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[Jun 26, 2015] Taft,CA Summer Smashfest: 2015- Revenge of The Smash Bros. (Taft, CA)


Smash Cadet
Mar 20, 2014
Taft, California
Facebook users: https://www.facebook.com/events/1563273077237746/

School is over, Summer has started and what better way to enjoy the Summer is to play some Super Smaaassshhh Brooothheerrrssss.!!!!

We will have all of the series here under one roof! Super Smash Bros., Super Smash Bros. Melee, Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Project M, and Super Smash Bros. for Wii U.

ATTENTION KERN COUNTY PLAYERS: This tournament will be part of the power ranking season of May-June.

List of Events/ Things that will be going on:
*Super Smash Bros., Super Smash Bros. Melee, Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Project M, and Super Smash Bros. for Wii U- Tournaments for singles and doubles. DOUBLE ELIMINATION

*Super Smash Bros. for Wii U- Amiibo Tournament: May the best figure win! (1 amiibo entry per owner) (Double Elimination)

*Taft vs Bakersfield Crew battles (Melee, Project M, maybe Wii U)

*There will be an Extra-Life booth set for sign-ups and donations for Extra-Life.

*Possible booth from Pro-lab Gaming with Nintendo/ Smash related goods for sale.

*Snacks and Drinks will be available for free. If you are hungry there is a McDonalds next door and Subway and Chinese Food across the street.

*Cosplayers are welcomed to the event. So come dressed up as your favorite character from Smash!!


*Friday, June 26, 2015: 5 PM- 9PM: Friendlies, Set-ups, Late registrations

*Saturday, June 27, 2015:

-9 AM: Last minute set-ups, preparation

-10 AM: Doors open to the public, friendlies, hang-out, last minute registration

-12 PM: Sign-ups close, TAFT VS. BAKERSFIELD CREW BATTLE (Melee, PM, (Wii U?))

-1 PM: Group Photo

-1:30 PM: Tournaments Begin (Singles, Doubles, Amiibos)

-Award ceremony (Time Pending)

-Friendlies, Doors Close, Event Ends (Time Pending)
(Some info copied off of Justin Rivera from Smashlab) Thanks! Lol

**If you bring a full set up (TV and Console w/ game) you get a free entry to any tournament of your choice! **

**If you are bringing P.M. 3.5, please keep the mods as minimum as possible. No custom skins, textures or stages. Custom music is ok.**

**IMPORTANT PLEASE READ: If a TO announces your match and you do not report to play you have 5 minutes before you lose the first match. You then have an additional 5 minutes before your are DQ'd and lose the set!!**


Matches will be recorded and possibly streamed bywww.twitch.tv/guardbreak, www.twitch.tv/Kitsune_91,and/orwww.twitch.tv/starman90

Registration Fees:
*Venue fee: FREE!!!

**(Sorry for how sign-ups will be set up, they recommended it to be this way, so it might be a bit weird for all of you)**

In order to register please go to the district office building C or register by phone by calling at (661) 763-4246 before the DEADLINE Thrusday, June 25, 2015

**You may register at the event but you will be charged an additional $2, due to paying after the deadline**

Singles: (64, Melee, Brawl, PM, Wii U)

*Elementary Kids (1st-5th Grades) $2 per tournament registration ($4 after deadline)

*Middle School (6th-8th) $5 per tournament registration. ($7 after deadline)

*High School & Above $5 per per tournament registration. ($7 after deadline)

Doubles: (64, Melee, Brawl, PM, Wii U)

*Elementary Kids (1st-5th Grades) $6 per team ($8 after deadline)

*Middle School (6th-8th) $10 per tournament registration. ($12 after deadline)

*High School & Above $10 per per tournament registration. ($12 after deadline)
**Kids (1st-8th) will have a completely different ruleset than usual)**

Tournament Rulesets (for High School and above):


Project M (3.5) Ruleset: 4 stocks, no items, 8:00 minute time limit, stage striking/bans available.

Stage striking info: For the 1st match, stage strike the starter list in 1-2-1 fashion. After each match, the winner of the previous match bans 2 stages (Players may counterpick a stage that they previously banned in the set, but may not counterpick a stage on which they won). The player who lost the previous match chooses a stage, then the player who won can change their character, then the player who lost chooses their character.


-Green Hill Zone
-Pokemon Stadium 2

-Final Destination
-Fountain of Dreams
-Wario Ware
Starter Ban Order

Winner gets 2 Bans
Loser picks stage
Melee Ruleset

- 4 Stock, 8 Minute Time Limit, No Items

- Starter stages: Yoshi’s Story, Fountain of Dreams, Final Destination, Battlefield and Dream Land 64

- Counter-pick Stages: Pokémon Stadium.

- First stage is decided by banning from the Starter Stages in P1-P2-P2-P1 order.

- Wobbling is legal. Freezing and infinite stalling are not legal.

- Loser has option of switching team and order and also taking player side of choice.

- Game breaking glitches are banned.

- Turbo button features are NOT allowed.

- Pausing a game will result in forfeit of that round unless the opponent chooses to waive this option.

- Following stages decided by winner banning one stage from all stages and then loser choosing, winner of previous match may then change characters and the loser of previous match can then change their character as well. (STAGE BANNING ONLY AVAILABLE IN SETS OF BEST OF 3)

- There are NO bans on matches that are best of five.

- You are unable to counterpick a stage you have already won on in best of 5 unless you opponent agrees it is okay to do so.
- Smash 4 Ruleset- Starman90 Ruleset


- 2 stock, 6 Minutes, No items, Best out of 3 (out of 5 if finals)

-Starges: Final Destination, Battlefield, Town and City, Lylat Cruise, Smashville

-Omega Ω stages are legal

- You may not play on a stage that is not on the available stages list. You will lose the set and move down to losers or dropped from tournament completely if in losers. (If you chose it on accident just quit the match and you will be fine)

-Any controller peripheral is fine unless it takes too long to connect and get set. If this happens the player will be asked to use another controller already connected to the console. (NO QUESTIONS ASKED)
Smash 64:

-5 stocks, no items best out of 3 (out of 5 if finals)

-All stages are Legal

-Alternate or custom controllers/adapters such as a keyboard, Gamecube controller or a Hori Mini Pad are allowed.



-3 Stocks, 8 Minutes, no Items

-Neutral Stages
Final Destination
Lylat Cruise
Yoshi's Island (Brawl)

Counter-Pick Stages
Battleship Halberd
Pokemon Stadium 1
Castle Siege

If you have any questions or concerns please contact me in a private message, skype: luis.cabezas90, or email: lcabelc@gmail.com
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