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Instant Nanner Throwing (AT)


Smash Lord
Oct 14, 2008
I know this has been discovered already because Royal Ninja (BoRn) does it all the time.
I bring it up because it seems like no one else does and I think we all should because IT'S SO GOOD. =]

For everyone and anyone who doesn't know about it, it's pretty simple. However, like every other AT, it'll take a while to get used to. The basic idea is when a nanner is on a platform Diddy will jump (short hop) and instantly throw the nanner with no "grab" animation or any animation at all.

If you do not short hop the nanner will just be thrown to the opposing platform (assuming BF or Lylat). Then even if it doesn't, the nanner will go too high and it will basically have a 0% chance of hitting your opponent anyway.

For those who don't know how to do it; short hop under the platform and press L or R (whichever you prefer to use for air dodge) then instantly shift the C-Stick in the direction you want to throw the nanner. If done right the dodge animation won't occur and Diddy will throw the nanner in basically the same time frame as a Z-Catch. This can be done with Z, but the timing is not as lenient so I do not recommend it.

This is helpful for when you want to get your nanner and be aggressive simultaneously. Also, one of the best ways to do this is lets say you and your opponent are both on the right side of BF but your nanner is on the left platform. You can run and instant throw the nanner (you will obviously throw the nanner right toward your opponent). They most likely won't see it coming because they expect a Z-Catch. I'm sure other uses are there, but yeah, have fun!

Kaptain Kong

Smash Lord
Jul 7, 2008
To the SE of Port Town.. ..send - Seattle, WA
yeah, it's old, but it could still be incorporated into a lot of diddy's play because its really versitile.
i could see it being used more for mindgames, defensive play, and tech chasing.

i personally should use this more. z catching and aerial catching gets predictable


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Rainbow Cruise
know this has been discovered already because Royal Ninja (BoRn) does it all the time.
I bring it up because it seems like no one else does and I think we all should because IT'S SO GOOD. =]
L2read 10 chars


Smash Apprentice
Jun 17, 2006
SUNY Binghamton / Suffolk County, New York
Yeah it's pretty useful. I try to do it when I play, but it's nota a technique I do unconsciously/fluently. Every diddy player glide tosses or knows what move to do next in a combo, but I have to really concentrate on AT'ing if I'm in a match, and it takes attention away from my opponent. Also, i can do it most of the time (for a banana on floor) but it's just not reliable enough for me to use during a real match. It's a technique useful for when the opponent is close by so you can do an unexpected attack and then follow up with whatever (side aerial) but if you either don't throw or don't grab banana, you could get punished

EDIT: Though doing the AT for ledges is easier, many stages it has problems with. FD has no ledges, Frigate's are too high for banana to be usefully thrown, Delfino's are too high (i think), smashville's moves, etc etc.

Also also also, something i just thought of but have yet to test:

Can you AT but instead of throwing, drop banana by tapping z? This would work if opponent was under you, so you could just fall...

12 Pack

Smash Apprentice
Oct 7, 2008
I think the most useful application for this AT is when your off the edge if someone throws a banana at your you can instant throw it right back at them. Your opponent will not be expecting this. Its pretty easy to do you just have to work on the timing.


Smash Lord
Oct 14, 2008
EDIT: Though doing the AT for ledges is easier, many stages it has problems with. FD has no ledges, Frigate's are too high for banana to be usefully thrown, Delfino's are too high (i think), smashville's moves, etc etc.
I can see where you are coming from, and I agree, but only to some extent. When I brought this up I never intended this to be used all the time, but rather when the opportunity is presented (BF, Lylat). For other stages such as Delfino, I think it depends on which part of the stage you are on for this to work, so we just need to test. Stages like FD or anywhere we know we can't do it, then don't, play like we normally do. Smashville, I think may be arguable; I think everyone on this board jumps and Z-Catches the nanner off the moving platform, so with that being said, instant throwing is a possibility if not better because they won't see it coming even more.

Also also also, something i just thought of but have yet to test:

Can you AT but instead of throwing, drop banana by tapping z? This would work if opponent was under you, so you could just fall...
If you just want to drop it, Z-Catch then press Z again. In terms of instant throw, go back to my scenario where both characters are on the right side. Let's assume that instead of staying on the right side your opponent chases you and ends up under you. Then you can instant throw the nanner downward.

I hope this clears somet things up.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 12, 2008
Never knew about this. But now, I've already been able to use it nicly in some matches.


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Rainbow Cruise
Most common way me and ADHD use it (when we're dittoing at least) is when there's a banana on the ledge and we're on the ledge and we jump from the ledge and do it. Works well with Side-b > banana pluck


Smash Apprentice
Jun 17, 2006
SUNY Binghamton / Suffolk County, New York
Just a note to you guys:
I tried air dodge->grab->cancel->z drop, doesn't work. Instead of banana dropping, it is thrown forward as if "a" was pressed.

Yeah many times when im grabbing a ledge and theres a banana right by I will do this, but watching replays of myself i rarely do this when the banana is out in the open.
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