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"Keep on tryin (tryin) and th---en we try some more"


Faith, Hope, Love, Luck
Jul 6, 2005
Brisbane, Australia
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My dad woke me up at 6 this morning. Well, knocked on the door and told me to get up. USUALLY I do get up at around then on a Wednesday. I start work at about 7:30am, at the local High School as a network administrator. I didn’t go to sleep the previous night til after 12 or so, so I told him to leave me be for another half an hour.

Work today was alright, we had an extra hand since one of the guys who does Friday’s usually, came in today as well. I only worked until 12 though, since I have Uni in the afternoon. Since the guys were planning on doing lunch at 12 anyway, I waited around to catch a ride in. So I pick up all my stuff and rush after everyone, who were already on their way out the door. My chance to call shotgun was already virtually gone, so I didn’t bother. I was about to leave the library (where our team is based) when I also realised that I hadn’t done my timesheet for the week. Fortunately I have a younger brother who is in his final year that attends the school I work at, so I decided to grab a blank time sheet, and would simply ask him to hand it to my boss.

We all cram into my work colleague’s Yellow R33 Skyline. It’s certainly an interesting ride, considering everything that’s gone into it. As we start off down the road, I quickly remember I was supposed to print out a few copies of a draft due in a week for today’s tutorial. I muttered “Ah S***,” just loud enough for everyone to hear. Ironic, and everyone laughed when I did, because then the gigantic sub in the back of the car burst to life, a voice 10 times louder and blacker than mine echoing me, "AH S***" the opening to the song “I’m on a Boat” playing through the car with enough force to blow an eardrum.

We part ways at the shopping centre next to the Mall they went for lunch at. When I got to the train station the attendant didn’t seem to be paying the window any mind, and I absently tapped my fingers while I waited. He heard it, of course and swung over, asking where I was off to. I pulled out my wallet, my embarrassing, fluoro pink, ‘The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya’ wallet and started fumbling around for my student card so I could ask for a concession fare to Brisbane, where my Uni is.

He was less than impressed, mumbling something along the lines of “You’re not even ready,” I didn’t quite catch what he said, so I instinctively said ‘sorry’ and he elaborated, “You were tapping your fingers and you weren’t even ready, so now you know how we feel”.

I didn’t make anything of it, so I just took the ticket and went down to wait for the train. I was more concerned about my unprinted drafts and feedback forms. The train ride was spent going over uni materials and watching old melee combo videos on my laptop.

I jumped out of the train almost an hour after I got on. Southbank station is only a short walk and a bridge away from my uni, The Queensland University of Technology, where I’m a first year student studying a bachelor of IT. I was hurrying to get there. I had less than 30 minutes to get to Uni and sort it all out. I walked around others, brushed past volunteers asking people to consider donating blood. I almost slowed down to get a view of a girl I was overtaking. She had amazing legs I swear to you. I even managed to drop my raincoat in my rush, all the while Utada Hikaru is singing into my ear the song ‘Keep Tryin’, from her album ‘Ultra Blue’.

I get to the uni library, and make my way over to printing services on the 4th floor. I hadn’t printed yet and I was under the impression our printing accounts had to be activated by them. That wasn’t the case, fortunately, I could use any of the print machines to add money to my balance. I chucked ten dollars on and made my way to a computer on the first floor.

The really annoying thing with some of the computers in the library, is that a lot of them appear to fail frequently when it comes to booting and up applying settings. It probably has to do with the massive demand on their network infrastructure and the sheer amount of computers located on that level of the library.

I eventually hopped onto a computer that was sitting at its log in screen, waiting for somebody. I jumped on quickly and got to printing the documents that I needed. 3 copies of my draft of an analysis of a media article regarding a major impact on IT in the last year and its effects before and after. As well as that, I printed out a peer feedback form for others to fill out.

I made it to class just as it was starting, sitting next to Ben, a kinda skinny guy like me with brown hair, and a chubby girl with blonde hair. Her name was Lauren. I made it just as the tutorial was underway, a brain teaser on the projector wall to work as an ice-breaker. That was when the 3 of us introduced each other and read the problem. It was something to do with an Amazon tribe that decree’d that couples would bear children until a son was born and then stop in an effort to increase the population of women, whom they worship like gods (or goddesses in this situation). The question was what actual effect would this have on their male:female ratio.

Most people were pretty stumped, but eventually they revealed that it wouldn’t actually affect the ratio in the long run, through math and analysis of each generation.

We got into the meat of the tutorial, which was sharing our drafts with the people we’d formed groups with and filling out the peer assessment forms. Ben’s was about the negative effects video games have on the mental and physical well-being of society and Lauren’s was about facebook. Pretty standard fare. Mine is about the release of Google’s Android OS, though I won’t get into the details.

When I received my feedback from them, they went like this:

(Part A)
- Try and describe what it was like before android. How the limitations made it difficult. Talk about how sustainability relates to hardware as well
(Part B)
- Talk about how the sustainability of android relates to hardware as well

(Part A)
- Just some sentence restructuring. Very good, very informative :-)
(Part B)
- All Good :-)

(In addition to several more comments and smilies across my draft)

We managed to get all of our feedback done just before class ended, and it was off to my lecture on ethics in IT. Ironically, the first thing I did was open smashboards and facebook. Our lecturer asked us a question about a scenario involving ethics in IT and we were asked to discuss our answers with the person next to us. The guy next to me was this asian kid named Ken, and I couldn’t help but think of his namesake, sephirothken. The rest of the lecture was pretty forgettable actually, though, I did take down notes all throughout it.

With the lecture over it was time to go home, so I headed out onto the bridge again and realised that I’d lost my raincoat somewhere. A shame because it’s my dad’s favourite raincoat, and I really want to replace it for him.

I made it over to the trainstation, and somebody working there announced that my train would be arriving on a different platform. I began walking all the way around, trailing behind a blonde girl who’s underwear was clearly visible through her skirt. When I realised I was staring way too much I started looking in every other direction. I’m not usually one to objectify women, usually.

I got on the train and nabbed a free seat, though in the process I unintentionally denied an old couple a seat. I would have given up my seat, but then they’d be separated and they probably didn’t want to be. I still felt bad about it.

There wasn’t much more too it. I started writing this on the train home. It’s not particularly interesting or exciting, but it’s a collection of memories I’d like to hang on to. Might make for a good story one day.

- Anthony

(PS: If you didn't pick it, the title was in reference to a pokemon song)


stuck on a whole different plaaaanet
Jun 12, 2008
Interesting day. I can't believe the guy at the window was such a jerk...they really shouldn't complain about thier jobs, I mean as long as you get paid and all I'd be happy. It's not like you're loosing anytime, you wait half the day anyway.

And I thought I recognized the words in the title...good song, huh?


Faith, Hope, Love, Luck
Jul 6, 2005
Brisbane, Australia
Oh definitely.
On both accounts.

Also I have no idea why I felt the need to recount on all the women I looked at yesterday. lol. Like I said, hopefully it will make for some good story telling fodder some day when I write another young adult story.

Deleted member

That might be the longest blog in history...

Enjoyable though, I felt like I was you.
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