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Smash Journeyman
Aug 1, 2011
Northern California
i didn't see a single sh ff fair :( are those not safe or something against ike?

in fact, i didn't see a short hop at all other than the occasional rising/retreating fair/bair :(

more nair, it's a good move.

i liked your use of d-smash, whether that was intentional or not.

you really did good getting him off the stage, and then you just totally let him back on. when ike goes below the stage, you need to grab the ledge and counter his aether. and don't try countering side-b recovering while you're grounded on the stage. it won't work.

that dancing blade at the end there, never stop with a db3 up..., if you realize you've mis-spaced it on your opponent's shield, im pretty sure the best thing to do is just forward forward down and then stop.

well played though, your marth just keeps getting better sylarius!!


Smash Ace
Sep 27, 2011
Saskatoon, SK
I tried grabbing the ledge, but it was too laggy and I literally missed it every time, that's why I kept dashing back towards the stage, was trying to run off and grab the ledge.
And no clue. I don't remember. I watched the match and felt bad afterwards considering I got ftilted at the end lol.
Thanks for the advice though, I'll do another match soon xD.
Dsmash was supposed to be dtilt but still works I guess.


Smash Journeyman
May 3, 2009
If you have problems edgehoging, try to do it with a DS (drop off, jump toward the stage then DS cancel grab the edge).

I know it takes some extra frames but if you time it right, its the easiest way to cover your problem (it worked for me). Also you gain the invicibility DS gives you, so if you fail, you won't get hit and the time to land safely.



Smash Ace
Sep 27, 2011
Saskatoon, SK
Well, all three games got screwed up lol. First game was SV, I lost and CP'd FD, I won he CP'd halberd and I went snake because I didn't want to vs snake with Marth on such a small stage.
Also I got gayed on halberd game 3 lol.

EDIT: Also, watching these replays of myself makes me notice so many other options I can do that will work and so many mistakes. xP I just hope I can apply and adapt.

EDIT: My reaction time is so slow..
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