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Jab Locking Notes


Smash Apprentice
Mar 23, 2008
Jab locking seems real important to me for Link hell any high damaging straighty seems very important, I'm not to good at it yet I can get them across the stage about 70% of the time I really want to master this tactic cause if the opportunity presents itself I better be able to do it and so should all Link players.

times when it should be used:
I'm not sure if it's every character I'm just gonna post what I found to do on snake
back air from 0-20% can usually get them in it
boomer at point blank will at any percent
those 2 are probably the best and most likely times you'll pull it off. you can also
get up attack from the ledge(when link is below 100%) can step up for it
up smash(lol this will have a higher chance to land at lower percent but probably won't just keep an eye out for it)
up tilt after 20%( same thing as up smash most likely they will air dodge or somethin to not have to tech)
full jump down air works from 0-20% remember it has to be a full jump down air and hit with the first hit only cause then link will bounce and be done with the down air byt the time he hits the ground.

now keep in mind all these tactics can be blown away by teching so they aren't guaranteed, and the first 2 are probably the ones that you'll have a better chance at landing all the other ones they can simply attack or air dodge before hitting the ground and they'll be safe. and I'm not a master at it yet I'm just given yaw a heads up on what to loook for when going for this amazing tactic lol
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