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JAX Tourney @ UNF on Monday!! (MLK DAY)


Smash Journeyman
Aug 26, 2007
This isnt going to be huge but we plan on having about 15-20 people show up. Im basically posting on the boards so you people in the jacksonville area can finally show up and play. If you want to come then your more than welcome.

Heres the rundown:

Monday, 1/21/08 (MLK Jr. Day) @9:00AM

$5.00 entry fee for singles (1v1's)
Doubles will be free (2v2's)

2v2's start early around 9-9:30
1v1's start right after doubles

1st place takes 75% of the pot
2nd place takes 25% of the pot
3rd place takes nothing you suck gtfo

Any more questions??

Call me 904-333-1771



(oo **** post 69.. heres my sign)


Smash Journeyman
Aug 26, 2007
good times.

c-po - samus is getting **** bro.. pick up falcon to get faster with your samus. thats all i can say about it. faster = more aggressive.

ghatzu - good matches. u still got it man hopefully u stick around more

gatts - my near 4 stock in jungle japes turns into a near loss...!! lol. ur getting more fluent with ur gannon too. not much advice i can say. get **** over in tally man.. bring it back to us

mem - glad to see u could make it out man. ness?? lol.

necro - use falco!! stop being so unserious lol. you could get so **** if u played foreal.

publix - marth is still nasty. hopefully you start playing more too.. cuz when brawl comes out itd be nice to have alot of us in the habit of playing regularly. that way jax-UNF isnt unknown for smash lol

gmoney - grats on winning bro. you and your campy *** falcon lol. jk good matches.

TEG. - work on that doc man u def got mad potential. dont roll so much and start wavedashing more. and i say practice air combos on fast fallers more (falco falcon fox)

TBAR - rofl!! yo we took ur broken controller out of the trash and were going to bury it for u haha. i dont think you sohuld quit smash over a loss... and u can get a new contoller. ur jigs has mad potential

mike - hey start coming out more and playing with us.. learn some technical stuff and youll have more fun trust me lol


Smash Apprentice
Feb 6, 2007

Teams -
1st gmoney&teg
2nd ghatzu&xoff
3rd c-po&mem (i forgot all the team names >.>)

1st gmoney
2nd publix
3rd gatts

Shout outs

Martin Luther King, Jr. - big ups

xoff - you're a falco. lol j/k i couldn't beat you all week (prolly cause you stopped beating youself lol). When you keep your composure you can ****. + you gotta work on that edge guarding, your life will be a lot easier.

tbar - all i'ma say is i hope you're quiting because YOU don't like it anymore

gmoney - rum+coke = turtle power. congrats though. don't let anyone discourage you from playin your game

teg - you don't give yourself nearly enough credit. you have a great skill that you can build off of.. some one once put it as "don't get hit"

mem - bumblebee **** on a few people that weren't expecting it today. your falcon is nasty (my moonwalk is better though). you're super fun to play w/

Gatts - great matches man. i love playin your gannon.

Ghatzu - i did a lil better against you this time. Thanx for the tips too. we had some good teams matches against y'all

Necro - ness? lol it's all good. the game is all about having fun righ?

Mike - you def got to pick a main. but either way just start comin out more!

Miels - you made me really proud.

Daniel - i hope you're around for brawl to help us put jax on the map

publix - i saved the best for last (besides teh rust/sandbaggage). i don't think they were ready for team darkness today. you need to leave the chess alone n get back in this smash ish. as u can see it won't be boring for you anymore. jungle japes ftw. BLOW THE ROOF OFF! "Hey skratch?!" CAPTAIN FALCONNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!1111!!!!!111133711!!!!!!!

to everyone that didn't make it or hatin on unf/jax y'all can either get wit it or stfu


Smash Ace
Dec 19, 2007
Jacksonville, FL (UNF) Location: Tavares, FL
Hey, good times, all! I'm kind of sad we didn't do this tourney for money afterall, heh...


MLK - Thanks for being the inspiration for a holiday that can bring Smashers together!

TEG. - Give yourself more credit, man. RUM+COKE wouldn't be half the team it is without you. You have a lot of potential with your Doc and Pikachu. Keep at it for Brawl, son! Door stuck! Also, alley oop combos are the best combos. Hooray!

C-PO - It sucks that we didn't have any singles matches besides that pools match. Your Samus has definitely gotten better. Commence knee dodging! And, of course, thanks for helping me get to where I'm at now!

XOFF - You held your composure a lot better at this tourney and it showed. Once you get your camping and edgeguarding down, you'll own hard.

Publix - I hope you weren't sandbagging, heh. Nice edgeguarding and good job making it out of loser's to take second. By the way, did you make it to work on time afterwards, heh? Also, pat on the back for us being the only people awake on time for this tourney. Way to make us wait, guys!

TBAR - You can still play Marth with your broken controller, heh. The C-stick survived! It'll suck not having you there to play, but if you don't enjoy the game then you don't enjoy the game. Your Jiggs was ownage.

Miels - You impressed everyone in those few moments that you had in doubles and singles. Way to go!

Necro - Riding spinners! You should've played Falco moar, imo. That Green Greens counterpick was too funny!

Gatts - I don't think we played any singles matches. Still, crazy stuff with your Gannon from what I saw. Nice taking of third!

Mike - I was glad to see you finally come out of hiding. You played well. Just get a main and learn some technical stuff now. Come out to the gameroom when you can!

Ghatzu - It was good meeting you. The last doubles match was crazy, heh. And, that money match still stands!

Mem - Now I know what it feels like to get kneed back. Good job knocking RUM+COKE down to loser's with C-PO!

Daniel - WaveBird, heh? Play some Brawl with us when it comes out!

I'm hoping we do a few more of these in the next two months before Brawl for money with perhaps more organization and a better place than the lounge of my dorms, heh. Good games, all!


Smash Rookie
Dec 7, 2007
I'm glad to see all of these posts about MLK day. Thanks for the tips. It's great to meet some people who can kick my ***. I'm sure that you will see me again one day.
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