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Let's Make A Story! 3

  • Thread starter MarioRayFalconSmash X
  • Start date

MarioRayFalconSmash X

And so, the five continued their journey, seeing what looked like...a hostage dragon?

"Watashi wa kore o shori ****e mimashou!"
Cloud said, Japanese for,"Let me handle this!" (I thought It would be fun that since Cloud speaks Japanese in Smash, I'd make him speak it here, too.) "Wait! It might be a trap!" Sonic called out. And it indeed was. When Cloud was unsheathing his Buster, the dragon burst out of its chains and fired a torrent of water at him. Mario hurled a fire ball at the dragon, forgetting that water takes out fire. Captain Falcon and Sonic sped at the dragon. Captain Falcon kicked it behind him, and Sonic slammed it to the ground with a Spin Dash. The dragon lay on the ground. It then lifted its leg and stomped the ground, creating a hole. The five and the dragon fell down. When Fake Raymond reached the bottom, he pulled a crystal out of the wall and threw it at the dragon. Now the dragon was confused. Then Fake Raymond unsheathed his sword and slashed at the dragon's leg, causing it to bleed severely. The dragon collapsed, turning into a human. "Hey!" The human yelled. "Don't ever slash my leg like that again! It hurts!" Mario went up to the human. "Let's go," He said. "My name is Kamui Mahogany," she said to Mario. "Tell that idiot over there not to slash my leg, cause now he's jammed it.Fake Raymond, Sonic, Captain Falcon, and Cloud walked away, Mario ran after them. "Wait! Can I come?" Mahogany asked, crawling after them.
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