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Intro + CG questions =P


Smash Rookie
Jul 1, 2008
Utterly new to these forums, so I'd like to say just a little hi before I got into things. Thought I'd do it here in the IC thread, cause it seems I'll be spending most of my time here anywho.

That said, hi guys =] Been lurking (sounds kinda icky no?) but it's gotten up to the point where I can't see any improvement solo. Hence I'm here to engage (hopefully) with people on these forums to improve my game and have fun while I'm at it.

Cheers guys.

Now that that's all over and done with, time for a tasty amount of first post noob questions regarding IC CGs:

1) Regarding D-throw to F-air: In attempting this from 0%, I D-throw and then SH > F-air but this ALWAYS freaking results in Popo doing a jab and knocking my opponent too far for Nanz's F-air to effectively meteor them and instead the F-air hits them out of my CG. Reason being? And how do I stop it from happening?

2) Regarding the "infinite:" I can do the alternating CG up to a point (with D-throw). That point being where the opponent "bounces," for want of a better word, too high. Does this require better reflexes on my behalf or am I missing something? All I really do is: p.grab > p D-throw > n. D-throw etc. Is there a point where I should alternate to the F-throws to mitigate the "bouncing?" And (lol sorry) even then, the F-throw chain is seemingly insane to me, cause the opponent always flies off before my re-grab. Do I regrab even before the opponent leaves Popo's hands via. tilting Nana?

3) Finally, regarding desynch approach: I can desynch effectively to do IBs, blizzards and the like, but sometimes my desynch technique leaves them facing a direction I dont want them to be facing (one of the two climbers that is). Fix how? I usually end up squalling and losing the desynch if I attempt to rectify. And also, regarding this approach, are the ICs meant to be actively moving, or camping? If moving, how exactly do you get the Ice-Climbers moving whilst maintaining the desynched IBs etc? I've tried squall but too often it resets.

Thanks in advance to the freaking legend(s) that manage to comprehend and answer these questions. And again, nice to meet you all. :)


Smash Lord
Feb 28, 2008
Utterly new to these forums, so I'd like to say just a little hi before I got into things. Thought I'd do it here in the IC thread, cause it seems I'll be spending most of my time here anywho.

That said, hi guys =] Been lurking (sounds kinda icky no?) but it's gotten up to the point where I can't see any improvement solo. Hence I'm here to engage (hopefully) with people on these forums to improve my game and have fun while I'm at it.

Cheers guys.

Now that that's all over and done with, time for a tasty amount of first post noob questions regarding IC CGs:

1) Regarding D-throw to F-air: In attempting this from 0%, I D-throw and then SH > F-air but this ALWAYS freaking results in Popo doing a jab and knocking my opponent too far for Nanz's F-air to effectively meteor them and instead the F-air hits them out of my CG. Reason being? And how do I stop it from happening?

2) Regarding the "infinite:" I can do the alternating CG up to a point (with D-throw). That point being where the opponent "bounces," for want of a better word, too high. Does this require better reflexes on my behalf or am I missing something? All I really do is: p.grab > p D-throw > n. D-throw etc. Is there a point where I should alternate to the F-throws to mitigate the "bouncing?" And (lol sorry) even then, the F-throw chain is seemingly insane to me, cause the opponent always flies off before my re-grab. Do I regrab even before the opponent leaves Popo's hands via. tilting Nana?

3) Finally, regarding desynch approach: I can desynch effectively to do IBs, blizzards and the like, but sometimes my desynch technique leaves them facing a direction I dont want them to be facing (one of the two climbers that is). Fix how? I usually end up squalling and losing the desynch if I attempt to rectify. And also, regarding this approach, are the ICs meant to be actively moving, or camping? If moving, how exactly do you get the Ice-Climbers moving whilst maintaining the desynched IBs etc? I've tried squall but too often it resets.

Thanks in advance to the freaking legend(s) that manage to comprehend and answer these questions. And again, nice to meet you all. :)
1) Your problem is that you aren't input the command to Nana soon enough. The SH>F-air must be input while Popo is still in the D-Throw animation or the end lag of the D-Throw animation. Just adjust your timing. It also varies on different characters how soon or how much later you must input the command.

2) As the damage of the opponents rises, it does get harder to D-Throw chain on some opponents. The reason is because you have less time when the opponent is in front of you requiring you to regrab perfectly. So yes, it is a good idea to switch to F/B-throw since the timing doesn't change at all. And no, you don't want to regrab before the opponent leaves Popo hands for the F-Throw. This will result in Nana trying to regrab too early missing the grab. You want to regrab right after the opponent leaves Popo's hands. So don't rush it and keep practicing and you'll eventually get the timing down. That's usually my problem in some of my matches, I'll rush the grab and try to regrab too early. So take your time and just practice, you will get the timing.

3) You are either doing a turn around B attack, the desynch your using will sometimes result in having your ice climbers facing the opposite direction, or your blizzard attack is to close to being synched. Turn around B attack is a mechanic in the game and if that's the problem then you just have to practice to do it when you want to. If your desynch causes you to face opposite direction (like the squall desynch does sometimes) you will just have to do a tun around B attack and A-attacks should fix themselves as you move forward. If is with the blizzard attack, then you have to practice to create a better timed desynch.

Ice Climber can play both strategies of either moving actively or camping. It all depends on the opponent. A camping strategy is usually to make your opponent run into a shield grab or to get him caught up in a desynch when they get too close. Moving actively is used to keep the opponent on defense which can lead to then shielding at a bad time which leads to a grab. Moving actively is much more effective with desynched blizzards and sometimes desynched aerial attacks. Both strategies have there advantages and disadvantage and it is usually best to use a combination of the two. Moving with a desynch is just practice. Remember a deysnch is input a command for one climber during the attack animation or lag of another. So any movement can be input during this time. Some attacks give you less time to move forward but attacks like blizzards give you more time.

With the Ice Climbers it's important to practice these things on actual human opponents and not just training mode. It helps you get an idea of when to use these things and to develop your play style. So learn it in training mode and than practice it on an actual person.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 24, 2007
His questions are even helping me ;\ that is something thatwas killing me that forward throw grab.
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