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Internet censorship, etc.


Banned via Warnings
Feb 22, 2009
the sticky bottom, NC ©Dorsey combo
Both bills are bogus. How earth-shattering is this though? Hardly, unless you consider this as step 1 of many the govt will take to control our lives, which is a point...but is it really step 1? No, freedom of press is and has been restricted tenfold in comparison.

It's completely overlooked that fox news is the only media network that isn't with the govt. It's horrible if you truly respect our freedoms/constitution..but instead we do exactly what the govt wants us to do; hate on fox news. Republican = fox news = bad = easy to make fun of when all media except for some talk radio is against them.

So basically, this is unsurprising to me. Our govt communicates with bullets and bloodshed, so protesting laws against what is essentially the law itself just doesn't work. There's and old saying that goes "when there's more lawyers than law, there is no law."

The real problem is de-americanization. Our current political leaders aren't even american. they're just phonies in suits that got elected by outspending and outpromising their opponents. Look at the 1800s..congress didn't get paid this much, they didn't have 20 people working underneath them. In our past agrarian society congress was a part-time job. You were elected by your neighbors and you left your farm, plantation, or ranch reluctantly and served as you were needed. During recess, you'd attend to your business at home and if you voted wrong on a bill, you'd hear about it directly from those who voted you into office. Now it's a full-time job with perks, benefits, and pensions.....and these clowns think they run the country?! We run the country.

So what do these bills really mean?

It means the government is going to try to regulate the internet and it will be an abysmal failure. Abysmal due to the nature of the internet, failure due to the nature of the govt. It means that rush limbaugh might have to stfu. It means the govt could possibly use this as a pretext to detain someone when normally they couldn't. It means there's going to be new ways to torrent anything you want....

Just some thoughts, discuss freely.



Smash Lord
Oct 22, 2008
i never thought about the law being able to use the internet as a means to detain someone.
Obama's new bill on detainment could make that all the more possible. ff thats scary.
but.... im not really sure what you could do on the internet that they could detain you on. that kind of stuff has basically already became a law when the ABA decided to make electronic media discoverable in cases against folks and its been happening ever since then. this might just speed up the process a little.

they already censor youtube. what could they do that would make a bigger impact on the internet than that? there's already rules regarding ethical internet use that we completely ****ing ignore like downloading laws lol.

in short, they cant do **** other say a bunch of scary words and make old people think "well there's a real nice fella he's really doing something good for us."
that seems to be Obama's strong point pre and during office anyways so whats new.

i really start to dislike this guy more and more every day. it's now the Obama Dream and not the American Dream. (as you mentioned earlier in de-Americanized government)

Vonzar the Soulrender

4th Dimensional Horror
Oct 8, 2008
Well screwing over the US citizens is certainly a bipartisan issue. This sort of thing wouldn't happen if one of these parties actually gave a damn about the constitution and free will. I think if people knew that it's not ignorance rather malice that drives them, they would more actively participate politically.
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