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Just for Fun: Revamp a Moveset!


Smash Ace
Jan 10, 2012
Washington, DC
Often times we find ourselves disappointed in a character's moveset in Smash Bros. Maybe you wanted Mario to have more references to his powerups, or Dark Pit to be more different from Pit, or have Lucina use Spears. The sky's the limit. Here, take a character that is already on the roster, whose moveset we already know, and completely revamp it! The more elaborate the better. I'll lay out some specific guidelines:

  1. You should have the character's default specials and final smash detailed
  2. If you're changing attributes (power, speed, floatiness, etc) then specify. Same goes if you're introducing a new gimmick
  3. You don't have to detail every normal, or every custom special, but it is recommended to as great an extent as you're willing. Priority should go to smash attacks, custom specials, and air moves if the character is good in the air
  4. Be creative! Go nuts! Your only restriction is that you're limited to the 51 characters currently in the game. If this becomes successful and lasts into spring of 2015, I'll expand this to include Mewtwo
  5. Use the spoiler tag to avoid forced walls of text
  6. Feel free to comment on other people's revamps too! Just dont be a ****
I may as well start with a revamp of Dark Pit, which will be in the next post


Smash Ace
Jan 10, 2012
Washington, DC
Reamp: Dark Pit

Dark Pit is a a character I feel should have shown off the weapons system in Kid Icarus: Uprising that wasn't covered with normal Pit. So I'll start out with the characters's main gimmick: Pseudo-Transformation. You see, my Dark Pit uses two different weapons, the Dark Pit Staff and the Pandora Claws, but he only uses one at a time. Upon entering battle, you have a 50:50 chance of starting with either weapon. However, you can influence Dark Pit's decision by holding a shield button (L in the 3DS version) to start with the Pandora Claws, and a jump button (Y in the 3DS version) to start off with the Dark Pit Staff. When you respawn, you'll have whichever weapon you had when the battle began. Don't worry too much about it though, because you can switch between the two weapons (and thus, his 2 movesets) very easily.

regardless of the weapon he's holding, Dark Pit's weight, speed, jump height, etc doesn't change. Dark Pit is slower on the ground than Pit, (probably the same as his current ground speed actually) but his air speed is faster and his multiple jumps are much more useful.
As a general rule, the Claws are faster, inflict more shield damage, and deal more damage. The Dark Pit Staff has more range, is safer on shield due to shieldstun, and has more knockback growth. Also, the Dark Pit Staff attacks have a tipper sweetspot that makes kills much easier.

For example, compare their forward smashes. With the Dark Pit Staff, Pittoo thrusts his staff forward. The range is comparable to Marth's/Lucina's. It deals a decent amount of damage, and a fresh sweetspot uncharged attack can KO Mario at 110% before vectoring. With the Pandora claws, Dark Pit does the 5-hit melee combo that claws are known for in Kid Icarus Uprising. If all five hits connect, fully charged, it shatters any shield. Its a natural combo due to hitstun. The range is akin to Mario's FSmash. The full attack does much more damage than the Staff FSmash, but wont KO in the same circumstances until 155%.
Neutral Special 1: Dark Pit Staff. The mechanics of this move are similar to how shooting works in Kid Icarus Uprising, and thus are also similar to ROB's laser. Press the button and Dark Pit will fire a fast, kinda weak shot from his staff. This weaker shot won't kill, even at 999%. Its damage depends on your distance from the foe. It does about 3% damage at minimum distance, and 5% at max. It can be used for rapid fire akin to Falco's Blaster for up to 4 shots at a time, but reversed in that there's practically no endlag but a good amount of startup. If you go about 10 seconds without using this move, the Dark Pit Staff will fire a faster, piercing, powerful charged shot, This shot does 13% damage up close, 16% from a distance, and can KO at 200%. Using this move will switch Dark Pit to his Staff moveset.

Neutral Special 2: Dark Pit Shot. This time, the move doesn't charge automatically with lack of use. You have to charge it up yourself. It takes about as much time as Samus' charge shot to complete the charge, and you can hold it. The weaker shots are slower and do only 2% damage each, (4% at max distance) but the startup is reduced and there is still little endlag. No matter how much you charged the move, using it before it's fully charged will fire this weaker laser. However, a fully charged blast does 20% fresh, (25% at max distance) is still piercing, and can KO at 160%. Using this move also switches Pittoo to his staff for normal attacks.

Neutral Special 3: Darkness Bow. Sorta like a fusion of the Staff's default attack and Pit's bow. The weaker shots do 4% damage regardless of distance traveled, but have the speed of the custom #1, (so slower) and have high endlag instead of startup. You can aim these shots similar to Pit's neutral B. A stronger shot (8 seconds of disuse) is faster, easier to aim, and does 10% damage. It also has a weak spike on airborne foes, making it good for edgeguarding. Aside from that though, you're not killing with this until Sudden Death mode. Unlike the other 2 options, this move doesn't change Pittoo's standard moveset after use.
Side Special 1: Pandora Claws. Pittoo lunches forward with his claws, jumping over attacks, and slashes his foe for 12% damage on the ground and 16% in the air. In many ways it's very similar to Jolt Haymaker, but with a few key differences. It does less damage than the Haymaker on the ground but more in the air, Pittoo can act very quickly out of the move, (no helpless fall) the invincibility frames last in the air as well as the ground, and the knockback is pretty bad. You're not killing with this move until 230% damage, and thats without vectoring. Good for combos though, and it makes a handy approach tool, as unlike Mac's Haymaker, flying off the edge with this move is not a big deal at all. Though, you can only use this move once in midair. Using this move switches Dark Pit's moveset to the Pandora Claws.

Side Special 2: Pandora Spike. This move doesn't go as far as the default, and only does 11% damage, both on the ground and in the air. In addition, the initial knockback is increased enough to make combos harder, but you're still not killing until 250%. However there are two main upsides to make up for this. For one, the move has much higher shield damage than the default. And secondly, when using this move in the air, Pittoo slashes downward with the claws, delivering a strong meteor smash in the process. You can still only use this move once in midair though, and like the default, using this move switches your standard moveset to the Claws.

Side Special 3: Electroshock Arm. No changes from his canon default side special. Its the Electroshock Arm. And since its not a set of claws, using this move doesn't guarantee you'll end up with the Pandora Claws afterward.
Up Special 1: Wings of Pandora. It's Pit's Wings of Icarus from Brawl. Not much more to say about it.

Up Special 2: Wings of Pegasus. The duration of your flight is shorter, but your outstretched wings have a hitbox now! Touching your wings while using this move deals 5% per hit and the knockback lends itself to being hit again by the same wings. In addition, Dark Pit's entire body has 10% heavy armor for the duration of the move.

Up Special 3: Pandora Glide. It's Jump Glide. While moving from side to side Dark Pit will be horizontal as if he was gliding a la Brawl, though. The glide doesnt last as long as Palutena's, but the jump has a 10% hitbox. Fair warning, though: that hitbox isnt killing even in Sudden Death
Down Special 1: Retaliation/Claw Laser. This special move's effect depends on which standard moveset you currently have: Staff or Claws. With the Staff, its a counter of sorts. For 6 frames after using the move, Dark Pit will have his counter window. If, during that time, he is hit with an attack, a green reticle will lock onto the user of that attack (and it moves with them) ad Dark Pit will almost instantly fire a superfast shot from his Staff at the reticle. This shot has a 1.1x multiplier from the original attack, with a minimum of 3% damage. It also has a satisfying amount of hitstun. For the next 6 frames, Dark Pit loses his counter window but keeps his reflector window. You see, if at any point in those 12 frames Dark Pit was hit with a projectile, he'll retaliate with a shot that does 1.2x the damage of the projectile. After that you can keep holding the button for up to a second to keep that reflector window up.

If you have the Claws though, something much different happens. With a half second startup, Dark Pit fires a black energy ball that's about as big as a Sun Salutation at medium charge. It travels pretty slowly and lasts for 7 seconds. There's another second of endlag after the sphere is created. If you get caught in the energy sphere, it'll vanish and you'll take 8% damage and considerable knockback. (KOs at 250%)

Down Special 2: Dedicated Claw Laser. Always does the claw laser, there is no room for Retaliation here. Because of this, using the move automatically gives you the claw moveset afterward, like 2 of the side special options. Because of this, the move itself is improved. The energy ball travels slightly faster is as big as a fully charged Sun Salutation, does 12% on hit, and kills at 200%. In addition, the starting lag is a quarter second and the endlag is a half second, giving you more room to act.

Down Special 3: Dedicated Retaliation. Yup, no Claw Laser, just DPS countering. If you successfully counter a move or projectile this way, your moveset will switch to the Staff. You get 8 frames of countering and 4 frames of just reflecting before you choose how long you want to stay in reflectoresque mode. The multiplier for a counter is now 1.2x, with a minimum of 7%, and the projectile counter now has a multiplier of 1.5x.
Final Smash: Lightning Chariot. Dark Pit calls upon Phos and Lux, and the lightning chariot, pulled by them, flies back and forth across the screen Latios/Latias style. Each hit does 15% damage and considerable knockback, able to kill at 115% without vectoring. Phos and Lux do this a total of 10 times before leaving.

And there we have it, my take on Dark Pit's moveset. Looking forward to seeing what ideas will grace this thread in the future!
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Smash Champion
Feb 16, 2014
I would take away any 8bit looking stuff out of Duck hunt's move set, along with the can and sheriff dude.
Replace it with Banjo kazooie like attacks and typical dog stuff like bite.
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Smash Lord
Sep 29, 2014
None of your beeswax!
Switch FC
All of Mega Mans moves are replaced with Metal Blades.
Smash attacks are Metal Blades.
Tilts are Metal Blades.
Jab combo is Metal Blades.
Up+B is Mega Man surfing upwards on a giant Metal Blade.

The most beautifully broken character ever. ;_;
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Smash Hero
Jul 8, 2014
Some Netherworld
Dark Pit
General stats are being slower, heavier than Dark Pit with a more projectile based move set.
Up Special and Neutral Special are the same. Final Smash is the same.
Side Special: Viridi Palm. Fires a small rose-swarm of a projectile that weakly homes in on the closest enemy while constantly moving forward. Scales in damage the further it travels. (Ranges from 4-10%)
Down Special: Doom Cannon. Function is basically the same as the Mii Gunner's Bomb Drop. (11% at center of detonation, 9% at the edges)
Smashes revolve around usage of the Pandora Claws. Jab combo is a one-two-three cut with Dark Lord Gaol blade.
The aim was to better make him different from Pit and usage all the weapon types from Uprising in the moves between the two and the Ore Club item.

I'll make one for Wario later on.
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