I went into a GameStop just to "see" what they'd say. And the guy told me, "March 12th." I just looked at him and said, "where ever you get your sources from, they're wrong."
He said, "we get our information directly from Nintendo. It's March 12th."
I said, " *shakes head* you guys are guys have like ZERO credibility."
He said, "whatever, dude...believe what you want."
I said, "tell me why I have a reservation ticket from another GameStop for February 10th?"
He said, "it was delayed...even Wal-Mart knows this!"
I said, "I just reserved it for February 10th from a GameStop from Rancho Cucamonga! (next city over to mine)" ( I didn't actually reserve it, my friend did)
He said, "they haven't been updated on the release date, yet"
I said, "I used to work for Toys R Us several years back" (in 1999 through 2002) "And they have the release date for February 10th. They even have actual printed reservation flyers and are hung next to the Wii games. Toys R Us has EXCLUSIVES they give out with Nintendo games. They are like the Cadillac of toy stores. They are reliable, always have been."
He said, "...okay..."
I said, "so don't feed people your bull**** lies and stop spreading these stupid rumors. You only lose credibility on your company's behalf and only add that much more hatred towards your stores. You rip people off, you buy their games for like pennies of what they're actually worth. You practically rob people, and sell games for WAY too much than they're actually worth."
He said, "we're actually the most trusted videogame retailer"
I said, "on by ignorant middle school kids who don't know any better... and you know what? I'm close friends with my old boss from Toys R Us. I worked in RZone (the videogame department), so I pretty much have more experience over you about how things work with retailers, truck loads, shipment dates, contract releases, etc."
He said, "And? I already told you we got our release date directly from Nintendo themselves, and we are a trusted company with reliable much more reliable can you get from Nintendo themselves?"
I said, "...just stop pulling **** outta your *** and be honest to the rest of these kids who are asking for Brawl. Because I pretty much already saw Toys R Us's shipment dates and their catalog of what's to be shipped to our store for the next 30 days. We're getting 105 copies of Brawl on the 5th of February, shipped from San Francisco...wherever San Francisco get them from, I have no idea."
He said, "........"
I said, "....yeah... These are some of the huge quirks of being an RZone worker for 2.5 years, building a close friendship with your manager, and working as a young 16 year old high school videogamer. And at 24, I still get these quirks of seeing my old store's shipment data sheets."
He said, ".... *looking and feeling pretty stupid* ....."
I said, "not only that, you noob. I'm going to be taking a copy home on the 5th of February because I CAN...because I'm not a douche...because I knew that I'd need this kind of quirk in the future so I made sure to build a strong bond between myself and my boss. They like me. I was the best worker they had, the most knowledgeable. It earned the trust with the company, and insight on their data, and early copies of whatever I want. So pretty much, I outted you and I'll make sure no one buys their copy of Brawl from you, you filthy rat. Have fun working for a company that rips off people. Have fun with your dead-end job, Mr. 29-year-old-balding-dude-who-likes-to-****-with-people's-emotions."
He just said, "whatever dude, whatever dude....whatever dude..." throughout the whole time I told him off.
I remained calm with a stern calm voice just telling this guy off the entire time. I think that irritated him the most, the fact that I wasn't the stereotypical obnoxious biggot customer demanding stuff. that's that....
February 10th IS the release date.
Toys R least the one here in southern California, is getting 105 copies on the 5th of February.