Smash Rookie

Come visit the quiet town of Greenfield, MA on May 22nd for Western Smashachusetts! This will be the second of a series of tournaments hosted right here in downtown Greenfield. The Greenfield Youth Commission got us the Moose Lodge from 12 (Noon) to 9PM!
We had over 80 people show up and 48 participants last tourney!
Give us a like on Facebook to get more updates!
Registration Time: 12:00
Start Time: 1:00
Venue Fee: -FREE!-
Entry Fee: $5 Singles
$10 Doubles ($5 per person)
Fees will be split among the top 3 players/teams
BYOC (bring your own controller) Join the FB event!
Bring a full setup (HDTV, Wii U, Smash 4, appropriate cables, and adapter) It will be appreciated!!!
The Moose Lodge
20 School St. Greenfield, MA 01301
Right off of I-91 and Route 2!
There is a large public parking lot nearby on Davis Street, behind Wilson's Department Store
2 Stock, 6 minute time
Custom Fighters Off
Mii Fighters are illegal.
Stage Striking:
Once player strikes one stage. Then the other player strikes another. Players will take turns striking stages until there is one left, the remaining stage is used for the first match.
All additional rules follow Apex Rules
Starter Stages
Final Destination
Town & City
Lylat Cruise
Castle Siege
Delfino Plaza
Duck Hunt
Dreamland 64
Omega Stages*
*Treated as Final Destination in banning phase
There will be food and drink! We will be charging, so please plan accordingly
Feel free to ask any questions about any of these rules if you have any.
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