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Lag from the other end (mostly rant but also question)


Smash Rookie
Aug 22, 2015
I am getting very tired of having to go against these losers with horrible lag on FG or tournament mode. I have even had to deal with SECOND OR TWO SECOND LONG INPUT DELAY (not exaggerating even the slightest bit) against these kids. I have done plenty of tests and have had enough good matches to know that these evil lag fights are absolutely the other player's fault.
This crap usually happens in tournament mode but can happen in FG too of course.

I just wanted to know if there is anything I can do to get rid of these people or if I am just screwed unless I happen to get people with good internet.

Lol why can't Nintendo just do an internet check when trying to connect to online mode and not let these kids play unless they have a some what decent connection? Cuz right now it seems like there are more people out there who just ruin the game for others then there are actually good players ._.

I'll be busy washing the salt taste out of my mouth but just to make sure everyone knows it's not my internet that's bad (even tho I said it wasn't) here's my internet speed http://www.speedtest.net/my-result/4524980930
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