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Looking for advice on my kirby


Smash Rookie
Mar 4, 2008
Good day all, I'm a new member to the boards but only cause I've had no real reason to post. I'm not new to smash but I am new to the level that the competitive world plays at. I was exposed to this late last year by my friend and since then I've been trying to catch up. Anyway enough story I was just looking for general advice/criticism on my playstyle. Just keep in mind I'm trying to get better with the hammer thats why its being spammed so much.



Smash Journeyman
Jan 5, 2008
not bad but this is what i have to say:
i see you like the up b but try to resist the temptation it becomes obvious after a few minutes
dont be scared to chase him over the edge kirby is very good in the air and has good recovory
if they edge gaurd and your on the brink of death any way suck them up and take them with you XD


Smash Apprentice
Feb 2, 2008
Not bad =s, Though I'd have to say getting the aerial hammer on Metaknight can sometimes be pretty hard since a lot of Metaknights standard attacks have more range than Kirby's, but you got it quite a few times though so bravo on that ><. You did a couple times, but whenever metaknight glides close to you trying to get back on stage, you should always try using Kirby's back air more often as using it directly on them has super good knockback like at 2:13 rather than using the aerial hammer

At low percents, Kirby can do a lot of throw combo's (down throw/up tilt and up smash, forward throw into an aerial hammer at any percent under 20% on mid weights and under) and those are pretty reliable whenever you get the chance to pull them off by shield grabbing. They are avoidable, but a lot of people don't encounter them too often so they usually get caught by them =s. I don't have too much else to say, but nice =s.


Smash Rookie
Mar 4, 2008
Yeah I usually do have a fairly good off stage game but against meta knight the only thing I can reliably do is b-air everything else I find he out ranges me and even then he tends to glide above the stage to prevent me from doing a wall of pain. He has also punished me enough for trying to d-air him for me to give up attempting that(his up b can come out of nowhere >.<). But yeah I'm aware using a b-air is a better choice for edge guarding but like I said I want to get better with the hammer and practice makes perfect not to mention the fluff value of seeing your hammer KO like that.

Oh and my buddy as seen in the video has just recently started spamming meta knights special, whats a good way to counter it also would I be able to inhale him out of it?

the wet mop

Smash Rookie
Mar 20, 2008
the one thing that stood out to me was the lack of shield grabbing. i think it could really improve your game. there were several instances in which you shielded his aerials when you could have grabbed him.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 18, 2008
Your approach. RARed bairs need to be integrated a bit more into your approach instead of strictly after the target is in the air.

Your hammer use was terribly predictable after a while. It's also something I see in quite a lot of matches. If you miss the shot, you can count on the same attack being used again within the next 10 seconds in attempts to land the shot you should've had previously. It's a habit I've learned to stop after a while, myself.

Don't forget about Kirby's neutral A punches. When you're both on the ground and close to each other, yet Fsmash won't go for the KO just yet, that attack is actually very useful.

About grabs, though not very common in the match (that could also be looked into), Kirby's down throw deals more damage (I believe it was 2% more) than all others he has, and sends the enemy in the same trajectory as all of the others. So that's the way to go in those situations. Also, remember that you can jab a few times while they're grabbed to build up damage. Kirby's is quite fast, and around the 80% range, you can easily pull 3-4 jabs before each throw. Every hit matters.

Other than that, not bad at all. I do sense a not-so-good Metaknight there, though. Playing against some other Kirby players might help to improve your game a bit, too.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 9, 2008
South Texas
Id like to play a few rounds with you sometime. I still have alot of crap i need to learn myself. And i have a tourney in 3 days...oy. :(
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