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Long-time Smasher but New to SmashBoards.



Hi everyone. I'm generally a rather shy, reserved, and somewhat socially awkward person, but I'm posting here before I figured I should've gotten my name out here long ago considering how long I've been playing Smash. I'm SapphirePaladin924, a Smasher from NJ, but feel free to call me Drew. I'm 31 as of writing this and a long time veteran Smasher who's been playing and in love with Smash since the original Nintendo 64 version first came out back when I was in still in high school.
  • Who do you main in your Smash game(s) of choice? Why?

    :4ness:Ness is my primary main ever since I unlocked him in Smash 64. I'm a huge fan of EarthBound, have been ever since it first came out when my grandmother bought it for me as a surprise gift (I had no idea what to expect from it at first, especially cause she's generally infamous for picking out bad gifts, but to my surprise, I immediately fell in love with it). The overall weirdness and endearing warmth of EarthBound strongly resonates with me, and my older brother considers me a real life Ness for being such a weirdness magnet in regards to the people and situations I generally tend to encounter. Add to that the fact that I've always been fascinated by psychic abilities, and is it any wonder why I main Ness?
    Currently my other mains are (in no particular order) :4pit:Pit - because I'm religious and love angels way too much; :4lucas:Lucas (give us Mother 3! As a true fan, I've been desperately holding out for an official release and have been dodging spoilers and the temptation of playing it through other means, like the plague); and :4robinm:Robin - while I loved every Fire Emblem game I got my hands on, and the Tactical Turn-Based RPG genre in general ever since SEGA's Shining Force series, I have to pick Robin over all other FE characters simply because he's a "spellsword" (a fighter proficient in both swordsmanship and magic) along with the fact that magic users need representation in Smash.

    Being as well versed as I am in Smash, I have quite the roster of secondaries and pockets, so I'll spare everyone of that essay.
  • Why have you joined Smashboards? How did you hear about the site?

    I'm not really the most social or active person online. That being said I'm a bit of a stranger to forums and chatrooms in general. Having gone through a long bout of depression that stems from a mix of life events and other conditions, I decided to try and find a sense of belonging in the official IRC chatroom of the SmashBros subreddit. During my stay there, I discovered the Ness tech that I named "PK Hi-Jump", and proceeded to show my discovery to the room. The ops and half-ops there encouraged me to stop being so shy and present it to SmashBoards so that I can claim official recognition for it.

    Having said that, I'm not exactly sure what my long term plan for my stay here is. Perhaps to socialize a bit with other Ness, Lucas, Pit, and Robin mains. Perhaps solely recognition for my find, and hopefully future contributions to the Smash community. Maybe fame too as I attempt, with mixed results, to slowly develop a presence within the tournament scene - as I always wanted a page about me in the SmashWiki. ^_^ I guess only time will tell.
  • Do you attend tournaments? Do you want to?

    I've attended a variety of local game store level tournaments in Melee, Brawl, and Smash 4, intermittently for the past few years. Primarily Brawl and Smash 4 as I believe that the tech skill floor in Melee is simply too high for me to enjoy competitive Melee much anymore. In those humble tournaments, I've placed anywhere from Loser's Quarter-Finals to Single Elimination Semi-Finals on average.

    The highest profile tournaments I've attended are those at Nintendo World in NYC, where I haven't had so much luck yet - perhaps a bad match-up, perhaps nerves got the better of me and I choked under the pressure, perhaps I was simply unlucky and got seeded to go against a high level smasher right in the beginning rounds - who knows.

    Regardless, I want to try my hand at APEX sometime soon when time and money permit. It'd be nice to make a name for myself within the community and become somebody noteworthy. That's a dream of mine, and hopefully, at 31 years old (as of writing this), I'm not past my prime.
  • Talk about your interests outside of Smash Bros.! (Anime, sports, other games, etc.)

    I love all sorts of videogames, primarily those available on Nintendo consoles. I love side-scrolling Action / Platform games, Action / RPGs (however I like side scrolling ones like Zelda 2 and Simon's Quest the most of all); and Tactical Turn-Based RPGs such as Fire Emblem, Shining Force, Front Mission, Final Fantasy Tactics, etc. I also enjoy other multi-player games such as the Custom Robo series, Bomberman series, Wario's Woods, Mario Party (8 and earlier), Mario Kart, Zelda: Four Swords, New Super Mario Bros., the list goes on.

    While my exposure to it is rather limited due to lack of money (and a refusal to resort to unsavory tactics), I do deeply enjoy watching anime. My all time favorite is a romance anime known as "His & Her Circumstances". Other favorites include "Hare+Guu", "InuYasha", "Yu-Gi-Oh!", "Pokemon", and "Parasyte" (which someone introduced me to while camping out for the Majora's Mask Edition New Nintendo 3DS XL. Sadly their TV rig died about halfway through before we could finish the series). I'd love to be exposed to more anime, particular of the romance, comedy, slice of life, and action / adventure genres - so long as they're free of tasteless "fan service".

    I also love a good TV show. My all-time favorite is "Boy Meets World". I also like "Kyle XY", "Big Bang Theory", and "Law and Order: SVU" to name just a few.

    A few years ago, I got really into the Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game on a competitive level, however, my interest and enthusiasm was all but killed once XYZ Summons became easily spammable, and especially during the advent of Pendulum Summoning. I'm hoping either Konami will slow the pace of the game down a bit like how it was during the beginning of the 5D's era and earlier, or they'll introduce monsters belonging to the themes and archetypes I run that will allow me to take advantage of the new mechanics without conforming to the meta.

    Other than that, I just like to talk online to my friends, listen to music, take naps, and create things such as custom stages and art.
  • What other communities are you a part of? Clubs at school, other forums?

    Although I haven't been active there in some time, I'm also a member of DuelingNetwork and the DuelingNetwork Forum under a different name. Maybe I'll return there some day.


Sith Archivist
Aug 4, 2009
The Farthest Shore
Great intro. Check out the character boards for Ness to present your finds and perhaps learn other techs. We are a friendly community and I hope your shyness does not get in the way of you making great friends while you are here. Here is a list of links to get you started. Welcome to SWF....

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Deleted member

Welcome to Smashboards, Drew! Cool introduction. I hope you have a great time here.
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