b also works pretty well (it will cancel a tornado) but it leaves you vulnerable, and often MK is too close to allow you to use it effectively. So stick to the bananas!

Also, I noticed that diddy's f air has longer range than MK aerials. Though it has less priority, it comes out very quickly . (The MK won't dodge it based on reflexes alone, unless they are crazy. He would have had to predict your attack beforehand) Just make sure you don't do it too late, (MK will just hit you first) or too close to the ground, since it has horrible landing lag. I find that the best way to make use of this move is to jump and quickly hammer cstick forward.

Here's another tip. MK has (obviously) an amazing air game, but count his jumps. He gets 5 mid air jumps, then he can either do a b move or land. This is your chance to rush in with a banana or catch him off guard. A smart MK can get around this by not always landing on the last jump, but you will at least have a general idea of when to rush in.

Anyways good luck. If you still have trouble with MK you can always point somewhere and shout "Hey Look a distraction". This should give you adequate time to unplug their controller.


Smash Ace
Jan 2, 2009
Just be smart with the bananas. As cornxnuts has stated, the Nanners have the priority advantage. Try to keep away until he lands. The whorenado is going to be your biggest problem but it really isn't hard to predict Metaknight.

Dark Ryu

Smash Ace
Apr 20, 2007
In Gojira's shirt (aka) Utah
Something I noticed is you roll into him a lot, especially in your first match.
You usually tech roll right to him and it became so predictable he started punishing you every single time with a dsmash. Just something I thought I would point out.


Smash Hero
Jul 10, 2008
Just be smart with the bananas. As cornxnuts has stated, the Nanners have the priority advantage. Try to keep away until he lands. The whorenado is going to be your biggest problem but it really isn't hard to predict Metaknight.
like seriously.

when metaknight is near u expect a dsmash and/or ftilt (punishable with banana :p)

when metaknight is in the air expect fair/dair/shuttle loop (punishable with mindgamed peanuts and bananas and occasional side o.o)

when metaknight sees u shielding or airdodging or spotdodging expect the ***** which is the tornado (banana is the top defense here, cause we all know that shield will not survive all those 16 hits of that **** xD)

so summed up yea bananas/mindgames ftw o.o


Smash Apprentice
Jun 17, 2006
SUNY Binghamton / Suffolk County, New York
One thing i've noticed works nice against MK's is glide tossing backwards and throwing the banana down to the ground. Meta knights rarely play defensively, and will chase you nonstop. By throwing the banana down, the MK has one of several options:
1) Jump in air to try and avoid banana, but this approach is slower and easier to avoid.
2) Dash attack to pick up the banana. Easily punishable (shieldgrab)
3) Tornado over it. If this happens, keep another banana handy, or be prepared to side b. With luck, you will cancel MK's tornado, and land near or on the banana.
4) Walk over and pick it up. If the MK approaches the banana slowly, close in and prepare to either dash or grab.
5) Shorthop airdodge to pick up then quick throw. Not quite sure what to do here, but most people wouldn't think of this.
6) Pee his pant because MK is lame. This probably won't happen, but it's worth getting your hopes up.

Also, remember to watch your spot dodging. MK has such quick attacks that he'll be ready to punish you when you come out of your spot dodge. Learn to shield, shieldroll, or just plain run/jump away to avoid rather than dodging.


Smash Ace
Jul 1, 2008
London, Ontario
One thing I would suggest is that instead of using the Side-B for the hump, you try using it for the kick instead. The kick has better priority, and also can combo into Jab > D-Tilt for some nice damage. Just be careful when you use it around ledges.


Smash Cadet
Nov 29, 2008
One thing I would suggest is that instead of using the Side-B for the hump, you try using it for the kick instead. The kick has better priority, and also can combo into Jab > D-Tilt for some nice damage. Just be careful when you use it around ledges.
Agreed on the kick instead of the facehump. While I don't agree with the whole "priority" thing, that move, if done up close, has no "tell". There is not set up or motion to show you are about to use it like most of diddy's stuff so it tends to catch people off gaurd.

Also work on you're grabs. Don't run in and grab a shielded MK; that is a death trap. Run in and kartwheel. Because it hits three times, a player may rush and drop their shield too soon. Be sure to follow up with an air move. You're grabs need to be while sheilded. MK is balls fast, but even he has some lag between hits so shield through one and just tap A to grab through your shield. It is faster than Z grabs and also catches melee people off guard.

Lastly, be more evasive when you are getting back onto the stage. It seemed like he always had something waiting for you (and good players usually do). If you can come in high try pulling a facehump above their head and dodge in the air as quick as you can....makes your monkey dang hard to hit by all but freakishly wide ranged guys like Ike (hold shield when you land and roll out).

So ya... overB + A = fast attack to keep them on thier toes
Run in and kartwheel
Grab through your shield just after MK attacks and not when he is shielded

Good luck! You are already pretty dang good with him as is so minor changes to your style are all you need. Stupid MK...I hate MK.
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