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Let's Talk about Blaziken

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Smash Rookie
Oct 13, 2014
Now this more of a Plea than anything, though I'm not banking on this being taken into consideration by the smash bros development team. However, I just would like to share my insight on Blaziken's potential for Smash bros. (also i know he's featured on a stage already but so is toon link so there's still hope.(It's Bleak, but there.)

I know that one thing that's taken into consideration when choosing the characters for smash is "Does the character have something inherently unique about them?". Now, the most common answer you'd get to this question when it comes to Blaziken is no; that Blaziken would be nothing more than a clone of Captain Falcon, and some might even say Lucario(which is a bit outlandish considering the immense differences between Blaziken and Lucario) however this is not 100% true. The main reason behind people believing that Blaziken would be a clone of Captain Falcon because there were a number of Blaziken Model replacements for Captain falcon as well as a texture swap for Lucario. Now, I will admit Blaziken's Physique did fit quite well with captain falcon's moveset, and in the period of Brawl's life span(mid 4th generation of Pokemon) I would say that yeah Blaziken wouldn't have much more to offer than that of a character similar at best if not a total clone of captain falcon(especially considering he would have no final smash). however now Blaziken's got a little more to bring to the table.

the 5th generation of the Pokemon series introduced a new concept currently referred to as hidden abilities, and what this did was (obvious statement) add a new ability to each Pokemon that would allow for that Pokemon to be utilized in a different way. before 5th generation Blaziken had a nothing special speed stat, however the addition of his hidden ability "Speed Boost" made for a tremendous change in the common(or not so common since he wasn't really used) uses of Blaziken even leading to him being banned from the most common single battles metagame Smogon OU(OverUsed). back in 3rd generation, when Blaziken was introduced the attacks Blaziken were most known for were Blaze Kick(a move exclusive to blaziken at the time of his introduction)Sky Uppercut(a move although not exclusive to Blaziken alone was only attainable by a total of 4 Pokemon in the game one of which being a pre-evolution of Blaziken), Double Kick, and Fire Punch(more commonly known move that is referenced in Blaziken's Pokedex entry) at this point in time you can Imagine why Blaziken would be imagined as nothing more than a captain falcon clone. With his original ability being Blaze(the default Fire-starter ability) Blaziken had nothing to offer. Here's where i get into the potential unique moveset.

One of Blaziken's Pokedex Entries states that "Blaziken has incredibly strong legs - it can easily clear a 30-story building in one leap."Although Blaziken isn't a flying type and may very well be a Chicken, Blaziken's extremely powerful leg strength would offer the opportunity to make Blaziken a very Aerial Charater. Although giving him super high jumps compared to the other characters would make a harder fit for Blaziken in the Game adding an extra Jump to Blaziken(3 as opposed to 2) would be an interesting way to stay true to Blaziken's "mad hops" if I may. On that subject although Blaziken would seem to make for an excellent air fighter, I wouldn't go as far as to consider him floaty even given his weight being even less than that of Lucario It would seem more fitting to have him be a rushing charracter. Going back to his Powerful legs I would say that most of Blaziken's moves would be oriented around his legs rather than his arms, without having ALL his attacks based around his legs.


On the Subject of Attacks Blaziken has sinced gained access to the move High Jump Kick, an extremely powerful attack with 90% accuracy on it with the brutal risk being losing about 50% of your Total HP upon missing; due to the fact that you will "keep going and crash". Now i would Imagine this would be the Up-B. This would make for an extremely interesting Up special. Now I'm not saying add an accuracy mechanic to the game( because that would just be silly) but I could see this as being a 2 hit move with a large amount of stressed put on timing, having the consequence of screwing up( or hitting a super armor) being either( taking Damage) or (leaving yourself open for punishment.) and having the window to time this move slim, to make for a risk yet powerful blow.) alternatives for this move being (Bounce a move that springs you up first and then back down with another spring back up should you hit your opponent 2 hits) or (Sky Uppercut a one hit move Essentially a Higher Jumping version of Mario's Up B). the Standard B would be the move Blaziken was brought into Pokemon with Blaze Kick( now essentially on the ground it would be the same as Falcon/Warlock Punch or more closely related to the Mii Fighter's "Exploding Side Kick" (and now you know where the inspiration for that probably came from) however seeing Blaziken's appearance on the television show brings some imagination to the move, in the air having it be sort of a hook kick that propels him forward while on the ground being again essentially the mii fighter's "Exploding Side Kick". Customization features for this move being. Fire Punch( almost the same as blaze kick, but weaker and comes out faster and none of the aerial qualities of blaze kick(so basically Falcon Punch) and Double Kick( 2 Kicks that can be aimed to your pleasing on ground and in the air launches him twice as far as blaze kick(significantly less knockback, and less damage and No Fire). Forward B BRAVE BIRDD! now you may be thinking "well that's just Flare Blitz with a different name" but my thoughts on this are a little different, because brave Bird is a flying type attack, It would make sense for this move to be more mobile in the air( not too much I'm talking up and down at the end people) and less laggy at the start so it doesn't seem like such a heavy attack, now although in the Pokemon Games it is pretty much a Flying Type Equivalent to Flare Blitz, for Balancing Purposes I would say this move would tone down the knockback a bit( not to the point where it's not a killing move at high percentage like 100+ maybe higher depending on balance issues) and decrease the damage it does, still including the recoil damage however. Customs for this would include Aerial Ace(significantly less knock back & damage and shortened distance that Blaziken moves but quicker and no recoil) and Flare Blitz(yes the same one as Charizard's.( no wait, no wait) STRONGER ..and slower)... or just the same) that works too. Down B let's keep it Physical and go with Low Kick(yet another unique move of Blaziken's that does more damage the heavier the character is, this is the very move that makes Blaziken a very threatening Pokemon in the Ubers tier of Pokemon due to the fact that most super huge legendary pokemon are just that SUPER HUGE.) now let's talk about this, instead of just higher damage, let's add the trip factor, lighter characters being able to recover faster from the fall than heavier characters.( or not if that's too much of a hassle) Customs for this move being Reversal( Completely different from low kick this move basically snatches a concept of lucario's moveset in that the more damage Blaziken has the move damage this move (and this move alone) does. aaaannndd since damn near every new character has one of these Counter.( Just your regular everyday run of the mill, counter attack.(with feet.)

Now giving Blaziken constant Boosts in speed throughout the match would be insane and I wouldn't suggest that, but the main thing that Speed Boost did for Blaziken was give him the Speed to Stand up to Pokemon that could normally take him out do to him lacking in that stat. but one thing about Blaziken that remains true even with speed boost is that he severely lacks priority moves. so to stay true to the games, Blaziken would be a Faster Character, but with almost no priority, so making for him to be able to get from one place to another quickly and attacking quickly however having his chances at winning a tradeoff slim to none.

Blaziken could definitely be considered a representative from the Hoenn installments of the Pokemon series Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald or the more recent Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire Considering the fact that it was one of the very first Pokemon from the 3rd generation (Hoenn) to be revealed and was at the time of release and still remains to this day one of the most popular Pokemon of all time. Also considering the fact that the Hoenn region is returning to the scene for a totally revamped remake, increases the relevance of Blaziken as a Pokemon rep, well as it being one of the first pokemon to be revealed to have a mega evolution even before that of Charizard, being that it's pre-evolved formed was given out in an event on the release of X and Y makes it an important part of those games as well. Blaziken has had rivalries promoted between 2 of the other pokemon characters on the roster already Lucario and Charizard, in the initial teaser for Pokken with lucario as well as an episode on the series in which Blaziken Faces of against both Charizard(on it's initial reveal) and Lucario (on X and Y).

On another IMPORTANT note, there's almost no diversity between the generations the pokemon on this roster come from and that's a bit of a problem to me, especially considering the fact that one of the reasons generation 1 was so popular was because of the huge amount of promotion and advertisement they had (Pokemania) it seems like they calmed down with the Advertising and promotion on the later generations, and because Smash Bros does such a great Job at promoting the characters in it as well as the games they come from, I believe adding Blaziken to the roster would be an excellent way to promote ORAS as well as take a step towards having pokemon more accurately represented in Smash bros. (having say 1 rep from each gen rather than 4 from gen 1,1 from gen 4, and 1 from gen 6.) and come on we all know 5 Pokemon out of 718 as playable characters is not enough(especially not if there's 10 characters originating from the Mario Series).

Concept of Moves

-Standard Special: Blaze Kick (Explanation) essentially on the ground it would be the same as Falcon/Warlock Punch or more closely related to the Mii Fighter's "Exploding Side Kick" in the air sort of a hook kick that propels him forward.
--Custom 1:Fire Punch (Explanation) almost the same as blaze kick, but weaker and comes out faster and none of the aerial qualities of blaze kick(so basically Falcon Punch
--Custom 2: Double Kick (Explanation) 2 Kicks that can be aimed to your pleasing while on ground and in the air launches him twice as far as blaze kick(significantly less knockback, and less damage and No Fire.

-Up Special: High Jump Kick (Explanation)2 hits. 1while near opponent the first attack launches them into the air(never a kill move but distance still varies depending on damage) 2 pressing the b button launches the second attack( Kill move at 80% from left side of stage(FD) if facing left & vice versa (with no DI or Vector)) failure to launch the second attack results in 30% damage to yourself as well as beginning your helpless animation as soon as you miss the hit window, missing the kick finishes the animation(which gives you a bit of a float) first and then adding 30% damage to yourself and putting you in the helpless animation.
--Custom 1: Bounce (Explanation) an upward leap(does damage with minimal knockback) followed by a swift downward strike(bounces back up if it hits the opponent, shield included)
--Custom 2: Sky Uppercutt (Explanation) essentially Mario's Up B with with a significantly higher Jump.

-Side Special: Brave Bird (Explanation) similar to Charizard's Flare Blitz however giving the ability to slightly alter it's direction,(up or down near the middle or at the beginning) the launch of the attack is much quicker than charizard's but the knock back is toned down and the damage is significantly toned down.
--Custom 1: Aerial Ace (Explanation) a swift slicing forward motion, significantly faster than Brave bird but, significantly less knockback as well as damage.
--Custom 2: Flare Blitz (Explanation) same as Charizard's

-Down Special: Low Kick (Explanation) Tripping Move, causes higher damage to heavier characters than lighter characters.
--Custom 1: Reversal (Explanation) Blaziken Launches a menacing Kick that does more damage the higher Blaziken's percentage is.
--Custom 2: Counter(Self Explanatory) Blaziken counter attacks with a Kick.

Jumps: 3
Jump Height: Same as Greninja's
Falling Speed: Same as Sonic's
Weight: Slightly Lighter than Lucario(very Slight almost the same)
Walking Speed:Same as Sheik's
Dashing Speed: Same as Captain Falcon's (with running animation most similar to Sonic's)

Standard A Jab Combo( A Punch 2% followed by a kick 3% (knocks toward you), and another kick(finisher(5%)) or a flurry of kicks(all 1%) in the same spot(Somewhat similar to fox's but not as fast and in one spot rather than top to bottom and then the finisher.

Forward Tilt 8% ( A Kick that can be aimed to your pleasing that knocks the opponent behind you according to where you aimed. (aiming down knocks them upward, &vice versa)

Down Tilt 7%( A low Kick that knocks the opponent upward and away from you)

Up Tilt 5% (Basically Lucario's up tilt sending the opponent upward and in the same direction of the kick (in this case forward)

Forward Smash 16% Charged 21% ( A strong Kick Sends Opponent Forward)

Down Smash 15% Charged 20% (A spinning Low Kick hits behind first then in front behind hit sends opponent forward front hit sends them Upward)

Up Smash 10% Charged 15% (An Uppercut sends Opponent Upward)

Dash Attack 8% ( drop kick moving him far forward)

Up Air 9% (Kicks Upward from Front to Back knocks opponent very slightly Upward)

Neutral Air 10%( Pretty Much Fox's Neutral Air slightly stronger)

Down Air 11% ( Blaziken does a forward flip with the animation ending below him, meteor smashes if hit when the kick is in front of Blaziken)

Forward air 4% then 6%( 2 kicks coming in a slightly downward motion and then straight, first kick knocks slightly downward, and second forward)

Back Air 12% (a Spin Kick from front to back)

Grab: Blaziken( being quite the tall character picks up most of the characters (such as Lucario) by their head.

Forward 10%( just a Simple underhand Toss)
Back 3% 8%( Throws opponent down behind and Kicks Behind)
Up 8% (Throws Opponent behind and Kicks Upward)
Down 3% 6%( holds opponent down and punches them)


Down Taunt: Blaziken Turns away from opponent arms folded and Sparks his wrists, at high damage percent it produces flames.( will do damage if at a high enough percentage)

Side Taunt: Blaziken Begins his Pokedex 3D animation,(with no jump)

Up Taunt: Performs his uppercut animation from X and Y

Final Smash: Mega Evolution (In this form Blaziken's Attack is increased significantly as well as receiving a speed increase(running attacking etc.)
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Smash Journeyman
Jul 30, 2014
I gotta tell ya there is no way they'd put another fire starter in the game. But hey at least blaziken will be in pokken


Smash Rookie
Oct 13, 2014
Right, and yet there's 2 links 2 pits 2 Marios and 2 characters solely based around marth's move set.( pretty much 2 marths) regardless of the creation process for clone characters being different from that of say, adding adding other fire type. Due to the fact character can get 2 character slots to it's self, I highly doubt giving another fire type a slot would be a colossal issue for them.


the true enemy of humanity is anime
Feb 8, 2014
I doubt Blaziken or even Sceptile will be playable in Smash.

Why can't Pokémon fans be satisfied with the current reps? Pikachu, Jigglypuff, Mewtwo, Lucario, Charizard, Greninja. More than enough. Geez.


Smash Rookie
Oct 13, 2014
I doubt Blaziken or even Sceptile will be playable in Smash.

Why can't Pokémon fans be satisfied with the current reps? Pikachu, Jigglypuff, Mewtwo, Lucario, Charizard, Greninja. More than enough. Geez.
Because the reps are too centered around the first generation, rather than an even spread. ^also by that logic there must be Way too many Mario characters.
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Smash Apprentice
Oct 11, 2014
Kokomo, Indiana
Right, and yet there's 2 links 2 pits 2 Marios and 2 characters solely based around marth's move set.( pretty much 2 marths) regardless of the creation process for clone characters being different from that of say, adding adding other fire type. Due to the fact character can get 2 character slots to it's self, I highly doubt giving another fire type a slot would be a colossal issue for them.
Don't get me wrong, I see where you're coming from, but Pokemon is already very well represented in the game (soon to be even moreso). If they WERE to add more Pokemon to Smash, I'd imagine they would want to add other types to diversify the roster as much as possible. I'm not saying I'd be shocked to see it happen, and in fact I think Blaziken's pretty BA in all honesty and would be a great fit for Smash, but with Mewtwo on the way and the FIVE other Pokemon already in the game, I just don't see it happening. There are too many other worthy characters from franchises that aren't nearly as well represented (or not represented at all).

EDIT: And yes, there ARE too many Mario characters.
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Smash Rookie
Oct 13, 2014
Don't get me wrong, I see where you're coming from, but Pokemon is already very well represented in the game (soon to be even moreso). If they WERE to add more Pokemon to Smash, I'd imagine they would want to add other types to diversify the roster as much as possible. I'm not saying I'd be shocked to see it happen, and in fact I think Blaziken's pretty BA in all honesty and would be a great fit for Smash, but with Mewtwo on the way and the FIVE other Pokemon already in the game, I just don't see it happening. There are too many other worthy characters from franchises that aren't nearly as well represented (or not represented at all).

EDIT: And yes, there ARE too many Mario characters.
Last edited: 11 minutes ago
thank you for actually reading the post and not just the title like those other 2. With Mewtwo on the way I would say in terms of the amount of reps it's well represented but, it still feels too 1st gen heavy.
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Smash Journeyman
Jul 30, 2014
Right, and yet there's 2 links 2 pits 2 Marios and 2 characters solely based around marth's move set.( pretty much 2 marths) regardless of the creation process for clone characters being different from that of say, adding adding other fire type. Due to the fact character can get 2 character slots to it's self, I highly doubt giving another fire type a slot would be a colossal issue for them.
Yes but pokemon has so many characters that it's unlikely they'd do a pokemon that doesn't add to the variety of the lineup. Not that any more pokemon have a real chance, but I'd expect probably sceptile if anyone.

You're right that the line up is gen 1 heavy but I think it's fair to say those gen1 pokemon are very iconic to the series, it's not unfair they were picked
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Smash Apprentice
Oct 11, 2014
Kokomo, Indiana
thank you for actually reading the post and not just the title like those other 2. With Mewtwo on the way I would say in terms of the amount of reps it's well represented but, it still feels too 1st gen heavy.
I can agree with that, but at this point the only way that problem (if you can call it that) is getting fixed is either by adding even more pokemon to the point where the series is highly overrepresented or replacing pokemon currently on the roster, which obviously isn't going to happen until at least Smash 5.
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Smash Rookie
Oct 13, 2014
Well Pokemon X and Y is still the top selling 3ds game to date. So Pokemon deserves to have A lot of reps because it has done so well for nintendo, and don't get me wrong 6 is a decent amount but only one of those characters is new, where as, Fire Emblem got 2 Kid Icarus got 2, and Mario got 2, Mario also didn't have any characters removed in the transition of Brawl to Smash 4, Yet Pokemon (The Top Selling 3ds game) got 2 characters removed, and only one replaced. I'm glad they're bringing mewtwo back, but even still Mewtwo isn't new, we've played as mewtwo before, and unless he's choosing to completely alter the moveset mewtwo had in melee (which he didn't do with Dr. Mario) I honestly don't believe adding at least one more Pokemon character is a bad thing especially, since DLC likely going to be adding more from every game. also on the subject of Variety it does make a tremendous amount of sense that they would choose Sceptile over Blaziken for more type variety, but one problem with that is Grass Type isn't really considered one of the more popular types in Pokemon, even going back to the 90s when 1st gen was most popular, the main argument of who was better was between Blastoise and Charizard, leaving Venusaur out most of the time, and when you think about the characters in brawl that came with Charizard, Ivysaur was still the character least cared about of the 3, So they're pretty aware of just how popular the Grass type is. Not saying that Grass types don't have a chance, but i wouldn't put it passed them to add another pokemon of the fire type if it was possible to derive a unique moveset from that as well as if it were more Popular. we also can't forget that Blaziken isn't just a favorite of the fans, Junichi Masuda has said before that Torchic's evolution line one of his favorites. Although this in no way guarantee's Blaziken a spot, it certainly puts him in a better position than Sceptile, to the point that if they ever decided to have each Generation represented in smash Blaziken would be the more likely option for generation 3.
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Sonic Poke

Smash Lord
May 14, 2011
Sao Paulo, Brazil
This is probably the third Blaziken thread...

Anyway, to me it's unlikely, we already have a badass Fire starter... And we already have a badass Fighting type...


You're a vegetable
Mar 24, 2012
Blaziken can easily be a newcomer as a C.falcon alt character.


Yeah Shulk, get stuck in!
Apr 10, 2010
Independence, MO

Anyway, it shouldn't really matter much, but Blaziken is confirmed a stage hazard in the Kalos Pokemon League stage via a transition of the fire portion. There are times people will rely on arbitrary patterns like trophies de-confirming playable status however. So really Blaziken still has a plausible chance, though I personally would rather see a different Gen. III pokemon.
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