Smash Cadet
Upon discovering this video- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v3qttszSt4c - I was appalled by the title: "The Price is Right: A Refrigerator Almost Falls on Janice. The announcer clearly states that "the next item up for bids on the Price is Right...it's a freezer!", which the poster of the video clearly did not hear. I feel it is my responsibility to correct the poster of their mistake and therefore am rallying up people with Youtube accounts to post comments on the video declaring that "ITS A FREEZER" instead of a refrigerator. I am only doing this for the amusement of myself and others like myself with an eccentric sense of humor. In short, please leave comments that say "ITS A FREEZER" on the video if you feel it would be humorous. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v3qttszSt4c That is all.