Smash Apprentice
By the very nature of Inductive reasoning you cannot find truth from it, you can get *close* but, never actual truth.
The Scientific method is based off of inductive reasoning in this case, making generalization from a specific event, this is the general basis of science.
Knowing this why do we put so much faith in The Hard Sciences?
^Debate Topic
*I am going to exclude physics for arguments sake since it has the possibility of being proved through math(truth)
(or is this to vague of a topic?)
The Scientific method is based off of inductive reasoning in this case, making generalization from a specific event, this is the general basis of science.
Knowing this why do we put so much faith in The Hard Sciences?
^Debate Topic
*I am going to exclude physics for arguments sake since it has the possibility of being proved through math(truth)
(or is this to vague of a topic?)