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KO %'s


Smash Journeyman
Oct 21, 2007
Have been looking for this quite some time already: is there a list with the KO %'s of all attacks (+ with the different Pikmin)? I think the lowest percentage I've KO'd someone at was around 80, with a blue Usmash. But a list like that would always be handy!


Smash Apprentice
Apr 19, 2008
Not sure of any exact lists with KO percents. But I won a tourney yesterday with an 83% Fatty upsmash KO yesterday. But it all depends on how good your opponent is at DI cause of course if they don't DI then the KO% will be lower.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 21, 2007
Yes, but isn't that with all KO %'s? Lists of other characters have been made already, so it is possible in some way.

Congrats on winning the tournament, by the way. Your profile says Bowser, but I guess you still have to change that? ^_^


Smash Master
Mar 25, 2008
nxt to Dphat wit all dem azn biches
lowest KO percent I've gotten was just last week at a neighborhood brawl tournament, it was in the 20's % range KO. It was pretty beastly to say the least. He charged right at me, I grabbed him, back throw, dair, grabbed the edge. His B^ just popped right above me, but wasn't enough to land on the edge.

As for KO % I don't know of any that have been posted.



Smash Journeyman
Mar 26, 2007
=P don't think thats quite what hes looking for Fino, but gotta love kills like that. Not sure exactly my lowest but just this past wednesday i got a grab at 0 near the edge facing the edge for a Dthrow->FAir->Dair->ledge hog =P

Anyway Jarri no list like this has ever been made or even attempted to my knowledge, simply because it is so variable. Your USmash example for instance depends on how heavy your opponents character is, how high the ceiling of that particular stage is, which pikmin you hit with, how cleanly you hit, how many times you've used USmash prior and the number of moves you've used inbetween those previous USmashes. Odds are I'm not even thinking of other possible variables, but that hopefully reiterates KMAY's point that the list while it could be done, would be very situational. The other moves would be even more difficult, needing to account for how wide the stage is, how wide the KO walls are, opponent wiggling, character recovery, what part of the stage you hit your opponent at... I feel perhaps this list would need to be too simplified to be useful. If your just looking for the relative knock back strengths of all the moves, I believe thats fairly accurately been laid out in NC Echo's guide as part of each individual move's description. In short however if your simply looking for kill moves, I'll say that over the past week and a half i've developed very much around the unused USmash kill potential, saving it until i get my opponent to 90%-110% and then taking the for sure KO. While USmash is a great move at any percent for damaging/juggling/etc, i've found that overall keeping it solely for KO use has made me a much more efficient player. This makes it particularly difficult to make "comebacks" against me because never will my opponents be able to have those troublesome stocks that reach 150% and above while chipping away at my own % as I fight for the KO.

I believe USmash is by far the most reliable KO move, and easiest to save up. For that reason perhaps a list of USmash KOs on all the characters on all the stages given various different DIs could be useful, but in general I think a list of KO %s would be mostly unusable.



Apr 10, 2008
I've decided to make the KO% list w/ all Olimar's smashes, but i've a couple question's:

1) Which character should I test on?(I was thinking Mario)
2)KO=?(flying off screen?)
3)I shouldn't charge up, should I.
4)has this already been tested?



Smash Journeyman
Mar 26, 2007
If your up for it DanGR heres what I'd suggest. As the discussion above highlights, the only numbers of real importance and consistency will be USmash kill %. To test this will be tedious however. You'll want to do it in practice mode where there is no move degradation and you can easily adjust the opponents % in the start menu. You'll want to set the % up at 70% or so and see if an uncharged USmash will knock that specific character off the top of the screen for a KO. If not, hit start, add 1% and try again. Once you get it to kill once, do it again just to confirm. You'll want to be hitting the opponent from the standard level of each stage, for instance not the moving platform in smashville just the normal part. Record the lowest % you get and can recreate, then move on to the next character on the same stage. Get all the characters for a stage, then if your still feeling helpful feel free to start on another stage too. The tournament neutral stages are the most important ones, Final Destination Battle Field Smashville Yoshi's Island (ssbb) Lylat perhaps orphion just the ones that are very simple and fair to play. You need to do each character and stage individually because the characters all weigh different amounts and you'll see the KO% differ. Also each stage has a different height KO wall. Like pikmin pluck %s this isn't a fun thing to do, but won't be bad to know.

If your feeling REALLY committed to this task, set the opponent in training to Control. Then with a second controller make sure to DI directly down, smash DI if you know how to. This will give a somewhat more accurate number of the lowest % the USmash is unsurvivable at. Good Luck.



Smash Champion
Jan 4, 2008
Lake Oswego, OR
Purples work great on the Usmash. There will probably never be a list, you should just judge from their percent or by how far certain moves hit them.

I think I meteored someone at 40% once with a purple or red. It was neat.


Smash Lord
Jan 10, 2008
hey DanGR, I'd be happy to help find out the KO percent of moves for you, just PM me if you're serious about doing it of course =\ and then just give me what moves and with what Pikmin you want me to test and I'll record the results and PM them to you obviously from there you can begin to make your list.

Dr. Hyde

Smash Ace
Mar 3, 2007
Sarasota, FL
I'm seriously gonna spend one day of my summer, once my exams are done to find this out for the Up smash on Final D.

No where else. I also think that if this is done it would be best to, try and use the up smash once, twice and three times separately with each KO so see how big of a difference the spam knockback is. By that I mean the more you use a move the less powerful it becomes.

I know this because I have a habit of smashing with Oli and I tend to use moves a bit much especially forward smash and especially if my opponent is under the stage's edge. :p


Smash Apprentice
Feb 13, 2008
I've KO'd someone around 12% when my brother got really close to the ledge, then i ledge attacked, spiked him when he went off the edge from that, and then gimped his recovery.
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