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Is it known that the knee can cause tripping?


Smash Champion
Jan 20, 2006
Manliest city in Texas
I don't remember the percentage for tripping someone with a flubbed knee but I imagine someone does, I think it was also brought up that you could possibly do a flubbed knee trip to falcon punch one time.


Smash Ace
Jun 14, 2008
Yes, but...

The question shouldn't be "did you know it does?" but rather "do you know what do to with it?"

In other words, if I trip somebody with a missed knee smash, what next? D-tilt? F-smash? Side-B?

D-tilt opens up some possible air attacks, such as a correctly connected knee smash or u-air.

F-smash is too slow, they'll be able to roll away. So Falcon Punch is kinda out of the picture.

Side-B, at low percents, is a great setup for air combos and knees. Granted, the knee is next to useless at low percents, but it's still an option.

My choice would either be Dtilt, then uair, then knee; or dash attack, knee. Either way, it's a decent combo with good damage and knockback.
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