The Nintendo Indie World Showcase is now over. with the video available for those who missed it. The Among Us switch port stole the show, but quite a few games joined that.
- Available now
- Among Us
- Calico
- Grindstone - Console launch exclusive
- When the Past was Around
- December releases
- Super Meat Boy Forever [December 23, 2020] - Console launch exclusive
- 2021 Releases
- Cyber-Shadow [January 26, 2021] - Compatible with Shovel Knight amiibo
- Hazel Sky Game [March 2021]
- Kosmokrats [March 2021] - Timed console exclusive
- Hoa [April 2021]
- Tunche [March 2021]
- Fisti-fluffs [Early 2021]
- Gnosia [Early 2021]
- Very-Very Valet [Early 2021] - Timed exclusive for Switch
- Alba: A Wildlife Adventure [Spring 2021]
- Finding Paradise [Spring 2021]
- Happy Game [Spring 2021]
- Trash Sailors [Spring 2021]
- Spelunky [Summer 2021] - Local multiplayer
- Spelunky 2 [Summer 2021] - Local and online multiplayer