Dr. Doctor
Smash Rookie
I'm not gonna lie, I adore playing online, no matter what. From the conquests to even the replays, Sm4sh's online is leaps and bounds ahead of Brawl's...if it weren't for latency. Let me take a look at the offenders, from best to worst.
- 1v1 For Glory: This gamemode has the least problems. Lag is fairly rare and isn't intrusive, but that doesn't mean it isn't there. It is, and it's subtle. Usually, I get about a 1 second delay in my input, so I feel like I'm queuing actions more than actually doing them. Don't get me wrong, I can win as long as I can counter my opponent's combos and play style, but it usually results in me punching at nothing.
- For Glory Free for All: This one can be either bad or fine, but usually, this one is a huge step down from 1v1. The match will go fine, then stutter, then just stop. Dead, with the loading indicator in the bottom of the screen. This is a rarity, and I still have fun playing Free for All if I'm in the mood for it.
- For Fun Free for All: This is the bad one. This one is unplayable. Constant lag and sometimes full stops, resulting in 6 or 7 seconds of freezing.