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Inklings side b is broken

Mr. Pacman

Smash Cadet
May 30, 2018
The fact that the move stuns you for long periods of time is broken. You could make the argument that Villager and and Krool have the same thing but no, Villagers usually doesn't stun you long enough to use a smash attack unless you're at a high percent and Krools doesn't stun you unless you're around the 50-60% mark. I recently fought against an inkling would relied on the move all too much and was just spamming it in desperation to get a kill. It may use up her ink faster but getting more ink is as easy as plucking Pikmin with Olimar and that's not an easy weakness to punish because it happens so fast. I'd say it needs a nerf so that the stun time is a lot shorter or that canceling out of it is a lot harder.


I have a YouTube channel.
Writing Team
Jan 30, 2008
The 90's
Switch FC
SW 1248 1677 4696
Have you tried jumping over it?


I have a YouTube channel.
Writing Team
Jan 30, 2008
The 90's
Switch FC
SW 1248 1677 4696
As some who is practicing with Snake, that's kinda hard to do when most his attacks work best on the ground.
Wait, you're using Snake and you're having a hard time punishing it? So, serious advice:

Snake's bair is fantastic. If an Inkling is abusing his sideB, just short hop over him and bair before he can cancel the animation. He'll stop, or he'll keep getting hit by it. His choice. Optionally, you and also short hop dair. Or lay a mine over his head and explode it. Or drop a cooked grenade and just jump away, let him run into it.

SideB isn't even Inkling's best move by a long shot. Someone using it over and over as an approach doesn't know how to play the character that well.


Best Smasher in North Pole
Dec 16, 2018
North Pole
Switch FC
I wont lie to you, I always feel like a big noob when I play against Inklings. That Side B always get me and even if I see it coming, my brain just glitch and I just to react to it and get destroyed.

Deleted member

As staindgrey said, jumping over Roller is usually the best response to it. not only that, but you can also shield it, and with characters like Snake, punish it with your grenades and aerials.

As someone who mains Inkling, I'll tell you right now that Roller is a bit overhyped: It's good, but it isn't broken IMO. It's predictable, and really only works if you catch someone off-guard. There are some good tells that Inklings will give if they're about to try to go into Roller, as most people (myself included) will try to use it as a punish move rather than an approaching tool.

Some examples would be:

  • Punish on ledge get up
  • Punish on shield or roll
  • Punish on landing
  • Punish on whiff
Other instances of when we'll Roller are out of Dash Dance and potentially out of regular dash if the Inkling uses their dash to dodge a projectile and gets in close enough to punish. Try to keep these strategies in mind whenever you go up against Inkling and practise trying to get reads and when Inkling is going to try one of these things. Also, keep an eye on your percent, as the higher you are, the more likely an Inkling is to try and go for Roller to get a kill with Up-Smash or Forward-Smash.
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Smash Apprentice
Jan 3, 2019
Honestly, I feel like people spamming the roller are the easiest Inklings to deal with.
Grab out of shield, short hop > whatever air is faster or just jump over it (I feel like the air attack out of shield is the safest option since it covers both Inkling jumping out of roller and keep side B)

Nothing you can do if you get caught by it at hight percentage sure but then, the problem is the same with other characters, not just inklings.

When I encounter an Inkling I always try to play really safe, mixing shield and spot dodge so the opponent can never be really sure of what I'm going to do.

What might make it sometimes broken is not really the move itself, it's more the online lag and input delay (online input delay I mean) which makes it hard to react. So you can get caught by it even when you see it coming.
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