With the recent release of Ninja Gaiden II and then upcoming release of Metal Gear Solid 4, I want to know which of the two series, and more importantly, which developer the smashboards community has more love and respect for.
Is it:
Tomonobu Itagaki, the creator of the modern day Ninja Gaiden, the Dead or Alive franchise, and Tecmo Bowl for you retro-fiends.
Hideo Kojima: Father of the Metal Gear Saga, dear friend to Sakurai, and super movie buff.
Please post your opinions!!!
...or close as soon as possible-your choice, either or
Is it:
Tomonobu Itagaki, the creator of the modern day Ninja Gaiden, the Dead or Alive franchise, and Tecmo Bowl for you retro-fiends.
Hideo Kojima: Father of the Metal Gear Saga, dear friend to Sakurai, and super movie buff.
Please post your opinions!!!
...or close as soon as possible-your choice, either or