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Looking for people to play against online


Smash Rookie
Dec 28, 2015
Greater Seattle Area
Title. I will be attending my first tournament in a little under two weeks, and I need some people to help me out when my offline training partner is not available, which is most of the time. I don't remember my NNID off the top of my head, but I will fix that when I have access to my WiiU tomorrow. Speaking of which, I can't play tonight, as I am not at home. I will be available sometime after noon tomorrow in Pacific Standard Time.

I will take anybody who wants to play, but I would deeply appreciate any of the following:

Robin mains: I'm an aspiring Robin main who needs some guidance. A Robin main who is willing to play me and give constructive advice would be awesome.

Yoshi mains: I am also a Yoshi main, and I'd like to think I have a good grasp on the character. However, it would be cool if I could get some feedback from a more experienced Yoshi main, as I don't think I'm properly ulitizing all of Yoshi's tools, especially the egg.

Luigi mains: The best person I know is a Luigi main, and I've never taken a game off him. I would love to play a solid Luigi main so I could learn the matchup bette, and (hopefully) beat him next time we play.

Sheik mains: I have a very frightening lack of experience in this match up. IIRC I've only played a maximum of five Shieks since the game came out, and all of them had varying levels of skill. A Sheik main willing to assist me in learning the match up would be a godsend.

Please let me know times you think you might be available, and I'll see how that fits into my schedule. I don't know for certain yet, but next week (the week of the tournament) will likely be busier for me than this week.

Rinku リンク

Hero of "Likes"
Feb 12, 2009


Smash Rookie
Dec 28, 2015
Greater Seattle Area
You can look for others to play with here in this thread.

As far as character advice goes going to the respective character board is probably your best bet. I can however personally assure you that if you're interested in getting better with Robin the Robin boards will be more than happy to help you out.
Thank you for your help! I'll be sure to check out the Robin boards in the near future.
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