corocoro said that the date is on nov 22, but I dont believe them. if it aint on the site, it aint true.
Oh so I guess that Snake isn't in the game then going by your logic.
ONCE AGAIN: Listen to Corocoro for the time being. They're the only reliable source we have at the moment. Though I personally doubt they'd release a game in Japan about a week before they released it in America, we've gotta listen to whatever reliable sources we've got.
They are. They did it for Melee.
In Japan Melee released November 21st. The date Novemeber 22nd, while looking at Melee's release date, doesn't seem that far fetched at all. And look at our date, Melee's date was Dec. 3rd and so is Brawl's. I think we have a winning date for Japan, and that is, Novemeber 22nd. Also, Japanese retailers have confirmed this release date as well (this was said BEFORE the CoroCoro magazine news got out). I'd say two sources plus my Melee release date = Nvoemeber 22nd which also = Online for Brawl because CoroCoro magazine stated it would be online with a Wi-Fi battle mode. Then again, they can be right on one thing and then be wrong on the other...still, we'll see though.
I'm sure I'm right though.