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Is it me


Smash Cadet
Nov 10, 2015
The Hague, The Netherlands (Holland)
Hey guys, I'm pretty noob but it seems that there are like 80% *****pro players and there seems to be no players like me...I cannot even practice because I just keep getting completely OWNED by some crazy lucas 7hit combo or freaking rob who completely dismantles me with his stupid throwing thingy or a sheik....ugh

Anyone know some place where there are only low/new players which i can practice with :( ?

Why didn't they use any sort of ranking system?
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Smash Ace
Jun 7, 2009
ON, Canada
Instead of a ranking system, it would have been nice to have a lobby list with a connection strength on the side.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 13, 2015
If you're limited to the online function (no one to practice with locally) here is what I would suggest.

Step 1: Play against the computers. Are they great practice for playing real people? No, but they are definitely a start. Work your way up through the levels, and once you can consistently top level 8 and 9, you're probably ready to move on

Step 2: If you can afford it/find it, play against amiibos. Unlike the computers, amiibos will learn from your play patterns, and therefore offer something noticeably closer to playing against a real person. I do strongly suggest getting the amiibo of your main to play against, if only because this helps with avoiding translation issues between characters (for example, I had a DK amiibo that always tried to recover too low to actually survive, possibly because I played against it almost exclusively with Wii Fit Trainer and would recover from very low). The amiibo will also end up with better stats than a standard character, which can be a decent handicap to work against so long as you aren't at a level that focuses on learning combos yet. I'd continue this until you feel ready to move on, but sadly there's no great cutoff for when this should end because the amiibo will continue to improve and adapt indefinitely, just have to use your best judgement.

Step 3: Try your luck at For Fun. This mode often (but not always) seems to have easier matches, both due to the more random nature of the mode and because players either aren't as good or aren't as focused on winning. You'll still get super hard matches on occasion, but not very often, and it's a good place to stretch out and test yourself against real people. Also, if you for some unimaginable reason care about your win/loss record, For Fun doesn't affect it, so no pressure there. If you stop feeling challenged by this mode, or simply feel like your ready to move to a less random environment, it's time to move on.

Step 4: Hop over to For Glory. If you're doing at least moderately well, congrats, you got as far as your asking for with this post.

BONUS STEP: At any given level (but particularly Step 3 onward) try watching a few videos of tournament players using your character of choice, as well as finding tutorials and combo threads. You don't need to be perfect with these, but they can often teach you new tricks to rack up damage or finish stocks more effectively, as well as making your neutral game safer or more aggressive.


Smash Cadet
Nov 10, 2015
The Hague, The Netherlands (Holland)
If you're limited to the online function (no one to practice with locally) here is what I would suggest.

Step 1: Play against the computers. Are they great practice for playing real people? No, but they are definitely a start. Work your way up through the levels, and once you can consistently top level 8 and 9, you're probably ready to move on

Step 2: If you can afford it/find it, play against amiibos. Unlike the computers, amiibos will learn from your play patterns, and therefore offer something noticeably closer to playing against a real person. I do strongly suggest getting the amiibo of your main to play against, if only because this helps with avoiding translation issues between characters (for example, I had a DK amiibo that always tried to recover too low to actually survive, possibly because I played against it almost exclusively with Wii Fit Trainer and would recover from very low). The amiibo will also end up with better stats than a standard character, which can be a decent handicap to work against so long as you aren't at a level that focuses on learning combos yet. I'd continue this until you feel ready to move on, but sadly there's no great cutoff for when this should end because the amiibo will continue to improve and adapt indefinitely, just have to use your best judgement.

Step 3: Try your luck at For Fun. This mode often (but not always) seems to have easier matches, both due to the more random nature of the mode and because players either aren't as good or aren't as focused on winning. You'll still get super hard matches on occasion, but not very often, and it's a good place to stretch out and test yourself against real people. Also, if you for some unimaginable reason care about your win/loss record, For Fun doesn't affect it, so no pressure there. If you stop feeling challenged by this mode, or simply feel like your ready to move to a less random environment, it's time to move on.

Step 4: Hop over to For Glory. If you're doing at least moderately well, congrats, you got as far as your asking for with this post.

BONUS STEP: At any given level (but particularly Step 3 onward) try watching a few videos of tournament players using your character of choice, as well as finding tutorials and combo threads. You don't need to be perfect with these, but they can often teach you new tricks to rack up damage or finish stocks more effectively, as well as making your neutral game safer or more aggressive.
awesome reply my man, thanks loads! I will look into these amiibo's, i thought you could only fight against those while waiting for a match!!

Is it ok if I add you for a few matches some day?


Smash Journeyman
Apr 13, 2015
awesome reply my man, thanks loads! I will look into these amiibo's, i thought you could only fight against those while waiting for a match!!

Is it ok if I add you for a few matches some day?
Yeah, not a problem!


Smash Cadet
Nov 17, 2015
Hampshire, England
I know that feel, mate. I've been like that for a very long time.

My advice shifts depending on your main. Since you seem to main Little Mac, I'd do what the bloke above says and practice against high-level CPUs - From my experience, people tend to get crushed, rolled up and tossed aside when playing Little Mac online, myself included.

You also mentioned that you have a hatred for fighting Shieks online? I have it bad against them too, what with maining Dedede. If I'm honest though, my advice is to use Little Mac's high ground speed and quick Smash attacks to your advantage - Duck and weave (I don't mean improvise, I mean it literally - Stay on the move in and out of range), and quickly through out an uncharged Smash attack when they don't expect it - Side Smash works especially well from my experience, as it has a nice range to it, and you can change its angle tremendously.

But heck, what do I know, I'm quite the noob.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 3, 2015
Animal Crossing: New Leaf
That's not very nice, nedskii- nedskii- and neither is it true.

Little Mac isn't top tier, but he's a lot better of a character than the majority give him credit for.

He's supposed to be played as he is; Little Mac is a boxer, he should be played patiently and out of range, looking for an opportunity to get in and punish. Little Mac should NEVER rush someone down as much as possible, like FG Macs do. That's not how you play Mac.

Maybe look up some good Mac play? Don't underestimate him. He even has a wall-climb, so his recovery isn't complete trash on every stage.


Smash Master
Apr 4, 2005
Level 8 computers make reasonable practice for setups and such. That might be a way to go. Don't bother with level 9s because they have unrealistically perfect defense and you'll get into bad habits compensating for it. Stick to level 8.

Edit: Also, you picked a rather difficult character to main. Which isn't to say you shouldn't main him! Rather, Little Mac has a very weird learning curve. He starts of really easy against people who don't know how to fight him, but then his difficulty skyrockets as you need to learn how to compensate for people that can read Mac and get him offstage.

Again, not impossible, but your back is up against a wall; ESPECIALLY on For Glory, where Little Macs are all over the place. People are used to fighting him by now, so you need to be exceptional to not get clobbered by those types.
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Smash Cadet
Nov 10, 2015
The Hague, The Netherlands (Holland)
Level 8 computers make reasonable practice for setups and such. That might be a way to go. Don't bother with level 9s because they have unrealistically perfect defense and you'll get into bad habits compensating for it. Stick to level 8.

Edit: Also, you picked a rather difficult character to main. Which isn't to say you shouldn't main him! Rather, Little Mac has a very weird learning curve. He starts of really easy against people who don't know how to fight him, but then his difficulty skyrockets as you need to learn how to compensate for people that can read Mac and get him offstage.

Again, not impossible, but your back is up against a wall; ESPECIALLY on For Glory, where Little Macs are all over the place. People are used to fighting him by now, so you need to be exceptional to not get clobbered by those types.
thanks for the reply, i figured this char is pretty hard to play in FG.
yesterday I played against a streamer called Dawnpatch, he was a pretty good lil mac and learned me some new moves or ways of thinking :)

Thanks for the tips!


Smash Apprentice
Sep 30, 2015
Long Beach, CA
Switch FC
That's not very nice, nedskii- nedskii- and neither is it true.

Little Mac isn't top tier, but he's a lot better of a character than the majority give him credit for.

He's supposed to be played as he is; Little Mac is a boxer, he should be played patiently and out of range, looking for an opportunity to get in and punish. Little Mac should NEVER rush someone down as much as possible, like FG Macs do. That's not how you play Mac.

Maybe look up some good Mac play? Don't underestimate him. He even has a wall-climb, so his recovery isn't complete trash on every stage.
Never even said he is bad. he's legitmately dumb and boring to play against. A waste of time. a hack and slash. Slam and pray the A button. he just shouldn't exist


Smash Master
Apr 4, 2005
Never even said he is bad. he's legitmately dumb and boring to play against. A waste of time. a hack and slash. Slam and pray the A button. he just shouldn't exist
Honesty, I can't say I disagree. Regardless of how good or bad Mac is, it's a uniformly bland and gimmicky fight. I don't particularly feel accomplished for beating him, and I don't think I can learn anything when a good Mac player beats me.

He really is a poorly designed character. I know some people will disagree, and I appreciate the work that went into his design, but he is one big series of gimmicks from the bottom up.


Smash Rookie
Jul 24, 2015
Gulfport, MS
will update!
Lunaticz0r, I challenge you to some matches. I main Wario and really need practice against little mac. Im pretty sure wario should win this matchup or it might be even. Does Waft vs KO Punch make this matchup 50/50? If you want to play me let me know.


Smash Ace
Aug 11, 2015
If you're limited to the online function (no one to practice with locally) here is what I would suggest.

Step 1: Play against the computers. Are they great practice for playing real people? No, but they are definitely a start. Work your way up through the levels, and once you can consistently top level 8 and 9, you're probably ready to move on

Step 2: If you can afford it/find it, play against amiibos. Unlike the computers, amiibos will learn from your play patterns, and therefore offer something noticeably closer to playing against a real person. I do strongly suggest getting the amiibo of your main to play against, if only because this helps with avoiding translation issues between characters (for example, I had a DK amiibo that always tried to recover too low to actually survive, possibly because I played against it almost exclusively with Wii Fit Trainer and would recover from very low). The amiibo will also end up with better stats than a standard character, which can be a decent handicap to work against so long as you aren't at a level that focuses on learning combos yet. I'd continue this until you feel ready to move on, but sadly there's no great cutoff for when this should end because the amiibo will continue to improve and adapt indefinitely, just have to use your best judgement.

Step 3: Try your luck at For Fun. This mode often (but not always) seems to have easier matches, both due to the more random nature of the mode and because players either aren't as good or aren't as focused on winning. You'll still get super hard matches on occasion, but not very often, and it's a good place to stretch out and test yourself against real people. Also, if you for some unimaginable reason care about your win/loss record, For Fun doesn't affect it, so no pressure there. If you stop feeling challenged by this mode, or simply feel like your ready to move to a less random environment, it's time to move on.

Step 4: Hop over to For Glory. If you're doing at least moderately well, congrats, you got as far as your asking for with this post.

BONUS STEP: At any given level (but particularly Step 3 onward) try watching a few videos of tournament players using your character of choice, as well as finding tutorials and combo threads. You don't need to be perfect with these, but they can often teach you new tricks to rack up damage or finish stocks more effectively, as well as making your neutral game safer or more aggressive.
Thought I would reply just because I seem to fall within the same bracket as the OP, maybe even worse lol.

I get banged up by lvl 7 computers. Hard poses more of a challenge than I remember. Maybe I should be spending more time in solo mode.
I've looked for a Fox Amiibo at every store where I live, and they're all sold out, or they're not restocking them. I don't have the advantage of buying online, but I keep checking.

You'd be surprised what goes on in FF. The stigma about FF generally is "lower-skilled players, reliant on items, and full of taunt parties." More than often, it will be the complete opposite than that, although it could be fair to say 50/50. Its like, "Are you sure you entered the right mode? Lol."


Smash Champion
Feb 13, 2015
Why they don't have a ranking system:

1.Mario Kart Wii adds a ranking system

2.Fans complain about it

3.Nintendo changes the system in the next two Mario Karts to the point where it's more of a "Time Played" number, and doesn't add a ranking system to Smash Bros


Smash Cadet
Nov 10, 2015
The Hague, The Netherlands (Holland)
Lunaticz0r, I challenge you to some matches. I main Wario and really need practice against little mac. Im pretty sure wario should win this matchup or it might be even. Does Waft vs KO Punch make this matchup 50/50? If you want to play me let me know.
hey man!

if you are not too good im game! I didngt start this post to get invited to be completely owned by one char the whole time haha...I mostly love people that have *random* in their name because theyll switch chars so i can practice. But im down to play one char(wario) for you to practice :)

NNID: ikbenwelloe
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