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I've tried and tried, but I'm never getting better at Smash 4

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Smash Rookie
Jul 10, 2015
Well, I was on for glory today and I was beating these noobs up until some expert guy comes to ruin everything. He was so proficient I couldn't play, I could barely take off his stock and I was trying to learn at first, but then, I couldn't focus on that. I just tried to get at least one win on him, but lost every single time. He even TAUNTED after a while. After he left, I was left anger, frustration, but mostly, hopelessness. He showed me I haven't gotten better. No matter how much I've tried to get better, I'm still the same as I was before I learned. Maybe a little better, but I suck. Why do I try when I fail? Why go on for glory when I suck? Why not go to for fun? I think I'm done with this stupid competitive side of the game. It's campy, defensive, and boring. I'm going back to melee and project m, where i can be competitive for real.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 26, 2014
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
The post went from pathetic crying over one player to typical melee/pm elitist bull****.

****s on players he beats. ****s on the game when he loses to someone better than him, then says stupid bull**** like his last few lines, as if the same frustrations wont follow him there.

I lol'd. Git gud
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Smash Ace
Jul 2, 2015
East Texas
Well, I was on for glory today and I was beating these noobs up until some expert guy comes to ruin everything. He was so proficient I couldn't play, I could barely take off his stock and I was trying to learn at first, but then, I couldn't focus on that. I just tried to get at least one win on him, but lost every single time. He even TAUNTED after a while. After he left, I was left anger, frustration, but mostly, hopelessness. He showed me I haven't gotten better. No matter how much I've tried to get better, I'm still the same as I was before I learned. Maybe a little better, but I suck. Why do I try when I fail? Why go on for glory when I suck? Why not go to for fun? I think I'm done with this stupid competitive side of the game. It's campy, defensive, and boring. I'm going back to melee and project m, where i can be competitive for real.
Before I get into your actual thread, I want to state that perhaps you were a noob to him maybe? Your opening line kinda doesn't make me feel very sorry for you to be honest. Not trying to sound mean at all, but I don't really like seeing someone open up with something like that and then talk about how they got beaten into the ground by someone else more skilled than them. It honestly just sounds like the roles have suddenly gotten reversed on you and you didn't like it.

Sorry if that sounded kind of harsh; however I felt like it needed to be said...

In any case, we all have days like that on For Glory, even me. There's a vast array of players of all different skill levels on For Glory. Sometimes I get players I can easily two stock and other times I'll be the one in their shoes. The important thing you have to remember is everyone starts somewhere and doesn't become a pro over night. You can't get better without practice!

I've been playing since the very first Smash (Smash 64) and I've only made more and more progress over the years. I'm no where near a pro player despite this, but I know for a fact I play so much better than I ever did before. For Glory has also helped me improve my Smash skills a lot because I was able to play against a wide variety of players, pros or not. To me it doesn't even matter if I lose. Yeah, I can get frustrated, but from losing and playing so much For Glory I also gain experience.

We all have to do our fair share of learning in order to get better. It's why I dislike others who call people "Noobs" because I believe they forgotten that they once played like that too. On top of that, there are kids who also play Smash sometimes and therefore normally have no idea what they're doing. Being competitive is nice and all, but you should also keep in mind it's just a game and a game should just be played for fun. Losing is all part of the Game experience as there's no avoiding it.

I can also understand your frustrations about certain players on For Glory. Thing is you're going to get campers, passive players, and a bunch of spamming on any mode on Smash when it comes to online play, not just For Glory. Thing is most of these players do this because they know they can get away with it. If you're losing to their spamming or camping then they're obviously not going to stop. I'm not going to deny that it's cheap, but if it works then do they really need to stop?

They won't think so.

They'll do it as long as it works. As for those who like to taunt at every chance they get and even stoop to insults... Well, that's just something you have to get used to. There's no stopping people from doing that to be honest, so there's no point stressing about that. Usually if someone starts taunting or tea-bagging I'll usually return the favor. Sometimes all it takes is giving them their own medicine. Cockiness can be ones downfall, and I've met a lot of cocky players who I ended up beating cause of it.

Course, you can report these types of players for doing those things and even block them, but you'll only encounter another and another and another and so on... It's a game you're playing online and that's one of the behaviors you'll see. You can't avoid it no matter how many people you report or block. It's going to happen no matter what...

Trust me, you'll get better. We all have those days but all you have to do is keep at it. You'll notice a huge difference in how you play as long as you keep trying. Don't get disheartened cause you got crushed into the ground by someone.

Just practice and practice some more, and never give up. Sounds kinda corny but it's true. Good luck.
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Sir. Oosh

Smash Cadet
Aug 8, 2015
Ok, so first you call people who you were beating noobs, and then you complain about someone who was beating you? And then you try to blame it on Sm4sh being too defensive of a playstyle? (Which doesn't even make sense. Just look at how aggressive Nairo's ZSS is--who happens to be 2nd best at Sm4sh). After reading the title of this thread, I came here to try to help you but after reading your post, I have to say that you're simply being immature.


Smash Rookie
Jul 10, 2015
Sorry guys but I was just really angry and trying to blame others. I really am a noob. I need help or I'm not getting better. I've almost broke my 3ds in anger. This may sound like a regular day in for glory, but I feel like I've had enough to find this and don't want to play anymore. That's my point.


Smash Ace
May 31, 2015
Try signing up for Anther's Ladder. We all had our days when we get worse, but practicing and gaining experience always make perfect. Anyway, Smash Ladder is much better and you're improve even more than For Glory.

Here's the link if you're interested: https://www.smashladder.com/


Smash Journeyman
Jul 18, 2015
Your wife's bed
Ok, so first you call people who you were beating noobs, and then you complain about someone who was beating you? And then you try to blame it on Sm4sh being too defensive of a playstyle? (Which doesn't even make sense. Just look at how aggressive Nairo's ZSS is--who happens to be 2nd best at Sm4sh). After reading the title of this thread, I came here to try to help you but after reading your post, I have to say that you're simply being immature.
Lol this kid is right. Tr4sh is too defensive. Literally no lag on anything. You have to be a fast character or be super close to punish them. Snake was top tier in brawl but he was laggy af and he took time to master. Now almost every character in smash 4 is noob friendly.


Smash Ace
Jul 2, 2015
East Texas
Lol this kid is right. Tr4sh is too defensive. Literally no lag on anything. You have to be a fast character or be super close to punish them. Snake was top tier in brawl but he was laggy af and he took time to master. Now almost every character in smash 4 is noob friendly.
Did you not just tell me the other day in This thread right here that:
Lol do you know how laggy Jr's projectiles are? If you use someone like fox or mario who have a reflector, it shouldn't be no problem. Zelda is way more common than bowser jr. I go after zelda because like I said, they're always whining.
And did we not finish discussing in that same thread about how much lag Zeldas moves also have? You must also not know how most of the characters work on the roster as well, as there's plenty of them who have lag times on a lot of their moves.

Do a little research, it'll do you well. I also like to know how Sm4sh, or "Tr4sh" as you called it is too defensive.

And no, you don't have to be a fast character at all. If you really are a Bowser Jr main then you should know he's hardly considered a fast character (Unless you Side B constantly I guess), so if what you say is true then why do you main him? I play as King Dedede, who is not exactly known for speed and has very little quick attacks, yet I have no problem punishing others.

So, I just have to know: Where is all of this salt coming from, buddy?

If you despise the game so much then why even stay here on a site that is dedicated to the Smash series? Is it just for the lulz, or are you truly bothered by Sm4sh for some bizarre reason? First it's Zelda mains being whiners and now this.

What's up exactly?


Smash Journeyman
Jul 18, 2015
Your wife's bed
Did you not just tell me the other day in This thread right here that:

And did we not finish discussing in that same thread about how much lag Zeldas moves also have? You must also not know how most of the characters work on the roster as well, as there's plenty of them who have lag times on a lot of their moves.

Do a little research, it'll do you well. I also like to know how Sm4sh, or "Tr4sh" as you called it is too defensive.

And no, you don't have to be a fast character at all. If you really are a Bowser Jr main then you should know he's hardly considered a fast character (Unless you Side B constantly I guess), so if what you say is true then why do you main him? I play as King Dedede, who is not exactly known for speed and has very little quick attacks, yet I have no problem punishing others.

So, I just have to know: Where is all of this salt coming from, buddy?

If you despise the game so much then why even stay here on a site that is dedicated to the Smash series? Is it just for the lulz, or are you truly bothered by Sm4sh for some bizarre reason? First it's Zelda mains being whiners and now this.

What's up exactly?
Bowser jr specials are like snake, laggy but high damage. You really can't rush with bowser jr. He's more of a punish character. His grab is ass. It's laggy like a tether but doesn't have the range. Smash attacks in general need more lag. Umm you do know that smashboards is not only dedicated to Sm4sh? It's dedicated to every smash. The only reason I play smash 4 is because of online. Also apparently their was "online maintenance" but it's still laggy af.
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Smash Ace
Jul 2, 2015
East Texas
Bowser jr specials are like snake, laggy but high damage. You really can't rush with bowser jr. He's more of a punish character...

Umm you do know that smashboards is not only dedicated to Sm4sh? It's dedicated to every smash. The only reason I play smash 4 is because of online. Also apparently their was "online maintenance" but it's still laggy af.
But didn't you just say that it's impossible to punish unless you are a fast character? And obviously Bowser Jr isn't one since you even just said he is quite laggy, which you also stated there's literally none of in the game.

I'm honestly trying not to pick on you at all or be rude and I do apologize if it appears to be that way.

I just don't understand most of your issues/complaints when you kind of disprove them with your own posts. It just makes no sense to me is all. It's alright to vent and talk about your frustrations, but again it sounds more like whining than venting as there's just no justification behind them. Just silly reasons which you disprove on your own really. And yes, I do know Smashboards is dedicated to more than just Smash U/3DS. I even stated that with my post:
If you despise the game so much then why even stay here on a site that is dedicated to the Smash series?
As for Smash attacks, there's quite a few that do have lag though. Not everyone is gonna have laggy Smashes, but you can't exactly say that there's literally none when there are, in fact, characters that do. That's just silly. For lag, that's to be expected with online gaming. Not everyone in the world is going to have perfect connections and not every online game is going to have perfect servers that will make the game run as smoothly as IRL time. It's just not going to happen. It would be nice, but it's just a dream.

I hardly ever run into lag in online matches myself, and when I do it's either not that bad or very rare. My internet isn't even the greatest on the planet either. It's not terrible, but it's not great either. I suppose I'm just lucky with online matches or something?
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Banned via Warnings
Oct 26, 2014
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Lol this kid is right. Tr4sh is too defensive. Literally no lag on anything. You have to be a fast character or be super close to punish them. Snake was top tier in brawl but he was laggy af and he took time to master. Now almost every character in smash 4 is noob friendly.
Clearly you havent played the game then. Back to PM and Melee you elitist cancer, no one cares for your opinion.


Smash Rookie
Jul 10, 2015
@ KirbCider KirbCider wow, thanks for the advice! I think I'll be trying to get back into for glory and hope I do good. You're like the only one who actually helped and is calm about everything. I'm just taking a break from smash in general for a few days to get relaxed. I have faced matches with 3 second input lag. When that happens, I don't even play, I just SD because I'm not dealing with that.

Also, if we're talking about lagless smash attacks, captain falcon and little Mac come to mind. I mean, Falcon's forward smash is only punishable if you don't get hit by it while your close or you read a roll from the player. Just my opinion, though.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 18, 2015
Your wife's bed
@ KirbCider KirbCider wow, thanks for the advice! I think I'll be trying to get back into for glory and hope I do good. You're like the only one who actually helped and is calm about everything. I'm just taking a break from smash in general for a few days to get relaxed. I have faced matches with 3 second input lag. When that happens, I don't even play, I just SD because I'm not dealing with that.

Also, if we're talking about lagless smash attacks, captain falcon and little Mac come to mind. I mean, Falcon's forward smash is only punishable if you don't get hit by it while your close or you read a roll from the player. Just my opinion, though.
Imma tell you a true story. It was a dark rainy night at for gloryville. I headed to 1v1. I met a Mr. Gamer and watch. He would spam his up b. I tried waiting to punish him but when he tilt his control stick to the right, Mr gamer watch would go far right. I tried chasing him but he bair me. I tried shielding but not even the out of shield grab wouldn't work on a literally lag less character. I tried attacking him in the air, but somehow Mr gamer watch aerials all won ( they have super armor? ). In brawl, you couldn't just throw out any attack. It was like chess. You really had to think about it. Why is there so much complaining about link in smash 4? Because he has no lag for a strong character.
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Smash Ace
Nov 5, 2014
Sudden Death
Imma tell you a true story. It was a dark rainy night at for gloryville. I headed to 1v1. I met a Mr. Gamer and watch. He would spam his up b. I tried waiting to punish him but when he tilt his control stick to the right, Mr gamer watch would go far right. I tried chasing him but he bair me. I tried shielding but not even the out of shield grab wouldn't work on a literally lag less character. I tried attacking him in the air, but somehow Mr gamer watch aerials all won ( they have super armor? ). In brawl, you couldn't just throw out any attack. It was like chess. You really had to think about it. Why is there so much complaining about link in smash 4? Because he has no lag for a strong character.
M8by u just can't adapt


wow, gaming!
Aug 18, 2013
This thread went into the territory of being a PM/Melee VS Smash 4 thread; these kind of threads are not acceptable and can cause flame wars.

This thread will be locked as a result.
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