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Life at the Moment: Like a Promethean Curse


Perpetual Lazy Bum
Jul 30, 2005
Stamping your library books.
Link to original post: [drupal=4814]Life at the Moment: Like a Promethean Curse[/drupal]

Just got home from work, and I've decided that I need to face the truth: I'm wasting my time working there.

I work for the USA's largest distributor of academic library books. Specifically, I process books; that's applying library stamps, barcodes, inserting security devices, etc. Chances are, if you go to college in the USA, I have applied those stamps on your library books. We do over 80% of the country's universities, and several other colleges in Australia (Western Sydney, anyone?), the UK, and China.

It is a waste of time. Day after day, I go to work at 4, do a job a seven-year-old Indonesian kid could do, leave at half past midnight, and do the same thing tomorrow. The sense of meaningless I get every day is begging to crush me. The pay is decent, considering its an entry-level job and I don't have any sort of higher education, but I'm not going to go anywhere putting stamps on books. Thing is, I don't know how to go about to change my situation any time soon. I need to pay off a car loan and very high insurance every month, and I couldn't afford to live off of a minimum wage or part-time job. I have pretty awesome job security at my company, too, which is nice, and I have one of the lowest mistake levels at my company. It's just... I wanna stop feeling like I'm having my kidney eaten out of my body every day.

I know I'm lucky to have a job and blah blah blah, but I just wanted to write out some of my thoughts. I'm not looking for any advice, either, so don't come in and go "Well why don't you go to college hurrrrp" or any of that bull****.
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