My name is Spencer, but I go by TheGumby, or just Gumby. I'm a Marth main from Kentucky, but I also play Captain Falcon pretty much interchangeably. I love all the smash games, but Melee is my favorite.
If you want to play me on 3DS, let me know, because I'm always willing to play! I currently don't have a PC that can run Melee net-play, so unfortunately I am unable to play Melee online unless I'm at a friends house.
I always enjoy playing people who are better than me and learning more about the game, so one of my dreams is to be able to travel to some larger tournaments and play against some pros.
Anyways, thanks for reading. If you have any tips about interesting or useful forums on this site, let me know! I'll be really grateful for any help.
If you want to play me on 3DS, let me know, because I'm always willing to play! I currently don't have a PC that can run Melee net-play, so unfortunately I am unable to play Melee online unless I'm at a friends house.
I always enjoy playing people who are better than me and learning more about the game, so one of my dreams is to be able to travel to some larger tournaments and play against some pros.
Anyways, thanks for reading. If you have any tips about interesting or useful forums on this site, let me know! I'll be really grateful for any help.