Pretty self explanatory. Not sure if it's been posted here before, but nothing showed up on Google. The code can be easily modified to support other players as well.
C206B824 00000006
7C0803A6 3CA08045
60A53130 80C50000
38C6002C 80A60000
38A51998 3CC04270
60C60000 90C50000
4E800020 00000000
7C0803A6 3CA08045
60A53130 80C50000
38C6002C 80A60000
38A51998 3CC04270
60C60000 90C50000
4E800020 00000000
mtlr 0
lis r5, 0x8045
ori r5, r5, 0x3130 ;Load the character entity data pointer
lwz r6, 0(r5) ;dereference the pointer
addi r6, r6, 0x2c ;Add the offset to the character data struct
lwz r5, 0(r6) ;dereference the pointer to the player character data
addi r5, r5, 0x1998 ;Add the offset to point to the shield size
lis r6, 0x4270
ori r6, r6, 0x0000 ;Load 60 into r6
stw r6, 0(r5) ;Permanently set the shield size to the value stored in r6