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Jacksonville tourny(melee and brawl) possibility


Smash Apprentice
Jan 17, 2008
jacksonville florida
i only know one other person in jacksonville that plays smash, so please reply to this because i am seriously thinking about holding a tourny in jacksonville florida. i want at least 30 people to be there. it would be brackets not pools. i have some venues in mind. i want all you jacksonvillians to respond to this and anyone else near jacksonville(tampa,tallahasse,gainesville)

i really want a response from smashers in jacksonville, itd be really nice to play more than one person all the time. depending on the results of this thread, ill make my decision on whther to have one or not.

it would be melee and brawl. but might not be a 2 day thing. We'll see.

ideas people,ideas.


Smash Ace
Dec 19, 2007
Jacksonville, FL (UNF) Location: Tavares, FL
What rock did you crawl out from... ?

Jacksonville is kinda dead for Smash (especially Melee)... at least for right now. I (and others) move back to UNF on August 23, and I'm always down to play. There's a pretty good scene over at the UNF gameroom that plays on a very regular basis. You should consider playing there once the fall semester starts up...

I'm planning on hosting a tournament in the area as well sometime in October or November... As far as your tourney is concerned, I'm pretty sure we can get at least 30 people for Brawl pretty easily (Melee would be harder, but maybe hbox and company would want to come up). I can help you run everything as well. I've got lots of experience running smaller tournaments. With attendance, I'm probably going to go to a tournament over in Tallahassee at some point because a friend told me to. If I do, I should be able to spread the word over there. You should expect the only two Palm Coast players (Fearless and Lotto) to come up as well as some more from CFL (GreeDX and HRNUT plus whoever rides in their caravan) and maybe some south FL (doubtful).

tldr version... start going to the UNF gameroom after August 23 and host this tourney because you will get a response...



Smash Apprentice
Jan 17, 2008
jacksonville florida
well i really want to host my own tournament. itd be great if you did help me. but ive always wanted to have one and i dont have the money or cool enough parents to drive me down to UNF. i rode my bike around 17 miles today going to random places that had good space for a tournament. my church director said we could possibly use the game room, a local indoors bball court did too. gamestop is gonna let me put up flyers and ****. but i definitely want it to be brawl AND melee. i would need help running the tournament and i only want it to happen if 30 people show up. it would be fan****intastic to have my own tournament and if it goes well, ill have another one later on, prolly within the month. sorry lamugi i cant go because i didnt know about it till today and its tomorrow. i might be going to panhandle brawlfest:third strike which is run by somacruz22. its in tallahasse and i recommende a mini 2 dollar melee tourny which he is talkin over with his crew. im just tryin to keep melee alive and have brawl as well. gmoney my aim is kungfufreak226. we can talk about this over it. i would really love to play more than one person(gage) in melee. ive been to one tournament(FAST) and i was nervous and didnt get to show my great skill at melee. i want to keep playing people in melee and as well as advancing in brawl. also what does 10ch mean? i go back to school the 18th and i want to try and have it before then. thanks for replying to this guys.


Smash Lord
Apr 13, 2008
Miami, FL
you think dashizwiz or keepspeedn and lambchops and stuff would come and linguini?
Chops and Linn would probably go, because they play Brawl competitively. I have yet to see the others at a Brawl tournament, and from what I understand they don't go to Melee Gigs, so it seems like they only show face at big tournaments (i.e. Fast1).

But you do have a very good chance of getting Chops and Linn at least.

C@sH Mooney

Smash Master
Apr 4, 2007
Probably playing TF2.
well i really want to host my own tournament. itd be great if you did help me. but ive always wanted to have one and i dont have the money or cool enough parents to drive me down to UNF. i rode my bike around 17 miles today going to random places that had good space for a tournament. my church director said we could possibly use the game room, a local indoors bball court did too. gamestop is gonna let me put up flyers and ****. but i definitely want it to be brawl AND melee. i would need help running the tournament and i only want it to happen if 30 people show up. it would be fan****intastic to have my own tournament and if it goes well, ill have another one later on, prolly within the month. sorry lamugi i cant go because i didnt know about it till today and its tomorrow. i might be going to panhandle brawlfest:third strike which is run by somacruz22. its in tallahasse and i recommende a mini 2 dollar melee tourny which he is talkin over with his crew. im just tryin to keep melee alive and have brawl as well. gmoney my aim is kungfufreak226. we can talk about this over it. i would really love to play more than one person(gage) in melee. ive been to one tournament(FAST) and i was nervous and didnt get to show my great skill at melee. i want to keep playing people in melee and as well as advancing in brawl. also what does 10ch mean? i go back to school the 18th and i want to try and have it before then. thanks for replying to this guys.
paragraphs are pro I hear.

If you make it melee I'll go.


Smash Lord
Jan 6, 2007
Orlando, FL
Ginger can you make me a bad *** G&W sig!!

I want him to look kinda like a ninja. He looks gay as **** the way he is now.


Smash Lord
Apr 13, 2008
Miami, FL
Rofl, umm, I dunno. I just made mine and Gmoney's from images I already have, a lot of the characters have sweet pictures from them. Actually after looking, I think G&W's looks really cool, but they look better when there are more than one character in them, so PM me or something with some characters, I'll make something up, and then PM you back with it and you can tell me what you think, if you don't like it too much, then I'll try to work on something else for you, too :)


Smash Rookie
Mar 30, 2008
Heh, tourney in Jax.

I'll give it a whirl, though I may refuse to play singles.

Its kinda... Boring... Repetitive... Stale... Top tier garbage-y.

Might just depend on my mood.

G$ keeps me updated on this ****, so if it catches fire I might show up.

And no, my Wolf hasn't fallen off, my iceys have just climbed up. (For those in UNF who think I main Ice Climbers now... Even though I kinda do.)


Smash Ace
Nov 12, 2006
Since Jacksonville is only three hours and some change away from me showing up to this is a high possibility. I could drag along some people from my town and perhaps some of Columbus, Ga as well. The vast majority of us should be coming for Melee btw.


Smash Ace
May 25, 2008
i would definitely go. i would love to go to a jacksonville tourney since i cant go far. and for melee of course
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