Smash Rookie

Versus Gaming Presents Final Destination!
Calling all Smash players in the Ark-La-Tex and Mississippi! The Smash event of the summer is here! We will have everything from a food buffet to really cool raffle prize giveaways!
Super Smash Bros. games included will be:
• Super Smash Bros. Melee (Singles/Doubles)
• Project M 3.5 (Singles/Doubles)
*Registration is available online!*
(No fee required @ pre-reg. Please pay day of event!)
• $20 Venue Fee / Spectator Fee (Includes Food Buffet)
• $10 for Singles
• $15 for Doubles (Teams)
• $10 for each additional Singles game entry
• $15 for each additional Doubles game entry
• $55 total for Venue Fee + All Entries!!!
• Registration will also be from 9am-12Pm at the door
• Hilton Shreveport
104 Market St, Shreveport, LA 71101
Schedule - Saturday June 13
9:00am - Doors Open
9:00am-12:00am - Player registration & Pre-tournament friendlies.
10:00am - 11:00am - Early Raffles
12:00am - Melee Doubles
1:00pm - Project M Doubles
2:00pm - 4:00pm Lunch Break & Raffles
4:00pm - Melee Singles
6:00pm - Project M Singles
8:00pm - Clan Wars!!!
10:00pm-11:00PM - Highlights, making memories, speech and winding down
-1st Place Pot--Bonus Schedule:
-$50 guaranteed Pot bonuses for ALL singles brackets
-$100 greater than 32 bracket entrants
-$200 for greater than 64 bracket entrants
-Singles payout schedule:
-Top 3 up to 32 entrants
-Top 5 from 33-64 entrants
-Top 8 over 64 entrants
-Doubles payout schedule:
-Top 3 for all games
Everybody gets 1 raffle ticket when they enter into the venue! Extra raffle tickets are $2.
1. The Tournament Organizer is the arbiter of all disputes.
2. BYOC (Bring your own controller): Players are expected to bring their own controller and be prepared for every tournament set.
3. Wired controllers only. NO wireless controllers (cause sync problems)
4. Respect other players. We have the right to ask overly aggressive players to leave at any point. Know your trolling limits!
5. Please respect the equipment. Do not put drinks or food near the gaming equipment. Tables and chairs will be present for everyone to eat/drink at.
6. DQ Rule: Arriving too late for a match will result in a DQ. Player(s) will have 5 minutes to show up before a loss of the first match. 5 more minutes results in a loss of the set. For doubles, both players on a team need to be present in order to play. We are on a strict schedule and can't afford to fall behind.
7. MikeHaze rule: No intentionally disrupting players, whether physically or vocally. This applies to EVERYONE, players and spectators. Simply talking to the players (and Hype moments) are exempt.
8. Dave's Stupid Rule: players cannot counterpick back to a stage that they have already won on in a set.
9. Textures are Cool Clause: We're usually pretty lenient with textures/custom music. You're welcome to bring your set up to the tournament with them, but please do not have any disruptive music, hard to see textures, or dramatically altered character models. If you have a problem with the set up you're playing on, notify the TO and we'll get it resolved ASAP.
1. 4 Stocks
2. 8 Minute Time Limit
3. Items set to “Off” and “None”
4. Handicap: Off
5. Team Attack: On (for doubles)
6. Life Stealing is allowed (for doubles)
7. Stalling is banned
8. Damage Ratio: 100%
9. Pause: Off
10. Buffer set to OFF
11. Dave’s Stupid Rule: No player can counter pick a stage he or she won on unless agreed upon by both players.
12. In the event of a match going to time/sudden death, the winner will be determined by:
a. Whoever has more remaining stock left.
b. If stocks of both players are the same, the winner will then be determined by whoever has less percent.
c. If the match ends with both players dying at the same time or if time ran out with both players at equal percent, an identical rematch of the previous match will be played out. Same characters and same stage.
d. In the event of going to sudden death because of suicide kill move (such as Ganon's overB or Kirby's inhale), the player initiating the move will be declared the winner.
13. All sets will be best of 3 games except for Loser's Finals, Winner's Finals, and Grand Finals which will be best of 5.
1. Optional Blind Picks character selection.
2. Stage Striking: Players eliminate stages from the Starter Stage List until only 1 remains, and the players then play the first match on that stage. Players strike stages in 1 2 1 order.
3. The first match is played.
4. Winning player of the preceding match bans two stages.
5. The losing player of preceding match picks stage for the next match.
6. The winning player of preceding match picks character.
7. The losing player picks character.
8. The next match is played.
9. Repeat 4-8 for all consecutive matches as necessary until the set is complete.
*Dave’s Stupid Rule is in effect
•Yoshi’s Story
•Fountain of Dreams (Singles only)
•Final Destination
•Dream Land
•Pokémon Stadium (Doubles only)
•Pokémon Stadium
•Kongo Jungle 64 (Doubles Only)
1. 4 Stocks
2. 8 Minute Time Limit
3. Items set to “Off” and “None”
4. Handicap: Off
5. Team Attack: On (for doubles)
6. Life Stealing is allowed (for doubles)
7. Stalling is banned
8. Damage Ratio: 100%
9. Pause: Off
10. Buffer set to OFF
11. Dave’s Stupid Rule: No player can counter pick a stage he or she won on unless agreed upon by both players.
12. In the event of a match going to time/sudden death, the winner will be determined by:
a. Whoever has more remaining stock left.
b. If stocks of both players are the same, the winner will then be determined by whoever has less percent.
c. If the match ends with both players dying at the same time or if time ran out with both players at equal percent, an identical rematch of the previous match will be played out. Same characters and same stage.
d. In the event of going to sudden death because of suicide kill move (such as Ganon's overB or Dedede's inhale), the player initiating the move will be declared the winner.
13. Sets will be best out of 3 games. Loser's Finals, Winner's Finals, and Grand Finals will be best out of 5.
1. Optional Blind Picks character selection.
2. Stage Striking: Players eliminate stages from the Starter Stage List until only 1 remains, and the players then play the first match on that stage. Players strike stages in 1 2 1 order.
3. The first match is played.
4. Winning player of the preceding match bans two stages.
5. The losing player of preceding match picks stage for the next match.
6. The winning player of preceding match picks character.
7. The losing player picks character.
8. The next match is played.
9. Repeat 4-8 for all consecutive matches as necessary until the set is complete.
*Dave’s Stupid Rule is in effect
•Pokemon Stadium 2
•Dreamland (64)
•Green Hill Zone
•Yoshi’s Island
•Final Destination
•Lylat Cruise [Singles Only]
•Wario Ware
•Distant Planet [Doubles Only]
•Fountain of Dreams
<<< UPDATE >>>
*There is a bar at venue and you will be allowed to bring drinks into the gaming area. We do ID. Must be 21+ to drink! If anyone gets drunk and belligerent or gets caught buying and giving drinks to minors, will be kicked out of venue without a refund!*
*We are now offering a sweet deal! $55 total for Venue Fee + All Entries!!!
*We are in need of setups (Tv, Console w/ power supply, cords, Game Disc, and necessary controllers to start-up console!) There are only 5 spots available for players to bring full setups. If you bring a full set-up you will get a Venue Fee discount of $5*
Versus Gaming also wants to thank our sponsor Hilton Shreveport, Louisiana.
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please contact Michael Como here on FB or at 318-505-3476
More updates coming soon! Don't forget to like us on Facebook and tell your friends!
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