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Is there a point in getting good at Smash if you only play online?


Smash Lord
Nov 25, 2014
I get better for my own enjoyment. All the point I need.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 12, 2005
Huntington Long Island
Considering usually only the top few players get anything ($ wise) in a tourney, and often times the same cycle of players take the top 25% worth of spots - is there any point in playing at all?

My point is, I don't think anyone plays just to win $ in person. Most play to enjoy the game, which can be done online. If your friends are smashers, or smashers become friends, well, all the better!


Smash Journeyman
Nov 10, 2014
In a way, no there is and isn't a point. People like to win, so there's an incentive to get better.
If you wanna do good in local tourney's, yeah, I guess playing online can help you.

But at the same time, is there really a point in getting better if you're only going to play online and have no real-world impact from getting better, then no, I suppose there is no point.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 11, 2015
Yea, I would say there's a point. Pending on how much you play and if you want to consistently win games while playing online.

For me, local tourneys are a couple hours away or very rare AND I plan to upload Sm4sh content to YouTube so that's incentive enough for me to "Git Gud"


Smash Ace
Jul 2, 2015
East Texas
I suppose it depends on your thought process I suppose and why exactly you play the game.

I play Smash for fun and have never been to a Tournament or anything of the sort. Of course, I do aim to win whenever I am against friends or other Online Players, but I don't exactly play in an Competitive sense I guess. I aim to always improve and to get better simply because it is something I want to do. It's not because I have hopes of becoming the best player ever or winning a Tournament.

If you like doing something then does it really matter if you get better or not?

If I get better then great, and if I reached my peak well that's fine too. Fun is more important to me anyways.

Splooshi Splashy

Smash Journeyman
Mar 12, 2015
As a fellow Online Warrior, I've found some purposes for improving in Sm4sh. Quality participation in the various gameplay-related Threads over at the various Boards around here is one such purpose, as my frequent involvement in the :4duckhunt: Boards's MU Thread and a couple MU Threads asking about the :4bowserjr: MU can attest to. Another is being able to give out quality tech around the internets, whether in a Twitch livestream, a YouTube match vid, or even these very Boards. What I aspire to be around the internets (including here) is a Teacher, a role that I derive much joy from and take much pride in, as described by David Sirlin here: http://www.sirlin.net/ptw-book/using-your-power

While I strive to be as welcoming, kind, and helpful as a Teacher, were you to look at some of my posts in some of the MU Threads, you might see the kind of fiery focus that a Slaughterer would wield, which my 10+ years of being a fan of traditional 2D fighters, alongside the rest of Sirlin's linked-to book, might have had a hand in forging....


the true enemy of humanity is anime
Feb 8, 2014
Thank you everyone for the responses. The reason I asked is because in the smash community, there's a certain amount of negativity and disdain from (most likely) tournament players towards online players. It seems like online only players are often considered inferior to tournament players, etc. Given these circumstances, I was wondering what were the thoughts of fellow online players regarding improving in Smash.


Smash Ace
Jul 2, 2015
East Texas
Thank you everyone for the responses. The reason I asked is because in the smash community, there's a certain amount of negativity and disdain from (most likely) tournament players towards online players. It seems like online only players are often considered inferior to tournament players, etc. Given these circumstances, I was wondering what were the thoughts of fellow online players regarding improving in Smash.
Don't worry, you aren't the only one that has noticed this. I may not of been on these Forums for long, but I've seen dozens of varied responses from all sorts of people. Everyone is entitled to their opinions of course, but you also have to keep in mind that not everyone is going to play your way. There's tons of causal players who play just because they solely enjoy the game or whatever reasons.

We don't have to have a competitive mindset to get better. People will do whatever works for them as long as it works for them.

The Online Modes aren't going to be for everyone sadly but sometimes it's all someone has available to them. Not everyone is going to have massive groups of friends to play Smash with, nor are some able to or rather willing to go to Tournaments or Local get-togethers.

If me playing Online only means I will always suck, then I guess I will always suck. At least I'll have fun while sucking.

(Wow that last line sounds unintentionally dirty.)

Rinku リンク

Hero of "Likes"
Feb 12, 2009
I have to give props to online competitive players considering things like lag and input delay. Despite this, they manage to perform fairly well and adapt accordingly.

I'd say if you manage to win about 80% of your games online you're technically better than the average player considering you can't play 100% at your best.
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