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Kirby vs Jigglypuff


Smash Journeyman
Aug 23, 2005
Austin, TX
Don't see a whole lot of characater specific matchup posts, and I just got out of some really heated matches between myself and a jigglypuff of about my same skill level, so I'd like to post a few comments and feel free to add your own thoughts.

- Try not to use fair much, it loses in priority against jiggs' fair and bair almost always.
- Fthrow-> hammer only seems to work at 10% or below
- kirby's fsmash has better range, but the majority of the fight wont be on the ground anyways
- once you get over 60%, WATCH OUT for rollout. This causes most of my Ko's, that ***** is fast and has some crazy koing power. If you have time and see it coming, it's as simple to counter as Inhale. but if she's not all the way across the screen charging, you might not begin the inhale soon enough because it moves very fast.
- If you have any experience using jigglypuff, copy rollout and use it against her. Really, it'll ko her at stupidly low % compared to your bair. But be very careful, don't suicide.
- Use final cutter. This move seemed to be really effective in this matchup, especially to break up the opponent's rhythm, and is good for spiking their recovery sometimes.
- Punish anytime she misses a smash, she has a longer lag on most of her smashes than kirby.
- Try tripping. Spam some downtilts if she gets too close, one trip sets you up nicely for a free fsmash.
- BAIR BAIR BAIR BAIR BAIR. Once you've got the % up a decent bit, This is most likely going to earn you the most of your ko's. It's good for the same reasons its good on everyone; fast, decently strong, high priority. Just try not to let it get stale.

Thats about all I can think of for now. The one I played never incorporated any rests or sleeps into their game so I dunno about watching out for those or not.

edit: I say about the same skill level, but I guess I should include that I didn't lose a single kirby vs jigglypuff match. using Dedede was another story though... he has trouble against jiggly and pikachu -_-;


Smash Cadet
Mar 17, 2008
well i dont really see many ppl playing as jigglypuff but thanks for the tips info on this type of stuff is always good
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