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Ladies and gents, place your bets!

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Smash Ace
Mar 24, 2008
As we all know, the next SSB's have been announced. But when will they come out? Who knows! And will they come out before the OTHER next SSB, Project M? And will a release date even matter if it's not good?!?!

Place your bets!

A) SmashWiiU will come out before Project M, and it will be better.

B) Project M will come out before SmashWiiU, and it will be better.

C) SmashWiiU will come out first, but Project M will be better.

D) Project M will come out first, but SmashWiiU will be better.

E) I'm never home. I'm only playing Smash3DS... which will have better online, anyway...

I'd create a poll, but I don't think I can!

And if you don't know what Project M is... wait... there are people who don't know what Project M is? Are you sure those people frequent these boards? Well, alright, here you go!

Fun times with the future of Smash!:awesome:

HIDDEN OPTION F!) Just gimme me the Smash64 remake already!
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