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Kirby help plz...Vids inside.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 22, 2008
Rockville, MD
You don't always have to approach the opponent. You can let him come to you, predict what he is going to do, and do a simple attack to counter it. It's easier said then done though, cause this fox knows how to vary his strategy.


Smash Lord
Dec 22, 2005
I dont remember if this move actually works or not, but u can try it. When he goes to side b try to do kirby's inhale move and spit him out further away. ( fox's up b isnt too great :))

Dont know if that will even work or help, but its worth a try occasionaly :)


Smash Cadet
Apr 12, 2008
I always thought of Kirby as an in-your-face fighter, but i guess that doesnt always work.

Ok. i guess i can interrupt him with an utilt or something after a sidestep maybe.

Thx for the help.!

Koopa Soldier

Smash Rookie
Aug 1, 2005
You have good combo and controls but you approach the opponent too much and leave yourself way too open. Try more mind games by using more up-B or jump in one place with F-air or back jump with F-air. Kirby can be an in-your-face fighter but against a faster character you gotta pace yourself more.

Lastly dont spam your KO moves. Keep in mind 1 or 2 KO moves and use it sparingly and spam the others.


Smash Journeyman
May 18, 2008
Bellingham, Washington
The main thing that I noticed, that other people did as well, is that you approach to much. Remember, you can always duck under fox's lasers and he'll be forced to come for you in which case you'll be able to:
shield grab, dodge and punish, intercept him or any other wide variety of moves. It's important to keep it mixed up because if you don't, you'll become very predictable.

Cereal Rabbit

Smash Lord
Nov 13, 2007
Davis, CA

In the start of the match from 0:03 seconds to 0:07, you did a good job spacing your approach into your opponent. Good job at punishing your opponent's lag, though it seemed a lot like you he missed and you tried pulling off a grab. Pretty coincidental. Because you were at 0 percent you would of had risked putting jabs in the grab or throwing immediately. What you did was F-threw to F-air. The only problem with that is that the F-air doesn't really have that much of an effect on fast fallers. It's an easy "get out of" especially by how low you were on the ground. You followed up with a F-smash and Fox had a perfect chance to dash away. His play style of having a distance from his opponent caused him to roll away into a crounched down tilt probably by instincts. Smarter choices for this part would had been
F-throwing into and U-air. After the U-air, because of Fox's hit stun, there is a pretty huge choice of attacks you can do. You can go for a smash, but that's only for last resorts. You can even grab, F-throw and go for another U-air. That would've started the match of better on your part.

Later in at 0:09, your "aggressive" play style of lag revealant had you dashed into a grab because you thought you could punish Fox's down tilt. You missed and then went for a D-air. You were easily punished for the D-air by the Fox grabbing you. Kirby's D-air might be an effective combo starter, but it does have the relavence to be laggy.

At 0:12 you decided to roll behind your opponent. This is a risky choice. Rolling in my opinion depends on the play style of the player. If you know the player is used to rollers, they'll purposely corner opponents near egdes to punish the rollers. Other options could had been a full hop D-air because Fox seemed like he got you cornered and didn't seem like moving was a nececity. Down Tilt would also had easily been another option if the Fox decided to approach.

From 0:14 to 0:17, you take a serious beating taking you up a few percents. Not much you can change about this. Later on though, in 0:18 you U-Smashed as he ran away. Then the Fox predicted another U-Smash so he ran to you for a shield grab off your U-Smashed. The U-Smash isn't Kirby's best attack. It has a lot of lag and his other smash attacks are better choices. Though you luckily got out of that. You then randomly (Why??) ran to the right side of the edge as Fox approached above you and shine stalled. You used a hammer attack other than a better choice of play style. With the HUGE lag of the hammer, Fox came in and punished you with a D-air to D-Smash, knocking you off the stage. A better option you could had done was ran to the left side of the Fox. Was does pursue you run under him, but you opened lag, potentially so he could had comboed you off. Fox's D-air to D-Smash isn't a combo, so can easily shield grab it after the D-Smash.

During the stage recovery of you at 0:25 you made a dash attack approach. Though this would be a bad idea. Higher damage definitly means that you are in high risks of being KOed. If you would had spaced farther away from Fox, when you pushed him off the ledge at 0:30, you could had easily been at an easier spot to grab him into a F-throw to U-air combo or to D-air to F-smash. Though you had approached a D-air, poor spacing made Fox easily punish the D-air

0:43 to 0:51 was Fox's hit and run moment. This was filled up with much of you chasing him and the Fox running away. This still proves that you are the overall more aggressive one. 1:01, was a pretty easy gimp for Fox because you were low in mid-air. Low mid-air is an easily gimpable position because if you do air-dodge you will shortly hit the ground. 0:53 was another moment when you could had had an easy gimp if you spaced better. Kirby usually shouldn't edge guard opponents at relatively slow damage because, well they get back on the stage.

From here, up until 2:02 you get owned with random things that you could've done to had done better. During 1:17 Fox shielded. Fox probably shielded predicting a smash attack which you ended up doing. Than you got comboed more. Almost also the stock at 1:22 too! Whoo, lucky one. At 1:30 you managed a grab. You did F-throw to Hammer. Now Fox is at 50%ish remember? You can't pull off grab combos are damage that high. You easily got punished. You could had jabbed a few times and U-throwned for good measures. Felt like after you got him off the stage he started sand bagging.


I'm getting lazy and this is getting too long.

Basically you're too agressive. I only see short hop F-airs mostly and Fox is punishing you easily. I wished I could do more if I'm bored lol.


Smash Ace
Mar 22, 2008
Uhh Cereal... thats a TAD bit too much detail =P

When giving advice you don't look at specific mistakes and list them off one by one cause I mean come on we all make mistakes o.o but give more general advice on improving consistent errors rather than every single error..
I.E. Say that he needs to concentrate more on avoiding damage by shielding and spacing properly rather then saying "at 11:11 you should have shielded"

Haha ok so I might as well give the OP some advice on his videos since I am now here.

So yes like I said you need to work on not getting hit. There are a lot of things but just work on that first.
Now obviously this is easier said than done. So let me explain some ways to help you with that.

Avoid using laggy attacks. If you do not hit with a laggy attack, you will almost always be punished for it (there are exceptions however such as if they are shielding near a ledge and you fsmash them and they just get pushed onto the ledge but lets just stick with that statement ;) ) Try to use more tilts and bair. They have little lag and are much safer for racking up damage. Your fsmash should only be used for damage if your opponent is using a move you can outprioritize with it. Like metaknights neutral A spam, you can just whack him out of it with an fsmash. But the main point is hold off on fsmash until your going to go for the kill. Bair and tilts are much safer.. start trying to get used to them. Mainly bair though. Oh also Final Cutter is very punishable if they are near you I saw you try to slice fox with it in the middle of the stage and he easily punished for it. This will happen a lot unless they have never played kirby before or something.

Bair is awesome because i was saying before spacing will help you avoid being hit. Try to hit with the very tip of the bair so that they will be so far away and the move has such little lag it will be extremely difficult for them to punish you even if you miss or they block. Basically, use your moves at the maximum amount of range you can. If you can hit your opponent from a distance, why not do so? Its generally the same damage and knockback no matter how far away you are from them, so use your attacks from the maximum distance you can.

And most importantly... use your shield. Block your opponents attacks. Trust me, it is MUCH more important for you to not get hurt than for your opponent to be hurt. Always remember that. Also, try to recognize when your opponent will attack you and what attacks they generally use. More or less, you should be concentrating more on your opponent than yourself. If you see him jump towards you, you can in all likelihood expect an aerial to come out, so shield it or if you think you know the exact timing of the attack spotdodge it. Shielding is obviously safer however. Also, rolling is good for getting away from your opponent if you can't do the other two, but try to avoid it. If they can predict your rolls it is easily punishable. So recognize the times your opponent will attack you and shield or spotdodge.

Hope that helps :)


Smash Ace
Mar 22, 2008
I remember Forward did this to Eggm some time back in January.
Haha I saw that thread..

I think he was just more showing the thoughts that went through his head during a fight than trying to give advice to the players though. I think going into that much detail in your head is good but the idea is after analyzing a match like that, you want to summarize it into general points to improve on because your more or less giving advice on a specific match if you don't. What you want to learn is a persons consistent mistakes and advise them to work on them. Really though the stuff you wrote about was good but I don't think it would quite help as much as giving him a few ideas at a time to work on.

Seeing how a person responds in certain situations and predicting how they will react in the future is what you want to accomplish. Simply giving advice on those specific situations won't help them in the future.

I am writing this because I am borded :laugh:
I need to record myself and watch my matches to help me improve myself =/ and maybe get some input from you guys too :)


Smash Cadet
Apr 12, 2008
Alrite, laggy strong moves, out the window (unless im finishing him) got it. (^-^).
Thx for all the help, general and super-specific.lolz
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