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K.I.N. Fiction


Disney Film Director
Oct 4, 2008
Burbank, CA
Hey there, everyone. I'm writing a fictional screenplay based on my LA-based Smash crew, K.I.N.: Kickass Integral Ninjas. With most of us in college now, I decided writing a screenplay would be a nice way for us to read and remember each other. I've been told that I capture my friends' personalities spot-on. As of now, my screenplay is 39 pages long. I'll upload parts of it every now and then so as to avoid people from just saying "tl;dr." :p Anways, hope you all enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy writing it. This first chapter's nice and short for introductory purposes.

(Rated T for Teen.)

Characters (to be updated as more crewmembers are introduced):

Zigsta--Black Bowser. The leader of K.I.N. Cool-headed, he rarely lets emotions get in the way of daily challenges. A confident person who always seems to know what he's doing even if he actually doesn't. Has a penchant for talking Pokemon even when he's around people who have no understanding of Pokemon whatsoever. Earned the nickname "the Pokegod" for his Pokemon battling expertise and knowledge.

Veaz--Blue Lucario. Talks a lot of smack to just about anything that moves. Extremely lazy. Talented singer who doesn't like singing in front of his friends due to his high-pitch vocals. Often ribs Dogdemon and Bert in particular. Has a habit of singing random lyrics from songs. Said to be a ladies man, he sports a phone he calls "the Chicktionary." A closet Star Wars fanboy who lives for online role-playing. Despite his incessant ribbing and borderline ******** remarks, would gladly die for his friends.

Dogdemon--Green Meta Knight. Talks a lot and at a high frequency. Hates the San Antonio Spurs and Gamestop ("Nazistop" as he calls it.). Also hates drama but often creates drama with Veaz. Ribbed for enjoying Sex and the City the Movie a bit too much. Constantly loses to just about everyone in K.I.N. despite the fact that he is the only Meta Knight in the crew. Has a habit of saying Star Fox 64 memes in regular conversation.


Alright gang, ready to head out?

(raises hand) Question. How exactly are we just gonna “rush in?” We got you, me, and Dog. Seriously, we’re lookin’ like a bus full of ******* here.

C’mon, Veaz, why do you always have to put down on everyone? This is serious stuff we’re talking about!

(Pauses) …Why so serious, Sam?

(DogDemon glares at Veaz.)

I wouldn’t blame him, Dog. I would talk a lot of smack, too, if I didn’t any skills, either.

What? How you gonna tell me I don’t got skills? I’ll beat you any time, any DAY.

Veaz, are you still talking?

…Waaaahhhh. Dog, you know you can’t play me off. All I have to mention is—

Don’t you dare say it. I swear to God, I will kill you right here.


That’s it, Veaz, you’re dead!! (runs after Veaz) (Zigsta hasn’t moved yet)

…Well, I guess that’s one way to do it. (takes off after DogDemon and Veaz)

(Veaz runs into a massive group of Primids.)

What the French, toast? You didn’t tell me there was this many of them!!

I guess it’s time for you—(rushes into crowd of Primids and takes a handful out with a headbutt) show me you’ve got some skills.

Yeah, Veaz, just…DO A BARRELL ROLL!! (Drill Rushes into the ground)

Eff my life, even Dog’s killing them now! (shoots DogDemon in the back) That’s my kill! (hits a Primid with a burst of aura from his hands)

You stole me kill, you team killing—

(Slams into a sword-wielding Primid just as it rears back to swipe at both Veaz and DogDemon) Now might not the best time to start arguing, guys. (Primids begin to swarm the trio now, even amidst the group’s arguing. DogDemon, Veaz, and Zigsta continue knocking away Primids throughout their entire dialogue.)

No! Who the hell made you our fearless leader?

Well, seeing as the first time we actually got together was at Zig’s place—

Look, Dog, if I wanted help from a noob, I would’ve asked you. I was talking to Oldy McFu—(As Veaz is speaking, the Primids all converge together to create a massive Giant Primid.) Aw, eff my life.


Disney Film Director
Oct 4, 2008
Burbank, CA
I updated the first post to include more in-depth character intros. Here's chapter 2:

Dogdemon, this thing’s even bigger than your mom.

Dang it, Veaz, why do you always have to crack jokes?

Ey man, the only joke I see is your sorry excuse of a Meta Knight.

(ignoring Veaz and Dogdemon’s ribbing) Alright guys, let’s run Overdrive.

Overdrive? Don’t you think that’s a bit much?

Normally I’d say we should save it for someone more…challenging, but we need to take this thing down, and fast. Cows is depending on us. (looks at Veaz and Dogdemon, whose faces suddenly become serious) No holding back this time.


(Veaz jumps in front of the group and begins to pelt the giant Primid with repeated Aura Sphere blasts. Zigsta takes the middle and crouches down low to the ground with his eyes closed. Dogdemon assumes the flank, his sword at the ready.)

(aloud) One…two…three…four…five…six…seven…eight…nine…ten!

(Zigsta rises up after transforming into Giga Bowser. He looses a stream of fire at the giant Primid. Veaz uses Double Team as the fire is about to hit him, causing him to head to the back of the group, where Dogdemon grabs Veaz mid-Double Team so that he doesn’t attack Zigsta. Zigsta then rushes forward and grabs the giant Primid while still continuing to blow intense fire in the giant Primid’s face. Veaz catches a ride on Dogdemon’s back and jumps off high in the sky, at which point Zigsta smashes the giant Primid straight up in the air. When the enemy is eye level with Veaz, he fires an incredible amount of aura at the Primid, shooting it right back down towards the ground. Before the giant Primid hits the ground, Dogdemon suddenly appears and slashes it back into the sky. He pulls out a cell phone.)

Incoming enemy at 4 o’clock, coordinates 0900 by 3204! Ready… and fire!! (Dogdemon’s Halberd appears from the clouds and fires its laser cannon at the giant Primid, incinerating it.) I’MMA CHARGIN’ MAH LASER, BIATCH!!

(after transforming back to Bowser) Well done, guys. Much better than last time.

Yeah, ‘cuz flippin’ bottom tier over here actually brought his phone with him this time.

Hey, I can’t help it if my mom needed to use my phone to go shopping!

**** Sam, you’re whipped.

Just because I actually listen to my parents doesn’t mean I’m whipped! And don’t call me Sam! You know my fighting name is Dogdemon!!

Did you ask your parents if you could go see “Sex in the City,” too?

(before Dogdemon can retaliate) OK guys, let’s keep it moving. We’ve gotta cross these plains before we get to where Cows is held. (They begin walking across the endless black plains in front of them.)

You mean I gotta exert energy and WALK all the way there? Jesus toe-tapping Christ. (to Dogdemon) Why can’t we just take your ship?

The last thing we want is to be on a giant ship in the middle of a completely barren plain. We’d stick out like a sore thumb, even moreso than we already will just plain walking across it. (pauses) Get it, “plain?”



Wow, Zig. Way to pull a Bert. Where is Bert, anyway?

Probably off tickling some random guy’s feet.

Well, we sure could use his help now, that’s for sure.

True. I’m getting pretty tired of playing off Sam worse than Monopoly.

You know what, I’m just gonna not even pay attention to you anymore, Veaz. (changing the subject) Zig, how did Cows get captured in the first place?

I’m not 100% sure about this, but I’ve heard stories about there being someone who is experimenting on Pokemon for some reason. Seeing how Pikachu is the most popular Pokemon—

After Lucario, of course.

--It doesn’t seem unlikely that Cows could have been kidnapped. I like to think not, but all the signs point to it.

Signs? What signs?

Well, Cows and I talked just three days ago, around when I started hearing these rumors about Pokemon being experimented on. Two days ago I tried to call him up for some sparring, but he didn’t return my call. That night I began worrying about Cows being kidnapped by this said experimenter, and when I looked outside, I saw a wild Absol.

So what? You saw some Pokemon that looks like a deformed cat and now you now Cows is in trouble?

Haha, more or less. Absol is known as the Disaster Pokemon for a reason. It’s said that Absol appearing before people foreshadows some kind of disaster. Supposedly one even alerted Trainers years ago as to the awakening of the legendary Kyogre and Groudon.

Well, that’s the Pokegod for you. We’re with you, Zig.

Glad to hear it, Dog. If what I’ve heard is true, this scientist may have some powerful Pokemon at his disposal, possibly via mind control. I can only hope there aren’t too many of them, or else we may be overwhelmed.

We'll be alright. Any Pokemon that comes out way, you can take care of it, Zig.

(looking up in the sky) What the hell is that?

It’s not the Halberd…it’s too small. It looks like some kind of bird…and it’s coming this way. Zig, any idea what that thing is?



Disney Film Director
Oct 4, 2008
Burbank, CA
Chapter Three will hopefully lead to replies:

Great, we have a bird backing us up. (pause) Well, it could be worse. We could have Sam’s ship instead. (Dogdemon is still ignoring Veaz.) Wow Sam, I’m impressed. You haven’t been this quiet since I spanked you one-on-one last night…after I spanked your mom, that is.

(Dogdemon continues to ignore Veaz.)

(Looking from the incoming bird to Zigsta) Interesting choice, Zig.

(Waving his arms in the air) Over here, Pelipper!

(The bird gets closer and closer until it lands in front of Zigsta, Dogdemon, and Veaz. It is a Pelipper with green tips on its wings. As he lands, Pelipper throws its right wing into the air in a greeting fashion.)

You gotta be effing kidding me. This tub a lard lookin’ thing is your BACKUP? (Pelipper waddles over and smacks Veaz upside the head with a wing.) **** Zig, get this flippin’ thing offa me!

(to Pelipper) C’mon now, Pelipper, easy there. This is Veaz, and the green guy there is Dogdemon. They’re friends of mine who are gonna help us rescue Cows. (Pelipper backs off of Veaz.)

(rubbing his sore head) OK, seriously, why is Pelipper your backup? (Pelipper raises his wing again, but Zigsta holds up his hand, signaling Pelipper to hold off.) Look, I’m a noob when it comes to Pokemon, alright? Are you happy now? (Pelipper lowers his wing and caws in approval. Dogdemon tries to hide a laugh. Veaz is obviously wanting to say something sarcastic, but he bites his tongue.) What I’m trying to say is that Pelipper isn’t an offensive-minded Pokemon—even though that thing can friggin’ hurt with those wings it’s got. But if Cows is where you think he is, Zig, then we’re gonna be going up against a lot of powerful, offensive Pokemon. And I know you’ve told me that this Pelipper of yours has swept entire teams by himself, but even an impressive Pokemon like that surely can’t stand up against an entire army of mind-controlled Pokemon, especially if we’re in a small, enclosed area.

Wow Veaz, I didn’t know you had it in you. And I thought Zig just brought you along for your jokes. (Again, Veaz wants to rib Dogdemon, but holds back.)

I’m glad you asked, Veaz. (to Pelipper, who suddenly looks worried) It’s alright, let them have a look.

(Pelipper opens his mouth wide. Dogdemon and Veaz slowly walk up and peer inside Pelipper’s mouth, where a cache of Pokeballs is hidden.)


There must be twenty different Pokemon in here! Zig, don’t tell me—
Pelipper has been used as a mail-carrying Pokemon in some areas of the world. His deep mouth combined with his seemingly goofy—sorry, Pelipper, but it’s true—outward appearance makes it an ideal candidate for a surprise attack. (Zigsta grins.) So should the time come, I’ve got every single one of my team members ready to support us.

You mean…Golduck, Salamence, Dusknoir…they’re all in Pelipper’s mouth?

Yep, them and many more to boot.

(gulps) Gee, Zig, remind me never to get in a fight with you.

(Can’t resist the urge to rib any longer) Wow, now that would be a close match. I really don’t know which scrub would win.

That does it, Veaz!! (Unsheathes his sword and charges at Veaz. Pelipper leaps between them and takes both of their attacks without moving. For some odd reason, Veaz and Dogdemon cannot move.) Dude, what the hell did you do?!

Me?! What the hell did YOU do?!

That would be our safeguard, if you will. Thanks for the demonstration, Dusknoir. (Dogdemon’s and Veaz’s shadows slowly darken and transform into two Dusknoir, each holding their captive’s body and paralyzing them.) Dusknoir will be out on constant alert, her sole job being to protect Pelipper at all costs. Should anyone attempt to harm Pelipper—that is, if Dusknoir can tell that the force of the incoming attack will KO Pelipper—then Dusknoir will use her Shadow Sneak attack to strike the enemy from their shadow. In this case, Dusknoir used Substitute to create an afterimage of herself in order to grab you both.

And you couldn’t have told us this BEFORE we were just about to get into a fight?!

(laughs) I wanted to show you guys just how effective this measure is. Our enemies won’t be expecting it as well.

Jesus toe-tapping Christ, and I thought your Pelipper was annoying.

(as Dusknoir releases Veaz and Dogdemon) But wait, Zig. How come Dusknoir paralyzed our movements instead of attacking us?

(grins) Golduck.

Woah, woah, woah. I don’t see no Golduck out here--only this dumb Pelipper and Dusknoir! (Pelipper fumes at Veaz; Dusknoir slowly fades back into the ground.)

It’s simple, really. Thanks to Golduck’s Psychic, she and I can relay thoughts to one another even while she is inside her Pokeball. I told Golduck beforehand that if the two of you should attack Pelipper at any time, then Dusknoir should only hold you still instead of hit you with her usual Focus Punch. (to Veaz) That would have hit you quite hard in particular. (pause) Oh, I almost forgot—Dusknoir, use Pain Split on Pelipper. (Dusknoir rises back out of the ground and extends a hand towards Pelipper. Within seconds, Dusknoir sinks back into the ground and disappears.) Now Pelipper, use Roost. (Pelipper raises his wings in the air, shakes his body several times, and bellows with glee.) Hmm, now the only problem is that Pelipper is gonna have to walk for a while…Veaz, you carry him.

What? Why do I have to carry this worthless thing? It’s your Pokemon, ‘O Fearless Leader!

(laughs) Just kidding. (Zigsta, Veaz, Dogdemon, and Pelipper are teleported to a large gray tower.)

Ey man what the flip—

(raises his sword) You really should have made him carry Pelipper, Zig.

Look Sam, just because this bird looks like your mom doesn’t mean I’m about to—

This is the place, guys. Golduck’s picking up five large masses within the building, most likely Pokemon used for security. She’s also detecting faint signs in several large groups—those are probably storage areas where the remaining Pokemon are held in pokeballs until they’re needed.

Can she tell us where Cows is?

She’s trying to pinpoint his location, but the collection of other masses is messing up her senses.

Gee, a Pokemon as worthless as your fighting skills are. (Blue Psychic powers suddenly surround Veaz’s right fist, causing him to lift it and stick it into his mouth. He tries to pull it out with his left hand, but his fist is wedged firmly into his mouth. He mumbles loudly as Dogdemon rolls on the ground laughing. As Zigsta and Dogdemon continue talking, so does Veaz continue loudly trying to get their attention.)

(laughing uncontrollably) I’m actually rotflmaoing!

Here we go—Cresselia’s lending her power to Golduck. Their combined Psychic strength should theoretically be able to…Bingo!

(still laughing a bit as he rises off the ground) They found Cows?

No, but they did find a particularly large mass on the sixth floor. And unlike the other five masses Golduck picked up earlier, these aren’t moving, meaning that they’re guarding something. I’m guessing this is Cows they’re guarding. (pauses for a moment) Alright then, let’s go save Cows.


Disney Film Director
Oct 4, 2008
Burbank, CA
I sure hope everyone's actually enjoying reading this--hard to tell with no comments! :p Chapter 4 now:

Wait, Zig, what’s the plan?

Golduck or Cresselia will relay it to you via telepathy. Oh, speaking of—(Veaz is released from his Psychic grip. Zigsta, followed by Dogdemon and Pelipper enter the tower.)

Puh! Pokegod my butt! No wonder he can’t pick up chicks. (Veaz enters the tower as well.)

(Zigsta, Dogdemon, and Pelipper look around the first room of the tower. The entire room is constructed of bare, cold steel. The scarce light in the room give the room a slight bluish tone. What’s more, the light doesn’t seem like it comes from any apparent source. Zigsta, Pelipper flying over his right shoulder, stops in his tracks and holds out his left hand, signaling Dogdemon to stop as well before venturing any farther into the room.)

(whispers to Dogdemon) These lights aren’t normal. Likely an illusion created by a Ghost Pokemon. (peers around the room) Just stay put while Golduck and Cresselia try to locate it. If it attacks us, we’ll have our safeguard.

(looks behind him and then whispers back to Zigsta) Where’s Veaz?

(barging in the room at last) What the hell you guys tryin’ to pull, leaving me back there like that?! Trying to play me—(Veaz is interrupted by a Gengar that appears out of nowhere and launches a fist at Veaz.)

(quickly) Veaz, don’t move!

(Veaz remains motionless, save for his bulging eyes, as Gengar completely missed him and disappears into the wall.) The flip was that?

(looking around) Sucker Punch. As long as you don’t move to counterattack, the move won’t work on you.

(sarcastically) Great, so all we have to do is not attack that thing. Now THERE’S a plan!

Veaz, can you just chill out and stop making jokes? Zig is trying to help here!

Cheah, trying and failing worse than his attempts to get laid. (Brings his arms back and begins charging an Aura Sphere.) I’ll knock that lame ghost out in one shot! (Gengar appears again and launches another Sucker Punch at Veaz, who is hit right in the gut. Veaz quickly disappears, though, and appears from behind Gengar and attempts a fierce kick from the ground, but Veaz goes right through Gengar and hits the wall hard. Gengar, on the other hand, disappears again into the wall.) Son of a…(wipes his face) How are we supposed to beat this thing?

Physical attacks won’t work, and with these conditions, it’s going to be difficult to hit it with a special-oriented assault like my fire breath or your Aura Sphere, Veaz. (Pauses to think for a brief second or two.) Normally Sucker Punch can be used five times before the Pokemon using Sucker Punch tires out of the move, and at the most, that limit is eight. But for all I know, these Pokemon aren’t normal by any means. (Sits down.) Sit down, you two. (Dogdemon does, while Veaz remains standing, flabbergasted.)

So we’re just gonna wait here until this thing gets tired of waiting and just attacks us with something different?

Normally that might be a good idea, but not here. For all we know, that Gengar could be using Psychic to contact other Pokemon within the building as to our location. They could be here any minute, and then we would likely be forced into an attack just to defend ourselves. And that would in turn lead to a Sucker Punch from Gengar.

So what’s the plan then, Zig?

(Doesn’t respond for about ten seconds or so.) We wait. (Veaz still remains standing.) Veaz, you’re a pacifist, right? So have a seat. (Veaz reluctantly sits down. Zigsta, Veaz, Dogdemon, and Pelipper remain seated for several minutes without uttering a single word. Veaz begins to fidget.)

Well, Zig, can we make a move yet?

Not yet.

Relax, Veaz. Zig knows what he’s doing.

Look, no offense to you, Zig, but Cows is out there, and he needs our help. And you said so yourself that if we wait here too long, then we’ll be surrounded by even more Pokemon. I know I give you a tough time and all, but c’mon, dude, this is serious! (Zigsta remains unphased. In fact, Veaz’s thoughts don’t even seem to enter his mind. Eerie fog begins to fill the room, and the walls seem to fade away into an endless swamp.)

(beginning to become worked up like Veaz)WTF?! What is this stuff?

(calm) Normally I’d say this is a Nightmare attack…but we’re obviously not asleep. Somehow this Gengar must be able to conjure up Nightmares without us being asleep. (puts his index finger on his chin) Or we could have been put to sleep with Hypnosis and haven’t realized it yet. Either way, this Gengar is just wanting us to attack. I’d say its only form of attack is Sucker Punch, and it’s trying to bait us into an attack. (The fog suddenly begins to clear as a purple-black fire dragon rises from the swampy ground. It roars and soars towards the group. Veaz springs up.)

Sorry, Zig, but I’m not just gonna sit here and let this thing attack us!

(smiles) No apologies needed, my friend. (An endless amount of Dusknoir appear out of nowhere and quickly launch themselves at the fire dragon. Upon impact, the dragon fades away, revealing it to be Gengar, who faints on the ground as it slowly turns back into the steel room.)


I’ve had Dusknoir slowly using Substitute to multiply herself within the walls all this time, preparing for a counterattack. The only problem was keeping Dusknoir healthy enough to create a ton of Substitutes. So I had Pelipper use his Roost attack to regain his health as Dusknoir sapped his health with Pain Split and then proceeded with more of her Substitutes.

So that’s why you made us sit down! You didn’t want Gengar to know that Pelipper was using Roost, so you disguised it by making everyone sit down together!

Exactly. And all this time, Golduck and Cresselia were working together to pinpoint Gengar’s location so that Dusknoir could successfully hit Gengar with a spot-on Shadow Sneak attack. Around the time when they found Gengar, it launched that odd dragon attack. (turns to Veaz) Sorry, I couldn’t tell you guys my plan. This had to look authentic so that Gengar couldn’t tell what we were up to.

Well…that was pretty cold to leave us out to dry like Bert’s mom…but I forgive ya. Just next time lemme get in on some of the action, alright?

(laughs) Sure thing, Veaz. (turns to Pelipper and Dusknoir) Nice job, you two—we couldn’t have done this without you. (Pelipper raises his right wing to his head and caws; Dusknoir silently slips back into the floor.) Golduck’s picking up on additional masses upstairs.
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