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Looking for a doublers partner (Pref East Coast)


Smash Champion
Mar 17, 2008
Cleveland, Ohio
First, I think this is the right place to post this, but if not I'm sorry mods. Feel free to move/lock it if this isn't the right place.

As the topic says, I'm looking for a doublers partner to play with online. Brawl's 1v1 system is (in my opinion) to slow, flawed, and kind of glitchy. It just doesn't interest me. I feel the real metagame for Brawl lies in the 2v2 system. So, I'd like to get involved in some 2v2s with someone. I guess I also need to know a good matchmaking site, if you have any.

Anyway, I feel my greatest Brawl strength is my flexibility. I enjoy playing with a lot of characters, so I can easily accommodate a lot of other characters. Unfortunately, that means I'm not incredible with any 1 character, just above average with a lot of them.

If I had to decide my best 5 I think it would go something like this:

1. DK
2. Ganondorf
3. Wolf
4. Wario
5. Shiek
Honoarble Mention: Capt. Falcon

I have to raid in place of my roommate tonight in WoW. (Hey I get a free meal out of it :laugh:) So I don't think I can get much or any practice tonight because I need to be on around 9:30 EST, but feel free to send me an email at:


or AIM me at iwishiwerelink

(I feel like I made a biography for a site like match.com:chuckle:)


Smash Ace
Jun 3, 2006
Location: 1vs1 no items online at this very moment
First, I think this is the right place to post this, but if not I'm sorry mods. Feel free to move/lock it if this isn't the right place.

As the topic says, I'm looking for a doublers partner to play with online. Brawl's 1v1 system is (in my opinion) to slow, flawed, and kind of glitchy. It just doesn't interest me. I feel the real metagame for Brawl lies in the 2v2 system. So, I'd like to get involved in some 2v2s with someone. I guess I also need to know a good matchmaking site, if you have any.

Anyway, I feel my greatest Brawl strength is my flexibility. I enjoy playing with a lot of characters, so I can easily accommodate a lot of other characters. Unfortunately, that means I'm not incredible with any 1 character, just above average with a lot of them.

If I had to decide my best 5 I think it would go something like this:

1. DK
2. Ganondorf
3. Wolf
4. Wario
5. Shiek
Honoarble Mention: Capt. Falcon

I have to raid in place of my roommate tonight in WoW. (Hey I get a free meal out of it :laugh:) So I don't think I can get much or any practice tonight because I need to be on around 9:30 EST, but feel free to send me an email at:


or AIM me at iwishiwerelink

(I feel like I made a biography for a site like match.com:chuckle:)
Cool,I might be able to help you,Iam a Mario main only.I can play various but 99% of the time Iam tha M man. :laugh: Maybe we can fight a few matches too before 9? I live in N.Y btw and I gotta watch/laugh at those NBA Finals in about 1 hour and a half from now :laugh:


Smash Champion
Mar 17, 2008
Cleveland, Ohio
I'll add you to my Friends List and hopefully we can play a few. 1v1s or do you want to face the computers? I'm putting FF on if we fight the computer.
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