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is it just me or do people .....

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Smash Apprentice
Sep 19, 2007
Baltimore, MD
or do people realy hate on diddy because he has real combos check ths out im prety sure like 99% sure that had diddy been in the last game and had all the same moves as he does in this game he would have not been called anoying or any of these things simply because everycharecter had combos that u just couldnt get out of it was just imposible especialy falco with the use of his jump gunning he could hold u from far he could get combos off and string more together with it

realy though IMO all diddyis, is falco (int the last game) with less reange he fast he has strength he has great combos but is that realy a sin

tell the honest truth this was mellee and someone comboed you would u get all upset
No you wouldnt its a regular part of the game so then why is it so bad for diddy to use nanners all they do is asist in combos

now for everyone who doesnt use diddy and says they dont get worked up about naner stop lying you know u get upset about them but to be serious u need 2 just work around it every1 has found ways around almost everyother charecter but they dont even want to find ways around diddy just throwin this out there but the only people who realy find ways 2 get around it are the people with friend whos use diddy so there basicaly forced 2 do so

but for everyone who realy doesnt then good for you and im sure the diddy community realy apreciates you

doesnt every1 like doing combos? or do they prefer a boring game were they take turns hiting each other
"oyea it your tunr to hit me. but dont hit me to hard u know since we cant do combos anymore because there unfair and there stupid i might ban moves that doo good damage next"

if good combos were alowed in mellee why not now
i guess u can see where im going with this people realy should stop worying about our combos and work on there own charecter


Sorry for any spelling mistakes i dont have time 2 edit
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