Smash Rookie
Hey all, looking to get some solid practice partners to play on a somewhat consistent basis (at least a few times a week or so). I don't have a committed main at the moment, I have put some time into Marth, Ike (brawl main), CF & luigi. Let me know if people are interested.
I consider myself to be an okay player, but can go on tilt and play considerably worse..
Also idk how comfortable people are with voice chatting while playing, but i think it would be much easier than typing across private messaging or using taunts to communicate.
Currently I am only on 3DS but will be getting Wii U in the future.
I live in CA in the LA area if anyone is worried about connection problems
I consider myself to be an okay player, but can go on tilt and play considerably worse..
Also idk how comfortable people are with voice chatting while playing, but i think it would be much easier than typing across private messaging or using taunts to communicate.
Currently I am only on 3DS but will be getting Wii U in the future.
I live in CA in the LA area if anyone is worried about connection problems