Smash Apprentice
I've only been playing Smash on kaillera for a few weeks now, but have been a smasher for years. I am pretty consistent with the characters moves/abilities/z cancelling/etc. and my main is Ness, I used to own like everybody I played on console, but the majority of players on kaillera play at a significantly different/more advanced level. One of the things I've had trouble with is DI, specifically escaping combos and reducing the knockback from getting smashed on the ground. I started out playing on kaillera with an Xbox 360 controller and the controls work really well for me, but I've noticed it's harder for DI, although the design of the joystick makes it good for slide DI? (unless its still better on keyboard) I tried a setup with W-A-S-D as my directions, and my right hand for the buttons somewhere else on the keyboard. I guess what I'm wondering is how to effectively to DI on the keyboard, or how to do it better on controller and whether or not slide is used as commonly as smash/tap DI. In addition, is there maybe a video or something explaining the frame rates in more depth? Thanks for any help,