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Ingulit's Video and Critique Thread (Updated 6/11/12)


Feb 29, 2008
Huntsville/Tuscaloosa, AL
I'll be posting my matches from tournaments that I go to, both that I win and those that I'd like critiqued here; and any and all help is appreciated. Matches I won have green titles, and matches I lost (and would really like critique on) are in red.

6/9/12 : HASL 3

I got 5th at this tournament, finally beating Spade (Marth/Falco, video soon) but losing to Kismet (Falco) and Cam (Pikachu, video soon).



Smash Lord
Jun 27, 2011
I don't think that :rob: player really knew the MU well, so I can't really judge that match, but if you do play one that does, remember you have to camp HARD. If :rob: throws you offstage, there's a really good chance you'll get gimped. You didn't have to camp that much playing this one, but from now on i'd keep that in mind.

Against kismet, he kinda just outplayed you. You should try working on making better reads and punishing his side b more. :falco: is a hard MU and if they know how to use bananas well (which Kismet appears to be really good with) you'll almost always have a hard time. I'd learn a couple infinite set ups. I find it easier to trap falco than most other characters (especially the side b ---> footstool one).

Against the :warioc: you were chasing him too much in the air. I wouldn't even bother chasing there because if he weaves around you (like he will 90% of the time) you get punished hard. Just catch his landing and rack up damage. Also, tell him to stop spamming the fsmash >:O


Smash Cadet
Sep 26, 2011
Nova Scotia
vs Kismet

- You spend a lot of time in your shield and kismet was able to better position himself to a range in which he could react and punish you hard. Additionally, this really wore down your shield, and although Diddy's shield is god-like, falco was able land some really punishing pokes (back air kill for example)

- As stated, Kismet has a great nanner game, consider when pulling/playing with 1 nanner may be better than playing with 2. Just an idea....

- I noticed a couple times when being juggled, or recovering from above, you would attempt to attack. Careful with this... use some patience, we aren't wario, and falco is a mean ****in' bird.

- Chaulk it up to nerves, but too many times I watch you try and punish a trip/missed tech and mistime the frames. Make sure to stay on point with this. No point rushing in and trying to combo on the last possible frame of the trip, and risk getting punished (get up attack), or missing out on a good tech chase opportunity. "Your will energy is getting low, watch that" Go for the tech chase, pull a nanner, or retreat to better stage position.

- Really gotta get on point with the power shielding of lasers. Racks up crazy damage, and the stun you receive allows kismet to poop on you. The more confident you are with dealing with lasers, the more you'll be able to keep your cool and set the pace. Falcos love forcing you to approach through a wall of super fast blue sperm, but don't be reckless.

- I think Utilt could be utilized a bit more in this MU. Amazing hit box, fast as ****, and can compete with a couple of falcos quicker approaches / combos. Ftilt also has longer frames I believe...? I could be talking out of my *** on this one, but I'm thinking this could be a safe and quick punish on a side-b read.

- Good job DI'ing jabs, and the spike at 3:30 was AMAZING. Meta game ****in' minute! lol
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